Adam and Eve — Not quite!

A Short story you may have heard a similar version in the past!

Fantango gives us a tease of words to use, this week I placed it into my FSS below in bold letters.

My story begins –


Excitedly Arron and Evie were anxious to explore their new property, remembering the warning words of their father. "Whatever, don't go near the well; the brick masons are coming tomorrow to fix those loose bricks surrounding Gracie our well.  Gracie blesses us with saving water, but as you can see, it is easy to fall into the well until those bricks are set."
Hmmm!  Evie thought!  She was daring alright and got a little too close while Arron tried to pull her away!  The worse did happen!  They both tripped and fell into the deep well.  Down, down with the speed of lightning!

It seemed like hands were reaching out to them as they moved faster but never hitting bottom; they zoomed down lower and lower.  Then suddenly, they felt on their backside something firm as if they were now riding not down but up!  Higher and higher was their awareness. 
Shooting up and right out of a rabbit hole.  The children knew it was a rabbit's hole because of all the rabbit skins hanging all around them. 
Arron said, "I heard of falling through the rabbit hole but never rising up and out from one." He laughed!

"Brrr! It's cold here wherever we are. I am freezing." Said, Evie
"Here, let's wrap up in one of these rabbit skins," said Arron, and so they did clothe themselves.  
"What happened to us?"
"We fell from Grace!" Said Arron, "I don't think you sufficiently appreciated Our Father's warning."

Be Careful — Don’t Fall


The squeaky wheel gets the oil; oh, I get it! The ones who make the most noise get their way! Don’t forget the grease or oil is slippery! Those who come in contact with it may fall. Reminds me of this proverb:
“A deceitful tongue loveth not truth: and a slippery mouth worketh ruin.”
Proverbs 26:28