#YDWord, Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

BEWARE of the unforgivable!

Make sure your Faith is not considered KAPUT for lack of a better word, the word prompt for today! Kaput

Mark 3:28-29, ….” But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” 

We can’t live a life of sin while hoping that we still will make it to heaven one day.


Of Christians who believe ONLY in words, “believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.” Redeemed, yes, but to be saved, they must act. But they continue their lives of living in sin, believing that they will be held unaccounted for — without a change — since Jesus died for our sins. They forget that He redeemed them, but they must amend their lives, not presume they are saved without giving up their sins.  

PRESUMPTION is one of several sins against the Holy Ghost.

It is not ME, warning, it is the WRITTEN WORD & I QUOTE. Here we can read not only FAITH; we must amend our life.

James 2:22-24

“Seest thou, that faith did co-operate with his works; and by works faith was made perfect? … Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?”

Or if you prefer the Protestant version see below

King James Version (KJV 1900)22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? verse 22 – You see, his faith and his actions worked together.  His actions made his faith complete.  The actions are works, not just words. Beware of presumption, meaning to only presume you are saved and continue a life of living in sin. 

Forgive me if I sound like I am pointing at you or judging, I am NOT! I feel inspired to write this because it happened to me, the evil one deceived me into actually believing that God was pleased with my life, although I knew in my heart, I was living in sin. Deception is a true chimera delusion.

Photo Challenge

Haydock commentary of Bible Verse on Less is More

Join us with your interpretation of Less is More – Click here for details

St.Pauls speaks of himself.

Douay-Rheims  “But I most gladly will spend and be spent myself for your souls: although, loving you more, I be loved less.” 2 Corinthians 12; 15

The commentary from Haydock is below:

2 Corinthians chapter 12 Catholic Bible Commentary 1859 edition of Haydock Ver. 15. most gladly will spend [2] all, and even my life, for your sake, and so as to be spent, and even sacrificed, for your souls; though the more I love you, the less you or some of you love me, a kind and modest reproach.

Less is More


The theme of today EXCITEMENT its at AlwaysWright.

My little story may not be appreciated but still it is my story just the same!

After really thinking of all the events in my life, of which many were quite exciting. The one that, even today, gives me excitement the average person might not relate to is the day I found the Traditional Latin Mass.
After being led into through Vatican II, a man-centered service and not knowing where to turn, except to pray! Praying I did, finally after a long time, several years, in fact! Quite miraculously, I found Traditional Catholic Latin Chapel, the feeling was I was lost, but now I came home! It was and IS VERY EXCITING.


“Nun. Thy prophets have seen false and foolish things for thee: and they have not laid open thy iniquity, to excite thee to penance: but they have seen for thee false revelations and banishments.”
[Lamentations 2:14]

Breaking News happening concerning the Traditional Latin Mass

Francis has dropped a bombshell on the traditional Catholic community with his latest declaration in “Traditionis Custodes” severely restricting the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass (also known as the “extraordinary form”)

That news too is exciting to me, because we may be seeing the Second Coming of Christ soon, NOTICE I said MAY BE, what do I know! Not much but hoping!


dVerse Poetics — One True Sentence

Here at dVerse, Hemingway’s idea sparked the idea for today’s challenge.
While considering if I should or skip this challenge, the decision came quickly while watching a UTube video about a teaching from a particular Orthodox elder. Although I follow the Traditional Catholic teaching before Vatican II, I find the Orthodox elders often are very wise with their words.
Writing the poem quickly after being inspired by the Orthodox elder, choosing the True Sentence from Hemingway came second as per dVerse suggested quotes.

It is very hard to write this way
Beginning things backward...

Where is my time?
I need more time
It can't be over!

I see something ahead
The next world is before me
Everything is behind me.

I am leaving taking  only
Conscience and my will.
That is all I take!

My freewill I leave behind,
It is fixed; fixed forever with 
That last breath. 

Beginning of eternity! 
dVerse, poetry

My Parade of Poems — Vintage Baltimore Catechism

My parade of poems is based and inspired by The Baltimore Catechism. Catholics born before the Modern changes in the Vatican (approx. 1960) will remember learning their catechism from these text books.

One day not very long ago, (last week) I was thinking of the Haiku, a form of poetry that is popular here on WordPress and fun to write. Thinking of a theme, why not The Baltimore Catechism!

I thank dVerse along with other experts as Tanks Tuesday with Colleen for introducing several forms of poetry to me, now; in my advanced senior years. Not sure if she will approve an entire parade of Haiku’s or are they Senryu forms? Whatever! But as I said, inspired by the Baltimore Catechism … here is my parade.

Ta Da ♫
Haiku number 1
Created by God
Purpose to Know, Love, and Serve
Eternity Waits

Haiku number 2
Trinity One God
Creation — Angels their fall
Sin entered the world

Haiku number 3 
Forbidden by God
Willfully crime against Him
Beg daily prayer 

Number 4  
Help!  Saviour needed
Jesus born — dies to save us
Grace a gift from God

Number 5  
Faith, Hope, Charity
Virtues Gifts ours to receive
Third Person awaits

Number 6
Peace of soul to win
Treasures realized are yours
Mission accomplished

Number 7
Be smart do your part
All you have to do is ask
Think Pascal's wager

Eugi's Weekly

The Mystery of LIFE

Today, Monday, October 5, Eugi’s Weekly offers us an interesting PROMPT, designed to inspire! The word MYSTICAL, a creative writing is in order. Mine below is a form of poetry known as Haibun with Haiku. Click here to join

“Time,” time is mystical in the sense of its meaning. What is TIME?
Past, Present, and Future three in one a trinity!
The present NOW
The future TO COME
Reminds me of another Trinty, Father, the Creator of all; past!
Son, the Redeemer of all, presently now on earth we know, love, and serve Him while the Holy Ghost guides us to Heaven’s future home. Indeed, this is mystical and a mystery of our Faith.

Our time now look, seek
Mystery of Truth to find
Mystical glaring

I Believe Because

I Believe Because

Thinking of my recent followers, now, for some time, I notice several are atheistic.
I feel compelled to explain why I believe in God since many of my followers are doubters.
Thinking along these lines journeyed deep into my nature as to why I believe in God. I have always accepted, but there was a time when I doubted. It was that time in my life I wanted my will to be done; therefore, I pushed God on the back burner. I notice something was amiss in my life; it was peace, so I began to pray again. With prayer anew, daily activities resulted at the end of unrest. This END forced me to the BEGINNING of peace.

Why do I believe in God? I will write about in subsequent writings beginning with a series of posts.

Today with this post I believe, because I pray!

  1.   “I Believe Because,” a series part one. 


dVerse, poetry

dVerse Haiku Sequence a Poem!

dVerse inspired

Is That You, Lord!

Passing by the Church
Come! a voice seemed to whisper
Me myself with God!

Tiptoeing alone
Pausing at giant statues                                    Image1
Walking to and fro.

Faces fixed in place
I can almost hear them speak
staring long enough.

Candles flickering
Shadows dancing; is that You?
Marbled eyes peering!

poetry, Supernatural Reality, Word Prompts

Take the Challenge, I Did!

I love this challenge, and for some strange reason today I wanted to write about myself, a confession.

Prompt words from Paint Chip resulted in the Haibun with Haiku

Somehow I was inspired to compose about my journey of Faith!
Most think the Church has changed with the recent Modern Popes, but in truth, it didn’t change at all, it just became smaller. Luke 18:8
“I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, Faith on earth?”

↓ My LONG LOST Faith ↓

After a few moments, asking for inspiration, a BRIGHT IDEA was wrought.
Faith was lost in the past, and like a HERMIT CRAB, I was living in a shell.
Slowly in the early ’70s, I found myself growing warmer to hot like the TROPICS. Realizing if there was a God, my choices were not His.

Something was amiss! I desired the sweet flesh of the Blessed Sacrament, but instead, it was only bread. The Catholic Church changed, I thought! I began to pray.
I yearned to be cleansed; where was this fountain where the Water Lily/LOTUS waited for me? Somewhere I knew for His promise was forever. Seek, and you shall find, like BABY’S BREATH, a beginning again; I found the POMEGRANATE, the Sweet Flesh, red Blood of He who died for me many seeds for all to see, the Church still existed. Like a PEACOCK with its many eyes, God does see our deeds, He cares!

About Tradition
Gates of Hell will not prevail.
Seek, and you shall find!

Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts

An Explanation— Gift

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt –Identity – July 13, 2020

One day while I minded my own business, a couple of men tried to stump me. I knew by the tone of their voice what they intended. It so happened and unknown to me, my scapular was hanging out from beneath my outer garment—those who do not know a scapular, a blessed religious article sacred to Traditional Catholics.
They heckled and said,
“do you really believe that piece of cloth will save you”?
“No,” I said, “it is my identity.”
I continued to explain how an officer wears a badge, or others might wear a logo to identify themself.
To wear a Cross or medal is not superstitious as many WANT to believe; it means merely we identify ourselves with Jesus, Mary His Mother, who was with Him from His conception till His death. Now that is worth in which to identify for those who believe.scapular

true story, Word Prompts

A Short True Story

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “MIGHTY”, The word click here




“Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His name.” Luke 1;49

Impossible to love her more than her Son, she will always lead you to her Son.

One day while I was explaining to my friend why we honor Mary, she listened and heard. Her young daughter was in the hospital, she was on her way to visit, stopping at the long red light, her eyes looking this way and that way, she saw a Church down the street with a giant statue there of Jesus.

Her daughter was very seriously ill, and she, my friend, decided it was time to pray for her, she continued driving but made a turn around to the Church building to pray at the Church. When she pulled up to the building, getting out of her car, it was not Jesus, but Mary’s figure beckoned her to come into the Church.

Later she mentioned to me her experience and said, “Mary led me to Jesus.” My friend was soon after Baptised as well as her daughter.


Politics, Supernatural Reality

Prophecy, Anti-Christ, and today!

Today I will write about prophecy, Catholic prophecy.  No not flash fiction but I wish it were.

I am not a prophet and have no direct line to God.

However, I have read several prophecies concerning our day, the days of the Great Apostasy from the Church founded by Christ, as foretold in 2Thess. Chapter 2. Describing the times before the coming of Anti-Christ, with a capital “A.” Today is that time! Many know, and some don’t know, and others don’t care to know. Know about the Great Apostasy!  My experience or my serendipity moment happened over 35 years ago when I discovered the Catholic Church was not what it used to be. The Church was no longer One, Holy nor Apostolic, but an optical illusion. My neighborhood church and throughout the world slowly apostatized, now a man-founded religion that has adapted to the world a strange belief they called Vatican II.

What to do? Seek, and you shall find, I told myself, go back to what you have learned and believed from the beginning, and so I did.


Back to prophecy: Here is an example of one said prediction of what will happen before Anti-Christ

“People will rise against peoples, and nations will rise against nations, sometimes allied, sometimes enemies, in their fight against the same party. Armies will come into frightful collisions and will fill the earth with murder and carnage.

As well as that. I see that the earth will be shaken in different places by frightful earthquakes. I see whole mountains cracking and splitting with a terrible din. I see come out of these gaping mountains whirlwinds of smoke, fire, sulfur, and tar, which reduce to cinders entire towns. All this and a thousand other disasters must come before the rise of the Man of Sin (AntiChrist.)  


Now we can all look forward to this DUST STORM, on its way to the U.S.A.


Word Prompts

Try It! You’ll Like It!



Don’t start your day without saying, Thank You to God!
He and He alone opened the gates of Heaven for those who accept His sacrifice. For those who do not accept Him; pray for them for as long as they have breath, God is not done with them yet.

Just thinking of the temporal things we enjoy is more reason to say, “Thank You!”
I am grateful for my Traditional Catholic Faith, family, friends, and even those I don’t agree with, for they teach me patience and make me stronger.

We all have so little time, compared to eternity (forever), be thankful for the time given. When I am grateful, I notice, the more I ask, the more I am given.

Try it!


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Supernatural Reality

Who sits in the temple of God?

The prompt word today is…SCHISM.


Most people don’t know or worse care

of schism the most significant division so

 grand that it is even warned to us in the Bible.


Bible. “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.” (The Chair of St. Peter, First Pope, THE ROCK”)

2nd Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians Chapter 2

Is it any wonder many are in awe at the things the person sitting in the Chair, says or does.  Vatican II, the New religion they call “catholic.”

continued, Supernatural Reality

FULL MOON and more!

If you’re out and about this week, don’t miss the chance to see one of the astronomical highlights of summer as a full moon rises this Thursday. Our satellite reaches its full phase on August 15, an event that’s popularly called the Full Sturgeon Moon. With it comes two chances on Thursday for North Americans to witness a spectacular sight of a full moon in twilight close to dawn or sunset.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and the moon, and the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, because of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and the waves;” [Luke 21:25]


Today coincidence or chance; the fact that the Traditional Catholic Church calendar celebrates August 15. Why? It is an exceptional Holy Day known as the Assumption of the body of the Mother of God.

Jesus Christ IS God, and the definition of Truth is… WHAT IS!

God, the Father the Creator, created her perfect because of the unique role His Will was for her.

Many believe in Jesus Christ but ignore His mother, God’s instrument in the incarnation of Christ. If she was good enough for Jesus, she is good enough for all of us. To neglect His mother; tantamount, to when the angels were created loving God yet challenged His will. How could a mere human creature be more magnificent than they? AND THEY FELL!

“He hath made the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.”

[Psalms 103:19]

“Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?”

[Canticles (Solomon) 6:9]

Supernatural Reality

Sede Vacante means to be Catholic

    Where is the AUTHORITY?

Why is it that the governments of the world whether in Politics or the Faith are having similar problems?

Reading Twitter lately is woeful to learn of the overflowing labels of Catholics. They all seem to possess their trademarks. They continuously argue which brand is the better one. It is evident to anyone with just a smidgen of grace to realize the Novus Ordo is not in the least united to the teaching Church that Jesus Christ founded.
Consider the prayer we pray known as the Act of Faith, during the rosary. ANALYZE THAT LAST SENTENCE!
O MY GOD, I firmly believe that Thou art one God in Three Divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I believe that Thy Divine Son became Man, and died for our sins and that He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived. 
The question is; how can YOUR Pope DECEIVE? The Catholic Church is in the STATE of sedevacantism. Sedevacantism is not a bad word; it is not heresy; the Vatican has even in the past way before Vatican II, issued a stamp with the words “SEDEVACANTISM” printed on it. This stamp is now a collector’s item.
Search it out!


Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens—Artists my delicate image

This amazing image was captured a few days ago as I drove down a country road.

A tree growing out of a dead stump, I titled it “Resurection”; a reminder of how our bodies will rise again as the Catholic Creed promises.

I believe … “The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting, Amen”.
