
This Being Human — Poetry inspired by dVerse

The challenge is to write a metaphor poem that starts with the words ‘This being human “ dVerse

This being human is to me.
Many are, all called few chosen.
With God’s saving grace, dream to find.

Be not presumptuous but hope.
That city with many mansions
Will there be, I hope, one for me?

This being human, yes, a chance.
That city above reaches high.
Brimming with love for you and I.

The only way, one way, He said!
Being human means lasting joy
He paid the price, and now it’s free.

Word Prompts

Try It! You’ll Like It!



Don’t start your day without saying, Thank You to God!
He and He alone opened the gates of Heaven for those who accept His sacrifice. For those who do not accept Him; pray for them for as long as they have breath, God is not done with them yet.

Just thinking of the temporal things we enjoy is more reason to say, “Thank You!”
I am grateful for my Traditional Catholic Faith, family, friends, and even those I don’t agree with, for they teach me patience and make me stronger.

We all have so little time, compared to eternity (forever), be thankful for the time given. When I am grateful, I notice, the more I ask, the more I am given.

Try it!


poetry, Word Prompts

Worth waiting for in POETRY

Let’s have a look-see at the paint chips because its time to paint,  our CHIPS can be viewed below.



Pining away thoughts of future
Reflection through a looking glass.
The other side of life appeared.

Seeing Heaven a perfect place
Worth waiting for STOP return, don’t
Look back— forget Disco fever!

Seek toward that field of poppies
A nursery, tulips in spring
Follow the scent of sweet Iris.

dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts


Here we are again; time to paint a little, our PAINT CHIPS can be viewed below.


Where is Heaven? Immortal,
As an Aloe Vera plant!
Hidden — a total eclipse.
Where is this place we wonder
Wishful key to happiness!

Visualize the sunset
Looking at the Orion!
We rest near a calm marine.
Dreams of angels rolling out
That red carpet for winners!

Sorrowful tearful eyes seek
Cliff dwellings to hide within —
Lost their key to happiness,
Do they continually
Meditate where Heaven is?

linked to dVerse

Share your World

My Truth and One Meatball song


    Thanks to Melanie B Cee for the inspiration, questions/prompt

She asks

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? If you don’t think Heaven nor God exists, you might want to answer by saying something outrageous, just for fun!
Anyone reading my posts here knows that I believe that God exists along with Heaven, Hell, Limbo, and Purgatory.   After “time” is no longer, I think that there will only be Heaven and Hell. If I should be so graced, I imagine St. Peter might say; “you had us worried a few times, but you made it.’

The lowest depth of misery would be if I don’t make it; spending eternity among others surrounded by hate, since there is no love in Hell, whatsoever.

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
Arriving at my destination without causing an accident, and that’s the truth.

How would you rate your memory?
For my age, I think my memory is about average, except when I can’t find where I put my keys. It always happens when I am in a hurry.

What’s one song that always cheers you up, no matter how blue you’re feeling? 

I have two of them guaranteed to make you smile.  Hope you will give a listen, your kids if you have any at home will also LOL!


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Caution Slippery when wet—Ragtag

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP


Life is treacherous and slippery, know this fact. Also, remember that God is our friend, not our enemy.
If we are to have a chance at heaven, we must run the risk of hell. God’s eternal knowledge does not destroy our freedom.  He is God and we are His creatures, humans with an immortal soul; we can win heaven, the divine life with Him forever, or we can start our hell right here on earth with wrong choices.
Love of God is never forced, He created us all free, our love for Him is given freely, love is a gift. St. Thomas says, “slamming the door on His love, we open the door to His justice.”
Don’t SLIP up! Start with prayer, which is merely talking to God, essential to ask Him for forgiveness and help not to slip up again.

There is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future.
Saint Augustine

dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

My Quadrille for dVerse

dVerse Quadrille with the prompt word EARTH!

Friends/foe don’t agree
especially with me.
Some even say earth is flat
something like a placemat.
Some insist the earth is round
with speech that is profound.
When I get to heaven
I’ll let you know as sure as 1 + 6 are seven!


Join the fun!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

#Tanka Poetry Challenges

In keeping with the religious theme of my blog.  While taking up the challenge of the two prompt words this week “Green” and “Patience” using their SYNONYMS ONLY; it was so much fun I decided to post not one but two Tanka poems for this week of Colleen’s challenge.  My prompt words camouflaged with their synonyms are Italicized.


Rivers of sweet tea
Cotten Candy yielding clouds
God’s Will to share this
Lollypop bliss flourishing!
Unicorns winking at me




Sprouting forgiveness
Missing it – perceived it not
Never offend Him?
Proud soul no humility
Ever woefully wretched



Colleens Weekly Poetry


A PIOUS BELIEF Things Watery

THINGS WATERY my contribution; a reblog of my post on January 20.
This idea of “things watery” reminds me of a pious little story presented here below:

Here is a little story, I am sure many of you, especially those who attended Catholic Schools back in the 40’s – 50’s have heard.

One happy, perfect day in heaven it was decided a contest was in the making for the angels. The rules were they would fly down to earth and find a gift for the Baby Jesus. Whosoever would find the best gift was the winner.

Anxious as they all were they polished their wings and got ready to take off, “Get ready, get set, and GO!” Wings started to flutter; it seems a hurricane entered heaven.

Landing deep within a lush rural forest one such angel found the most beautiful flower, with a luxurious fragrance that seemed to fill the entire forest.

Another angel witnessed the birth of a perfect child with lovely thick locks of hair that seemed to cover its entire head. So the angel just clipped only one to take back to heaven.

Several angels brought back nuggets of pure gold and silver, while still, others found gems that shone like the sun. While others even captured the golden rays from the sun, wrapped them up in glistening threads and carried them back to heaven.

One little angel left with nothing to bring since it seemed that everything already was presented to the new-born King.

The little angel wandered around with his wings held down, still looking, never giving up. Suddenly upon passing a Church, the angel heard some sobbing, stopping to listen through the walls, angels can do that you already know, he heard and saw a human crying in the confessional with tears rolling down their cheeks. The angel also started to tear up. The little angel carefully and very gently lifted but one tear and quickly brought it to the Baby Jesus.

Can you guess what treasure that the King was pleased after seeing all the found riches?

Yes, you are correct.

End of the story