Try something NEW; a Monoku

Eugenia …. suggests a Monoku a type of poem which is made up of a single horizontal line. Traditionally considered as a haiku writing, it is currently accepted as a variant of the haiku form of poetry. Monoku emerged as an independent style of poetry in the 1970s.

Unlike the Haiku which is made up of three outlines with a total of seventeen syllables, Monoku features a single line consisting of seventeen syllables or even fewer.

It contains a pause brought about by speech rhythm with slight or no punctuation. The first letter should not be capitalized – but instead written in lower case.


I’ll try the above form written for WDYS click here to join

Prompt image below

peek-a-boo I love you but you know I do so true I do — I do


Man Plans, and God Laughs!

Question from #FPQ and it is related to his #FOWC prompt word “HELP” at least in my mind. Click here for more details.

Fandango asks! Hmmmm!

“Given the matter how much control we have over our own lives, my provocative question this week is…
Looking at your own situation, how much of your life is formed by things that are outside of your control versus things that are within your control? Please elaborate to the extent you feel comfortable.”


I live according to this adage, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” Not to say I don’t plan, I do. Every day while sipping my coffee, I talk to God, not a formal prayer, just talk. I plan my day and end it with, “according to your Will, not mine.” Sometimes I beg, knowing that He is in charge, and of course, I always (try) depend on His HELP!

So far, looking back on my life (soon to be 82). It has been about as good as it gets — with many complications and snags. The worse of my years was between 1969 – 1982. Those were the years I did not depend on God’s HELP! I even doubted the existence of God. Like so many other Catholics, I was led right out of the Church into a new modern way of thinking. (Novus Ordo=Vatican II)

I realize I am getting away from the provocative question, so back on track, I will end by saying I now know that nothing of my life is under my control, except my daily prayer for HELP! I learned the hard way when my dependence on God was on the back burner; everything was chaos. The horror of it was, I didn’t know how disordered my life was; I only knew I was not at peace.

Prayer will always OBVIATE despair.


dVerse made me do it!

“Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)

Now for the Quadrille . . . . counting 1 -2- 3 —-44 words

Sorry folks, the word “way” made me post today!
It’s all about love, you see, love is always the way!
The way to peace is through Love; It’s in the will!
Stop! Whatever, please don’t take another pill!
Choose happiness; wish someone Happy Birthday!


Weekend Writing Prompt


Have you ever had an angel encounter; I have! But SURPRISE, that is not what this blog post is about.

It is about being HAPPY; I am a very happy old lady, going downhill and happy about that, thinking this may be my last Christmas. (or maybe not) lived a happy childhood, a happy marriage, and I know why I was born in the first place. Made a lot of mistakes, more than I can count — told God I was sorry. That was a peaceful, happy feeling!

The best part of this blog is below, please continue to read.

A few days ago, I found this video about an angel story, it’s not very long, under 10 minutes, but the really happy part is the story, yes—but reading the comments. Since watching this video, I have gone back just to finish reading the comments because they wrought so much happiness within my soul.
Not only will you feel beyond happy just knowing, but you will also thrive in hope too!


A “Share Your World” Post because

God is EVERYWHERE and or Ubiquitous (word of the day according to Fandango!)

Questions to answer according to Melanie Cee here at SYW

Four Questions

Must we have evidence to know the truth?

How much control does a person have over their life?

What is gravity and how does it work?

Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness? How about vice versa?

1. “Must we have evidence to know the truth?”


The Greatest Truth is, THERE IS A GOD! The evidence is there for anyone who loves the truth. The keywords are … LOVE OF TRUTH, because when you love the truth, God allows you to see that He sends you an error when you don’t.  “And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:” [2 Thessalonians 2:10]  

2. How much control does a person have over their life? (answer) When one abandons his will to the Will of God, we have complete control as well as peace of soul in our life. Prayer is the answer, God wants us to depend on Him, and so we should. When we pray, it is because we beg God; in other words, we rely on Him.  

3. What is gravity, and how does it work? (answer) The word “Gravity,” in the sense I use on this post, is the grounding of self to His commandments for starters. Some go wrong and make excuses to act on mistakes knowing they are the wrong choices; however, convinced God wants them to act on sin. Their life so far lived without little or no love for truth, belief in lies is their end—the devil dances.  (been there done that)

<——————♫ ♪


4. Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness? How about vice versa?

(answer)    Everyone that lives long enough will experience sadness, happiness, and everything in-between; also, everyone desires happiness. The only way to obtain satisfaction would be to acquire a desire for the Will of God. 



dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts


Here we are again; time to paint a little, our PAINT CHIPS can be viewed below.


Where is Heaven? Immortal,
As an Aloe Vera plant!
Hidden — a total eclipse.
Where is this place we wonder
Wishful key to happiness!

Visualize the sunset
Looking at the Orion!
We rest near a calm marine.
Dreams of angels rolling out
That red carpet for winners!

Sorrowful tearful eyes seek
Cliff dwellings to hide within —
Lost their key to happiness,
Do they continually
Meditate where Heaven is?

linked to dVerse

Ah! Another Challenge, Share your World

Questions with Answers … thoughts

My SYW POST for Share Your World
The questions with answers

Why do we seem to respect the dead more than the living?
I believe it is because after a person has died, we see all that was good in them, whatever deeds in life negative, forgotten.
The goal for all; to save our immortal souls, there is a life beyond this life! We respect the dead because we have hope that they died in God’s grace and have achieved their goal.

Why is beauty associated with morality? Or not?
Having physical beauty is a grave temptation, and especially today, many are weak and fall for the superficial comments they hear from others. A beautiful woman attracts attention, and often it is attention from the wrong person. Mothers train your daughters to be humble, modest, and ladylike.

Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?
I think the emotions wrought from gadgets are different; they are there but not as genuine as natural emotions.

Is there a perfect life? What’s your version of an ideal experience if you care to share? A perfect life is doing the Will of God for that is the only possibility that will bring you happiness and peace of mind. Many will say; what is the Will of God? Begin with knowing the Ten Commandments and pray daily for the grace of discernment. “Ask, and you shall receive.” Most importantly, when we experience the failures, disappointments we should unite them with the life of Christ, that always helps.
The perfect life is if we save our soul, there is only one tragedy in life, that is when we lose our soul. If you put popularity ahead of God’s Will you are heading in the wrong direction, most of the time the majority is on the wrong side. Human respect is an evil.

“Human respect is excessive regard for the opinions or esteem of other men. … Concern for the opinion of others may lead one to act against moral principles and thus to do evil in order to gain the esteem of others.”

I am grateful always when I look back at my life, (now aged 79) my digresses straying away from God, offending Him, my mortal sins, still He kept me from dying in my sins. I was led out of my Faith, into a conciliar form of religion. Ecumenical in nature, forgetting the First Commandment, everything I learned was put on the back burner.
I am grateful I finally found my home again, the Traditional Faith.

Thank you SYW for the opportunity to share!

Ah! Another Challenge, true story


For the Traditional Catholic such as myself, we take Holy Week serious, as should all those who think of themselves as Christians, and everyone concerned about life beyond this one. Because of this being Holy Week I will not be posting very much, perhaps here and there depending on if and when inspirations come my way. Please continue to read this short post for a little story below.

Check this story out don’t CLICK OFF or run away; it is not religious; however, it can be. Last week I was indulging in one of those old classic black and white movies found on Youtube. One of the characters is speaking, while discussing with another mentions his philosophy, and I adopted it for my secular philosophy as well. However, when you think about it long enough, it flows from this world our earthly life to the spiritual where we find everlasting happiness.


The character and the entire theme of this comical vintage movie is based on these words;

“I want to be happy, but I can’t be happy unless I make you happy too!”

I like that philosophy; I wonder if anyone would take the challenge and think about what your philosophy is.

Share it if you will here on WordPress.  Sort of a Share your World to borrow the fantastic words of others here on WordPress.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

“Life” Tanka Poetry — Challenge

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Dignity and Success” my choice was “Grace and Happiness” –


JourneyStop! Listen His words
happiness yours follow Me
grace-filled life waiting
your Will for me ← I wonder
you have prepared hitherto