
What in the world is it?

dVerse has come up with something different so what is it?   Also, what is it, within my Prosery written here for dVerse and its host?  More questions than answers, first the rules — 144 words or less, using a particular line which is “When far away an interrupted cry.”  Use it in your story, here is my attempt below.

My Prosery


Oh dear, another sleepless night, looking at the clock, thinking, and it’s only 1:30 in the morning. Perhaps if a lie here a little longer I’ll fall asleep. Sigh! When far away, an interrupted cry, what was that? I wondered.
Sitting straight up, in bed, looking half numb out the opened window. To afraid to move an inch. Sounded like a bird or was it a banshee? Was it outside or inside. Did that sound come from my attic or basement?
I can’t stand another moment; I’ll sit here and say that prayer I use to say when I was a kid. “Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Amen.” I feel sleepy now, good night whoever you are.