Weekly Prompt

A Nostalgic Time in my life

The value of a moment years past, thinking it was only grief at that time, but knowing today the moment was valuable.

How can grief be nostalgia become of value, it can!

Grief to most of us always means sorrow, a loss, tears, a broken heart.
As time passes, acceptance of the crisis is different for each of us. Speaking for myself, my worse experience was watching my daughter — her husband both suffering over the death of their three-year-old son; while dealing with my own grief. I remember that first Christmas after the fact, walking through the store, looking at the variety of toys for my grandchildren, and bursting into tears at the thought of him who was no longer with us.

Now twenty-two or so years have passed, I finally see God’s hand, His will. He has truly blessed us all; we still have him; he is our sinless little saint in heaven! We know this because we ask him to talk to God for us when we need a favor, and it is done. The child was adopted; he was the answer to many prayers at that time, now he helps us when we pray.

God gave him to us for a little while; he was indeed God’s chosen one.
I wrote the story on my blog in detail about this child; if you would like to read it, you might better understand why we are so blessed. You can find it here –> below.



Borrowed means we must give it back

Today I take the challenge from letitbleed — the prompt word is LIFE.

My story is about what I am doing lately, and that is my life.


I usually don't write too much about my personal life unless I think my life experience will help another person.
I recently started watching a series of videos about a Catholic Saint, wishing I could be that good.  Knowing that we can only be favored according to how much God gives us His grace.  "But by the grace of God, I am what I am;  1 Corinthians 15;10)   Or "And do not forget to do good, and to impart; for by such sacrifices God's favor is obtained." Hebrews 13:16)  This series was inspirational with many profound statements; this particular one has been constantly on my mind.
To set the stage a little, imagine a religious family living in the mid-1800s.

During their life (as no doubt all our lives,) they/we suffered through several loved ones' deaths.  (Watching the grieving families brought memories to mind.)

Back to the video:    The elderly grandmother trying to console her family while languishing in their tears of several recent setbacks.  Through  the elderly woman's wisdom, she said to them, "Everything we have in life is borrowed, and someday we have to give it all back."

Don't you see the wisdom in those words?  It reminds me of my daughter she lost her son (over twenty years ago)  when he was only three years old, I remember soon after his death I was speaking to her about him, and she said,  "I feel that he was lent to me for just a little while, and I had to give him back."

P.S.  I just noticed this challenge is almost two years old.  Found the link on CEE's challenge page.  Oooopsie!