Just Because

World in Crisis, I Dare You!

See the source image

Whether you believe the recent selection of President in USA or the virus everyone speaks about are instilling fear. STOP IT! Fear Not!

See the source image

Enjoy your family this coming Thanksgiving. Enjoy this delicious sweet recipe below; always a Holiday treat!

The only difficult action of this recipe is in the rolling of them into a roll before they cool off.

I dare you to try!

Your family, friends will love these.


Two egg whites (room temp. beat until stiff)

1/2 cup of sugar

1/3 cup SIFTED flour

1Teaspoon of almond extract

3Tablespoons of butter

1/3 cup finely chopped almonds

Confectioners sugar

Sprinkle sugar over the stiffly beaten egg whites and carefully fold in the flour, melted butter, almond extract, and chopped almonds.

Drop batter by teaspoon on a WELL BUTTERED PAN; spread each into a thin circle—Bake at 375 degrees for only 5 MINUTES. Cookies are ready when slightly brown around the edges.  Work quickly to roll while keeping them warm; if they cool too fast, you will not be able to shape them in a roll. Better to bake only a few at a time for that reason.  

Sprinkle each with powdered sugar.   yummy! JHappy Thanksgiving from my blog to your blog.

Now you are wondering, and this is the real crisis. What do I do with the two egg yokes after separating the whites from the yokes.
Suggestion, add another egg to them and make scrambled eggs, or find another recipe that only requires two yokes.

Word Prompts

No, No… Better Not!

52 WORDS 4 Sammiscribbles

When Truth scorned
ignored, denied or hidden;
impossible, never!

Truth is perpetual, forever!
Why then do many doubt?
God IS! He is Truth with a
capital letter.

To continue to deny the Supernatural
certainty is eternal death.

There is a God, the word to
Fear, the word to tremble to hear



dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

dVerse desires CHANGE today!

Learning someone in your circle has that dreaded “C” word, it seems like an eternity until you know all the details; fear and waiting patiently. The day has come when we realize what love is. Our special person and life isn’t a life without them. A change is about to take place surreal as in numbing. We begin to bargain with God; if I change dear God, will you then answer my plea? Whatever can I do, oh God, to change your mind?
This can’t be happening, not now, not today; not ever!

We all know the day
might come — letting go— endure
resign to His Will

