Photo Challenge

A Life Determined to Live Again

Oddly Squared images

This strange picture is nearby my home where I pass it almost daily. A Pine tree that has a strong will to live, reminds me of The Resurrection. To Live Again!

I squared it for the challenge of odd images for the month of February, the only rule is it must be squared. Along with a 6 word title to satisfy 6 word lovers out there.

A little haiku to go with the prompt

One lonely Pine Tree
Determination it speaks
Cut me down; Not I!

Go Dog Go Cafe, poetry

Where are you?

Haibun Wednesday at Go Dog Go Cafe.

One distinguishing characteristic of getting old might be for you, as it is for me; looking back in time!
One might compare the encounter as sitting down, relaxing, picking up where you left off while wandering through the pages of  "Been there, done that."  Also known as memories that belong only to me!
One such memory was during Christmas, as a small child after the gifts were opened, wrappings put away, sitting under the Christmas tree with my gifts piled on my lap, thinking I was the richest girl in the world.  I had a board game, a doll, and a few other trinkets.  Looking at the baby Jesus display next to me, thanking Him, I was so happy; I still remember how true happiness felt that Christmas day.

Time has past — Christmas
noteworthy but disappeared
My doll where are you?

dVerse, Inspires every time

An invitation to write that memory you can’t forget, it’s Thanksgiving Season After All!!

My Memory in Haibun Poetry   OUCH!  Graitful it wasn't worse!

Thinking back, remembering Thanksgiving Day as a child, I was always excited to see my cousins. One particular Aunt and Uncle had ten children. However, sad to say only seven lived past infancy. The best day was when we all got together, all seven, plus my brother and me. We were very wild and would run, play, jump; one Thanksgiving Day, I accidentally tripped while working up an appetite for the great Feast that was about to begin. I was running with all the gusto within me.
I did not like what I bit into that Thanksgiving Day; it was my tongue. Next came the brightly colored blood everywhere. Next, I remember being taken into the bathroom with several “big” people trying to stop the blood and tears.
Ahh! Memories! I know now that events end but memories last forever; I am living proof at 81 years old, I still wear the scar.

Best bite ever, not!
Impossible to forget
Holidays are here


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

What is an Alphabet Haiku?

Today my challenge was to try something DIFFERENT. Again thinking about the Tanka Tuesday Challenge, Colleen suggested we use a form from Poets Collective, the link can be found on Colleen invitation page to participate here —> TankaT uesday

There on Poets Collective I took this challenge of writing in the form of Alphabet Haiku a Modern haiku form created by Beatrice Evans, aka Ronnica at AllpoetryIt requires only strict 5 7 5 syllable construction with all words beginning with the same letter.

The words to use synonyms only are Sanctuary and Follow.

Sense security
Seek shelter start speedily
Select search — support

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Hidden from the Blind

Today on Tanka Tuesday, not limited to only Tanka Poetry, we are challenged to use the below haiku to inspire us. Let Sue Vincent be our theme; Sue is ONE OF OUR MANY FABULOUS BLOGGERS HERE.

clouds cover the moon,
beyond dawn's pale horizon
sun rises unseen

©2020 Sue Vincent

Thank you for reading my interpretation below:

Appears to be dark

Today — hidden from the blind

Contemplation, hope

A Haiku

Ah! Another Challenge, Politics

Beware Blabbers AHEAD!

Down by the river
I heard these politicians
Blah blah who listened

This week, we are to write the haikai poem of our choice (haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, haiga, renga, etc.) that states or alludes to either Fall foliage or goose (kari)–or both, if we feel so inclined! Challenge Here

dVerse, poetry

Moonshine … anyone?

dVerse says …

Let’s get a little luny

Mother Nature about to deliver — TODAY!
Labor pangs travail wind howling in pain!
Mother Earth speaks through the long nights.
Bringing forth recovered life, never aborted.
Life continues to shift, and leaves fall, rain dances.
Cold disturbs the heat, but look at the moon!
The moon so polished, large, and gleaming, we wonder!
From here to eternity, it shimmers, from my house to yours.

One more gift from God
That glow; it never burns out
Vigilant night eye!

Inspired by

Frank J. Tassone

poetry, Word Prompts

A Paint Chip Haibun

Look and See Beautiful PAINT CHIPS, let’s all write a poem.

A Haibun with Haiku

I wonder from all the different types
of Hydrangea, my grandma’s hydrangeas
are best. Look, see her lime hydrangea
like a key lime pie, the smell. A fragrance so
sweet, mystical, not overpowering.
Today, however, no lime pie. Let’s settle
for a banana split. Our gratitude for that
will be overpowering for sure.  After all, it

runs in the family!

From heaven above
Flowers falling down to earth
Thank you for the scent