Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Haibun of Perpetual Flowers with Haiku

A Halo!

A Favorite white rose, living now, a flower!
Combine that thought with mystery of today; hidden, a secret of the rosary!  The Coronation!
Imagine the Mother of God forever crowned as Queen; no! Not ...
 a crown made with yellow gold; we call precious metal.  Think —a sweet fragrance saturating the air with several white vivid roses all aglow and strung together in the form of a crown — a crown of perpetual flowers that will never die.  

Glory of a rose
Enduring everlasting
A Crown for our Queen
God’s Masterpiece

dVerse, poetry

My Parade of Poems — Vintage Baltimore Catechism

My parade of poems is based and inspired by The Baltimore Catechism. Catholics born before the Modern changes in the Vatican (approx. 1960) will remember learning their catechism from these text books.

One day not very long ago, (last week) I was thinking of the Haiku, a form of poetry that is popular here on WordPress and fun to write. Thinking of a theme, why not The Baltimore Catechism!

I thank dVerse along with other experts as Tanks Tuesday with Colleen for introducing several forms of poetry to me, now; in my advanced senior years. Not sure if she will approve an entire parade of Haiku’s or are they Senryu forms? Whatever! But as I said, inspired by the Baltimore Catechism … here is my parade.

Ta Da ♫
Haiku number 1
Created by God
Purpose to Know, Love, and Serve
Eternity Waits

Haiku number 2
Trinity One God
Creation — Angels their fall
Sin entered the world

Haiku number 3 
Forbidden by God
Willfully crime against Him
Beg daily prayer 

Number 4  
Help!  Saviour needed
Jesus born — dies to save us
Grace a gift from God

Number 5  
Faith, Hope, Charity
Virtues Gifts ours to receive
Third Person awaits

Number 6
Peace of soul to win
Treasures realized are yours
Mission accomplished

Number 7
Be smart do your part
All you have to do is ask
Think Pascal's wager

dVerse, poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Written for Tanka Tuesday, on Wednesday

Added this to dVerse Open Link April 15 + Hope you like it!

THE challenge is to use synonyms only for the words


I tried two forms with the same theme;  first, the butterfly cinquain
a nine-line syllabic form with the pattern two, four, six, eight, two, eight, six, four, two.
The second form is a traditional Haiku with the 
syllabic structure of 5-7-5

Seek find
In God we trust
It all depends on you
A vast world today is absent
look around beyond the hidden
See the invisible
Explore you must
Seek find

Beyond the hidden
Explore the invisible
A world of absence

Inspired by

Too, too Tired! A Haibun with Haiku

Just to create conditions that something did happen a long time ago. A memory to awaken according to dVerse at … click here for more information, CLICK!

Going back in time is something expected as one age. This memory always comes to mind when I do this exercise, and I have often recalled it.
I could barely walk; therefore, I must have been about 24 months.
Knowing I couldn’t have been more than three. I remember walking outside with my mother and her lady-friend. I remember sitting down on the sidewalk and sitting there, sitting there.
My mother refused to pick me up; she kept coaching me to get up. After a few moments went by, but it seemed to me at that time a very long time. She started to walk ahead with her lady friend, leaving me to sit there.
Now that I am grown, I imagine she said something like this, “okay, just sit there, but I am going home.” The picture in my memory is; it seems as if she is far, far away; I am frightened — she left me!
I would not get up to run to her since she seemed an eternity away.
I can still see how tiny both she and her lady-friend were because they were so far away in my mind’s eyes.
In reality, they were only about 50 feet from me, and I know this because my mother would have never left me!

Stubborn baby girl
Take my hand — up little one
Too tired, mama dear!


dVerse IS BACK!

For dVerse where we are asked to write a Haibun about a new beginning a first!

Writing not one but four, and this will be my fifth post today, that is a first for me.

Another new beginning I recently experience was moving from my large three bedrooms, three-story home into my converted basement into what I call my cozy cave. (bottom story)

Why the move? Its been eight years since my beloved husband passed, and my six children have long left the nest. My life is in the state of the reverse; in other words, the children I cared for will now care for me.

Now that the packing and sorting out “stuff” is over, finding places for my keepsakes here in my cozy cave was challenging but fun.

I bet you wonder who is living upstairs? Two doggies, one cat, two lovely children (girls), and their mother, my daughter.

Alone, no! Not I
Noise yes!—Quietly! Snowfalls
Float toward the goal