Weekend Writing Prompt

Is There a Fork in Your Road?

Decisions, decisions if you truly can’t decide, why not stop and pray to the only One True God. Try it, you might be surprised.

Who is the One True God? Who showed us how to carry our cross, who lived a life of humility. Who but God could rise from the dead, and no one, not even the Jews in His day denied it. Humility; fighting for Truth.

Inspired by https://weeklyprompts.com/2021/11/27/weekly-prompts-weekend-challenge-fork-in-the-road/

RFK Jr. Sends Out Urgent Message on the New World Order: “This Is Armageddon. This Is the Final Battle. We Need To Win” (VIDEO)

Just Because

My REPOST of the week on Targeted Traffic HOW TO

Found this in my email today, just passing it along to interested readers here.

“Get more targeted traffic from social media?

A deep dive to find all the patterns in social media influencers.

One thing that stuck out was they were all using a smart bio link.

You see most social media platforms limit you to only one link in your profile.

With a smarter bio link page, you can send traffic to multiple pages”

Click here to see how to!

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Instruction Booklet for the Machine

The haibun is the combination of two poems: a prose poem and haiku. The form was popularized by the 17th century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. Both the prose poem and haiku typically communicate with each other, though poets employ different strategies for this communication—some doing so subtly, while others are more direct.

Cracking America! They Try!
The machine will try, try again!
Let’s see how far hmmm, a virus=control!
“Peaceful protests” with stand-down orders.
Censorship, free speech is out!
The election begins; it’s Trump vs. the Machine.
Tra-la ♫… make it obvious, the cheating.
Importantly don’t hide the fraud; just deny it!
Drag the counting on and on, oh! the suspense,
Yes, yes, the anxiety too! Our perfect candidate,
He has no clue. One more ingredient, VISIBILITY!
Let them see our occult, overt activity.
Announce a winner! For a short time!
Little by little, remove this Victory!
It’s happening as the machine has planned.
Citizens, our plan, their anger, they reach for weapons.
The war begins, the machine celebrates!
A Civil War, the Crack! They THINK!

The Haiku

Hate crimes never win
Spoke too soon; now a surprise
Truth always rises


Eugi's Weekly

Try this, when the LEAVES BEGIN TO FALL!

BY -EUGENIA on  https://amanpan.com/2020/09/14/eugis-weekly-prompt-autumn-leaves-september-14-2020/

Frank J. Tassone https://frankjtassone.com/2020/09/13/haikai-challenge-156-9-13-20-new-coolness-shinryoo-haiku-senryu-haibun-tanka-haiga-renga/?blogsub=confirmed#blog_subscription-7

The Falling of the Leaves

The time is now! Why?
Because it’s time for a change;
Not an end! Instead
Time for skeleton leaves fun!
Now fun begins time is now.

Search the web for instructions

A “Share Your World” Post because

God is EVERYWHERE and or Ubiquitous (word of the day according to Fandango!)

Questions to answer according to Melanie Cee here at SYW

Four Questions

Must we have evidence to know the truth?

How much control does a person have over their life?

What is gravity and how does it work?

Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness? How about vice versa?

1. “Must we have evidence to know the truth?”


The Greatest Truth is, THERE IS A GOD! The evidence is there for anyone who loves the truth. The keywords are … LOVE OF TRUTH, because when you love the truth, God allows you to see that He sends you an error when you don’t.  “And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:” [2 Thessalonians 2:10]  

2. How much control does a person have over their life? (answer) When one abandons his will to the Will of God, we have complete control as well as peace of soul in our life. Prayer is the answer, God wants us to depend on Him, and so we should. When we pray, it is because we beg God; in other words, we rely on Him.  

3. What is gravity, and how does it work? (answer) The word “Gravity,” in the sense I use on this post, is the grounding of self to His commandments for starters. Some go wrong and make excuses to act on mistakes knowing they are the wrong choices; however, convinced God wants them to act on sin. Their life so far lived without little or no love for truth, belief in lies is their end—the devil dances.  (been there done that)

<——————♫ ♪


4. Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness? How about vice versa?

(answer)    Everyone that lives long enough will experience sadness, happiness, and everything in-between; also, everyone desires happiness. The only way to obtain satisfaction would be to acquire a desire for the Will of God. 



dVerse, poetry

How to Get Rich Fast

dVerse wants something SILLY, just turn on the DAILY NEWS!

It seems the whole world is SILLY!
A Plandemic, oops I mean Pandemic?
New dances like — Social Distancing, ♫♪
Sheltering in Place ♪ Quarantining the Healthy ♫
Don’t miss this tip
For what its worth,
Buy stock in toilet paper.
Get rich fast!

FFE, Word Prompts

How to be Happy, Healthy and Holy

Life, what is our purpose of being here? In today’s world, unfortunately, it means doing whatever we want.

If we are honest with ourselves and examine our conscience, we will admit the above idea does not bring us happiness, only unhappiness.
We are merely as the saying goes, “Barking up the wrong tree” or not looking in the right direction for peace of soul and happiness.
Humanity, for all times, is given Ten Commandments to follow: the influence of this world say they are only suggestions.

How is putting the Ten Commandments on the back burner working out for you? Do you know the


“Not doing well today, “Take a pill.” There are pills today for everything under the sun. Medicines to help your state of mind, pills to keep you awake or fall asleep. Some tablets help you lose weight, or cope as struggling through the day Etc. Etc.  Indeed!  Medicines are gifts of God, not to be abused or replaced with truth.  Ask and you shall find!  Remember in the end God gives us our desires as we lived them.

Could it POSSIBLY be that WE are BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE?  Realizing I have been there done that!

Ah! Another Challenge

Wolff Poetry Word Prompt #1

  1. Blur as defined a blurred condition; indistinctness:
  2.  A picture with a Tanka Poem


How to blur backgrounds
Photography can be fun
Captured hummingbird
He will never know the joy
Found forever our delight

Tags:  #Blur – Background – Flight – How to – Hummingbird – Wings

For more information try:


SoCS, true story

A “How to” story—Cement to Marble “magic”

My inspiration is having the means to accomplish this idea from Youtube and writing about it for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “mean(s), prompt, to join click here for rules.


Why haven’t I written this week on my blog? Because too busy; my energy was to design my cement in the basement. Yes, you read correctly; CEMENT! Create an area where the pellet stove is sitting on cement. Thinking I would go to Youtube for help on how to paint my cement to look like faux marble.
So many techniques are making me dizzy; I must have watched them all. Do this and then do that, but one thing they all said was to start with an immaculately clean floor.
Therefore; I vacuumed around the pellet stove, washed the floor, taped along the stove with painter tape, vacuumed again, rewashed the floor and started to follow some instructions. As this procedure began, I began to develop my technique taking an idea from one video or another as I went along. Tempted to record my own thoughts of “How to paint a cement floor in your basement looking like faux marble” but didn’t want to take the time to figure out how to upload a video, I just took a picture of my finished product.
Oh, one more point; when finished it was so slippery, like walking on ice with that last coat of sealer, so I had to put a second coat on with this stuff, called Anti-Skid Floor Texture Additive. It worked perfectly when applying you have to keep stirring this additive because it sinks down into the sealer, so stir, stir to keep it well distributed.
Most importantly, before I started I prayed and asked the Holy Ghost to guide my every move, and He did! I am happy with the results below.