true story

The Year was 1957

Come one come all to the Christmas Blogging Party HERE Your INVITED!

One Christmas; a story!
A year ending, a party foretell
My life — that Christmas Day!
A day I remember very well
Strangers; little did we know
A gift was coming; His plan!
This guy I met became my beau.
I often wonder this wise man.
A gift to me or was I a gift to him?
That gift from God, who else?
My husband, dear, my Christmas gift!


Word of the Day Challenge


All about GRACE!



Did you know that “grace,” “gracias,” and “Grazie” all descend from the same Latin word, “grātia”?!
Grace is the Prompt word today via “Word of the Day Challenge.”
In my world, a word I use regularly. This post will reflect on what sense of the word I mean since the definition varies.

Grace is a gift from God! Pure and simple.

Ave Maria, gratia plena meaning Hail Mary FULL OF GRACE.

poetry, Word Prompts

Just don’t SPILL IT… hard to clean up!

When I saw the Word of Day from FOWC; if you could have read my mind, it was so telling, “no not today.” What can I say about oil?   However, my guardian angel put an idea about OIL, I couldn’t resist.  There are many things to say about oil such as…

Has anyone ever noticed how “oil” is much like Truth, it always comes to the top?

God is good, He gives us little reminders of what is right, the opposite of RIGHT are words from the dictionary; Antonyms:
wrong, wrongfulness, left, two-handed, left-hand(a), leftmost, unsatisfactory, base, near(a), centrist, left-of-center, vicious, incorrect, immoral, larboard, parallel, center, erroneous, leftish, left-handed, liberal, nigh(a), condemnable, improper, inaccurate, deplorable, criminal, misguided, inopportune, far left, fallacious, mistaken, false, inside, reprehensible, wrongheaded, inappropriate, leftist, left-wing, oblique, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, port, incorrectly, wrongly

Not only does oil always come to the top as does truth; oil is often used for religious ceremonies of anointing the dying or sick, a Sacrament.
Oil is grand lubrication for everything, cooking with olive oil or coconut oil — a few examples. Oil, when you think of all its attributes, is no doubt one of God’s great gifts to humanity. Here below is a poem ~ John Newton.

When descending from the sky
The Bridegroom shall appear;
And the solemn midnight cry,
Shall call professors near:
How the sound our hearts will damp!
How will shame o’erspread each face!
If we only have a lamp,
Without the oil of grace.

Foolish virgins then will wake
And seek for a supply;
But in vain the pains they take
To borrow or to buy:
Then with those they now despise,
Earnestly they’ll wish to share;
But the best, among the wise,
Will have no oil to spare.

Wise are they, and truly blessed,
Who then shall ready be
But despair will seize the rest,
And dreadful misery:
Once, they’ll cry, we scorned to doubt,
Though in lies our trust we put;
Now our lamp of hope is out,
The door of mercy shut.

If they then presume to plead,
Lord open to us now;
We on earth have heard and prayed,
And with thy saints did bow:
He will answer from his throne,
Though you with my people mixed,
Yet to me you ne’er were known,
Depart, your doom is fixed.

O that none who worship here
May hear that word, Depart!
Lord impress a godly fear
On each professor’s heart:
Help us, Lord, to search the camp,
Let us not ourselves beguile;
Trusting to a dying lamp
Without a stock of oil.

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Free Wealth

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Bewitch and Treasure“. My choice was “Captivate & Draw for the word Bewitch and Fortune, Love & Wealth for the word Treasure.” This is a Tanka a poem about “The Gift of Faith.”  Written for today’s challenge, July 10.

God’s most precious gift
Will captivate and draw us
Free fortune of love —
Acquiring this wealth of faith 
Priceless riches supervene!

Word Prompts

When is a Gift not a PRESENT?


Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” ~Bil Keane

The Title reads, when is a gift not a present?  The quotes below tell the WHEN.

“Say not to thy friend: Go, and come again: and tomorrow I will give to thee: when thou canst give at present.”
[Proverbs 3:28]

“Who shall not receive much more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.”
[Luke 18:30]

In the Old Testament the story of the Martyrdom of the second son, his last breath he prophesied the resurrection. His quote from the book of 2 Machabees 7:9
“And when he was at the last gasp, he said thus: Thou indeed, O most wicked man, destroyest us out of this present life: but the King of the world will raise us up, who die for his laws, in the resurrection of eternal life.”

“I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service.”
Romans 12:1

THE BEST QUOTE IS for our day:  “Jesus Christ is present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar,” the Catechism.

An anonymous quote: “I can’t tell you everything I know at present because I don’t know anything.”

via Daily Prompt: Present