Carrot Ranch

Short Story to Rouse your Imagination

Across the Water

Arriving finally at the shore of a large lake, the children were excited. “We can see all the way across the water,” they said!
“Look, see that home. It looks so tall and scary.”

“There is a footpath, and we can walk all around the lake to the other side; what an adventure. We will pack a lunch and go tomorrow.”

They followed the path the next day; within a few hours, they were in front of that large home, now looking across the water to where they came.

“Look! Across the water, there is that scary house again!”

#writephoto, Photo Challenge

The Angry Rock #writephoto

The Angry Rock

An Angry Rock was sitting there all alone, and I wondered how did it get there?  How does anything or anyone get where we are?  I thought. 

It all began one fine afternoon, exploring while on a needed respite from work. I came across a path, a little rough, enough to be thankful for the hiking boots I wore. As I hiked closer to this towering boulder, my curiosity stirred my imagination; I hoped it would not choose this time to wobble as I so desired to see what was on the other side of the bending road ahead.  

As I got under the dark statue-like figure above, it appeared to have a face, shouting, “Who goes there?” Do I dare to continue?

Would you?
