Word of the Day Challenge


All about GRACE!



Did you know that “grace,” “gracias,” and “Grazie” all descend from the same Latin word, “grātia”?!
Grace is the Prompt word today via “Word of the Day Challenge.”
In my world, a word I use regularly. This post will reflect on what sense of the word I mean since the definition varies.

Grace is a gift from God! Pure and simple.

Ave Maria, gratia plena meaning Hail Mary FULL OF GRACE.

Word Prompts

Try It! You’ll Like It!



Don’t start your day without saying, Thank You to God!
He and He alone opened the gates of Heaven for those who accept His sacrifice. For those who do not accept Him; pray for them for as long as they have breath, God is not done with them yet.

Just thinking of the temporal things we enjoy is more reason to say, “Thank You!”
I am grateful for my Traditional Catholic Faith, family, friends, and even those I don’t agree with, for they teach me patience and make me stronger.

We all have so little time, compared to eternity (forever), be thankful for the time given. When I am grateful, I notice, the more I ask, the more I am given.

Try it!


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

“Life” Tanka Poetry — Challenge

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Dignity and Success” my choice was “Grace and Happiness” –


JourneyStop! Listen His words
happiness yours follow Me
grace-filled life waiting
your Will for me ← I wonder
you have prepared hitherto