
dVerse Poetics — One True Sentence

Here at dVerse, Hemingway’s idea sparked the idea for today’s challenge.
While considering if I should or skip this challenge, the decision came quickly while watching a UTube video about a teaching from a particular Orthodox elder. Although I follow the Traditional Catholic teaching before Vatican II, I find the Orthodox elders often are very wise with their words.
Writing the poem quickly after being inspired by the Orthodox elder, choosing the True Sentence from Hemingway came second as per dVerse suggested quotes.

It is very hard to write this way
Beginning things backward...

Where is my time?
I need more time
It can't be over!

I see something ahead
The next world is before me
Everything is behind me.

I am leaving taking  only
Conscience and my will.
That is all I take!

My freewill I leave behind,
It is fixed; fixed forever with 
That last breath. 

Beginning of eternity!