Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Just a simple poem!

What I love about WordPress is fun prompts for inspiration.

Loving Tradition as I do, I chose a Tanka  Haiku Senryu syllable count of 5-7-5; three lines.  The prompt word is MAP/MAPS, short and simple my creation below:  MAPS


GPS is in
Latitude and Longitude
Maps today are out


poetry, Word Prompts

Just a Silly Story …

… about a child, dogs, a walk, dreams, and Haibun/Haiku poetry.

I PROMISE to make use of the Paint Chip Challenge. 


“Yes, mom, I PROMISE to take the dogs on a long walk today.”
And so we started; while walking through the rolling hills of our property with my two dogs, Rusty and Sparkle. We discovered this cave that wasn’t there yesterday; it had a metal door, reminded me of our refrigerator, looked like brushed aluminum; I naturally yelled aloud, “OPEN SESAME.”
Screech — clatter — CLANG! Oh! The sound of the metal scraping against the rocky ground. Peering into the brightly lit cave with walls covered in Lapis lazuli stones and that sweet smell of honey, I thought I died and went to Heaven.
Instead, I suddenly sat up in bed, smelling mom, making honey cakes in the kitchen.

What could be better
Colorful dreams — honey cakes
Gemstones and spooky!

dVerse, poetry

dVerse Haiku Sequence a Poem!

dVerse inspired

Is That You, Lord!

Passing by the Church
Come! a voice seemed to whisper
Me myself with God!

Tiptoeing alone
Pausing at giant statues                                    Image1
Walking to and fro.

Faces fixed in place
I can almost hear them speak
staring long enough.

Candles flickering
Shadows dancing; is that You?
Marbled eyes peering!

poetry, Word Prompts

Sea Serpents and Mermaids

Paint Chip Poetry the rage; will you take the dare? Clickhere!


When I was little, I had a potpourri of Old Leather boots, past on to me by my big sister. As time went on, her euphoria was all about the color yellow! As in a Turmeric flower, bright yellow pennies, even the bright yellow of the Lazy Lizard.
How silly she is, me, I’ll stick with my dreams of Sea Serpents and Mermaids.

Hand me down treasure
Precious keepsake fun to take
Eyeing her new stuff

Mindlovesmisery's, poetry

Opposites do Attract

OPPOSITES ATTRACT This challenge is all about “opposing forces” and the use of antithesis in our writing. Our words this week are:

– ascend and descend

– hope and despair

My post in the form of a Haibun with Haiku

God indeed works in mysterious ways. Take life as an example. There are those people who are their best when they are at their lowest; in other words, they seem to sink or descend to the lowest point before rising to ascend to great heights. That is the way of life, and even God Himself fell three times when He carried His Cross before He rose. He never despaired, but hoped for our salvation.  

All called to follow

Up down, to and fro we go

Heaven is our goal


Paint Chip Poetry, a Haibun of Inspiration


Poetry?  Perhaps a Haibun with Haiku!

What inspires? Listen carefully as the song, America the Beautiful, inspired by purple mountain majesties. Our imagination, too, is kindling for a vision. Pray for a monsoon of grace, an epiphany, imagine drinking hot cocoa while pondering the unknown. So much still to discover, as Adam and Eve found the fig leaf, you to can find. Something is there waiting for you so away with the fake rubber ducky, away with the cheese puffs, say hello to wine and sweet dessert, time to explore your mind, and unearth your hidden talent.

Good-bye to ducky
Discover wine and dining
Dig up your talent


Paint Chip Poetry here





dVerse, poetry

The Day the Sun Danced inspired by dVerse

A Quadrille — In the Haibun, Haiku style — just 44 words


The Day the Sun Danced

A story to tell; so true!
Witnessed by 70,000 just like you.
Easy to believe in a big bang theory,
extraterrestrial, or silly green deal.
Imagine, the sun so high
Did actually fly!

God ordered the sun
The year 1917
To dance! Fatima



Verify story here: https://www.livescience.com/29290-fatima-miracle.html

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poem about Poetry—Haibun, Haiku

Below composed please find Haibun with Haiku about Poetry in general, “A Poem about Poetry.”

Inspired by the ever-popular Colleen Chesbro.  Linking to dVerse Open Link Night.




Like snowflakes
similar but not alike
a sea of countless forms —
poetry is the topic of discussion.

Cinquain to – Sonnet, Shadorma to Senryu
forget not the Etheree or Tanka —
Haibun, Haiga, and Haiku to Limerick.
Oops! What about nine lines of the Nonet.

Hopping! Now to rhyming — certain selected, yet,
the fun begins with creating the rhythms.
Syllable counting, meters, beats, and patterns.
Oh my!

Let go, turn the key to on
Animate within


Supernatural Reality

Saturday Mix of the Natural/Supernatural

The shadow of the moon danced on the lake.

Morphing of the shadow as the light of the moon penetrated through branches; the reaching arms gracefully unveiling its ballet to a full moon.
A moon suspended high beyond its genius of design, a living greeting card.

The priest that morning at the sacrifice of the Mass, held the host high above his head, again a change; the bread of earth-penetrating God’s enlightenment is unveiling bread from heaven.

Natural meeting
Of the Supernatural
Morphing night and day



The Prompt

My words of Today — “MY BAD”

Just saying “My Bad” is not good enough.
The battle is between good and evil, and the prize is your soul.
Know this; you can not win this struggle on your genius alone no matter how skillful you are. When we stand before God, saying “Oooops” will not be good enough.

This morning while praying my prayers I realized something, now you can dismiss it, after all, who am I to advise anyone; and you are right to think that, I am no one in particular. For those who are curious and want to read my adventure, however for what it is worth, it is simply this:
“Ask, and you shall receive” means we must ask God to win this battle for us, ask Him to be at our side and FIGHT this war for us. He gave us a guardian angel, believe it or not, thank Him for that, but mainly we must merely ask Him to battle for us.

If you say, I don’t believe in God; do it anyway, “Ask, and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7;7)
Try this daily, a comfortable little prayer in poetry.

The battle begins
One True God stands at my side
because I ask Him

Have confidence, and I will meet you on the other side someday.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

An Early Christmas with Haibun Poetry

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “pleasant and read” look for the synonym underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

Mother most amiable; just one of the salutations of Mary, the Mother of God; explained within the Litany of Loreto.
The Bible gathers our understanding contained within the pages of Luke chapter 1; her soul magnifies the Lord, the more we honor her, the more we will be embellished with grace to love her Son, Jesus Christ. She is, after all, God’s gracious Masterpiece of creation because she was created to be A LIVING TABERNACLE, His shelter for nine months. Nothing dishonored can be The Vessel that carries God. EVER!

Litany of Love
understanding of a truth
ponder — why fight it?



dVerse, poetry, true story

Tradition + Haibun Poetry just for YOU!

My Haibun for dVerse

Once Upon Tradition, we discovered that Truth and Humility are very similar in the fact that humility, among other definitions, is acceptance of Truth. Without humility, we cannot win heaven. Because If humility is missing, PRIDE is present.
Just think, it is very straightforward! God can only create goodness, and the angels when created were untainted. However tradition explains, God who knows all things, foretold to His angels that He would also create a nature with a lower essence than His angels. God continued to educate the angels of His plan, but many of them objected to giving one particular woman her proper place. “I will not serve.” The idea that a mere woman would be so privileged, blessed and recognized as to carry God within her human body.

Luke chapter 1; verse 48 “All generations shall call me BLESSED.”

At that moment in time Pride was born into existence, many angels fell.
Pride originated; deception appeared. The fallen then showing Adam and Eve how pleasant Pride looks, Eve accepted the bait while exercising free will thus; giving a new twist on that phrase, “The right to choose.”

Freewill — right to choose
angels, devils, good, evil
humility, pride



dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

dVerse desires CHANGE today!

Learning someone in your circle has that dreaded “C” word, it seems like an eternity until you know all the details; fear and waiting patiently. The day has come when we realize what love is. Our special person and life isn’t a life without them. A change is about to take place surreal as in numbing. We begin to bargain with God; if I change dear God, will you then answer my plea? Whatever can I do, oh God, to change your mind?
This can’t be happening, not now, not today; not ever!

We all know the day
might come — letting go— endure
resign to His Will



Daily Spur, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Dance the Masquerade

Apologizing for telling the truth in our society is a sequelae of liberalism.
Examining the actions of those on the left, proves those on the right are


Here is our fight:
Paid puppets
licking the blood of innocent babies.
Sightless who can no longer see; living in darkness;
are we boys or girls they question, animals or human.
Yet, they want all to follow, the blind leading
as they dance with the devil!

Dance the masquerade
The pretense of joy —Oh Boy!
Tomorrow; the tears

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Poetry can be a Bleeding Heart

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Fall and Try”the synonym is underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

What is life about
except for God’s Will; we slip
and struggle through it!



poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Purpose of Life

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen’s Challenge Tanka Poetry; her instruction is to use the synonyms for the words “Plan and Finish” the numerous synonyms are underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

My Haibun and Haiku or Senyru below:

Most Sashay through life without giving little thought to the end.
Time, also known as the world; more than breath, less than an illusion.
God’s design is all in all. We desire yet wonder what we yearn.

Purpose of life be
Happy in eternity
Know Love and Serve God




Ask, and it shall be given you:
seek, and you shall find:
knock, and it shall be opened to you.”

poetry, Ronovan Writes

The Supernatural in Haiku

Today I took the challenge RonovanWrites offers, the prompt words are two; Steam and Cover, immediately looking up the synonyms my Haiku was formed.  Synonym for “Steam” I used “Energy” …

His instructions follow:  Haiku is:
Four things to remember:

You have three lines of poetry.
17 total syllables, some say sounds, in the 5/7/5 pattern.
You normally tell two opposite images in the poem.
Lines one and two should read as a complete sentence and lines two and three should read as a complete sentence.
Notice the word normally. You can have the poem be about aspects of the same thing, but normally you look at it from to different ways.

My contribution to RonovanWrites challenge follows:

The Shroud of Turin
Covering Body of Christ
Energy unleashed

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro, Word Prompts

YET! — poetry in Haibun

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Change and Defy” The numerous synonyms will be underlined.
To join our fun please click here and jump right in.


My sojourn day by day, as time goes by, noticing that black is white and white, is now black. Life is altered, modified, and turned from winter to spring in lightning speed. Exchange can be good but just when I think I heard it all, the next day I am blown away by another adverse enlightenment.
My only reaction is to disregard, resist and dare to say NO!

The devil can cheer
near our habits, since he is
not inside our will!




My Haiku above a rephrase of Padre Pio’s quote below:

“healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience since this shows that he is not inside your will.”
― Padre Pio