Eugi's Weekly, poetry, Supernatural Reality

The Video that inspired a Poem

Thank you Eugenia for the inspiration!

This jewel of a short video came across my feed today.

Why wouldn’t God create with His signature?
Taking those numbers ( if you watched the video,) I attempted to write a poem with a syllable count of 10 – 5 – 6 – 5,
using four lines.

The world and we shouldn’t be surprised to see
His signature blazed
He the Master Builder!
Why are you amazed?

poetry, Word Prompts

Once upon a time

The Challenge create a poem from paint chips!

Paint Chips for poetry



Once upon a time, time was unknown.
Father God created from His Throne!
God must love the purple-colored tones!

From the kingly royal purple robes
Jacaranda trees over the globe.
Science of ultraviolet probes

The deep purple of the blackberry
The song of the purple canary
Color purple quite legendary.

Once upon a time, obedience was known!


Don’t SKIP IT! Check it out #FFFC

Not so fast, ignore that first thought after looking at Fandango’s challenge!


After a while, the inspiration that came to me was to illustrate a comparison — comparing the supernatural with the natural.

Picture this in your mind if you can! God creates, He creates humans.

Why? He creates that we may be happy with Him forever in heaven. However, our purpose first while here on earth is to serve Him by obeying Him.

In our era today, however, man rejects God. Yet, although refusing God’s plan, they imitate it; by creating robots to serve them. We call this artificial intelligence; it is artificially wrought because it lacks emotion, cold without beauty has no goal impossible to look to its end. Fake because it does not; like the birds, flowers, and bees, the robot does not praise God. This is what humanity is evolving to, robots without a purpose in life!

Word Prompts

Astral Projection ORIGIN

If one does research on the ORIGIN of the word “Astral” they might come up with something like this: “Theosophy noting a supersensible substance pervading all space and forming the substance of a second body (astral body) belonging to each individual. It accompanies the individual through life, can leave the human body at will, and survives the individual after death.”

What a perfect word “astral” used today which pertains to the stars and universe.

To continue:

When God created the first man, He endowed us with an immortal soul. The following is my abridgment from an approved Catholic book titled: My Way of Life.
“Since then each living human has that vital principle, its soul, by which it is alive; these souls are not composite things to be taken apart; they are not bodies but the principles by which bodies come alive.
A soul cannot be taken apart, as no soul can, for it has no parts; but neither can it be destroyed by destroying the body of a man. The death of the body is not the end of the soul, for the soul has its own independence, its own actions transcending the physical and corporal, it has its own life which it gives to the body but which is not surrendered with the death of the body. The soul of man can be separated from the body.
The soul of a man once brought into existence is as immortal as the angels; the soul of every man who has been born into the world lives forever.”
Where does it live, that is up to YOU.
We recently celebrated Ash Wednesday, and in my youth on Ash Wednesday, the children would sing this little jingle;  ♪ ♫ ashes to ashes, dust to dust if God doesn’t take you the devil must.   ♫  ♫


via Daily Prompt: Astral