
dVerse, Inspires every time

An invitation to write that memory you can’t forget, it’s Thanksgiving Season After All!!

My Memory in Haibun Poetry   OUCH!  Graitful it wasn't worse!

Thinking back, remembering Thanksgiving Day as a child, I was always excited to see my cousins. One particular Aunt and Uncle had ten children. However, sad to say only seven lived past infancy. The best day was when we all got together, all seven, plus my brother and me. We were very wild and would run, play, jump; one Thanksgiving Day, I accidentally tripped while working up an appetite for the great Feast that was about to begin. I was running with all the gusto within me.
I did not like what I bit into that Thanksgiving Day; it was my tongue. Next came the brightly colored blood everywhere. Next, I remember being taken into the bathroom with several “big” people trying to stop the blood and tears.
Ahh! Memories! I know now that events end but memories last forever; I am living proof at 81 years old, I still wear the scar.

Best bite ever, not!
Impossible to forget
Holidays are here
