Ah! Another Challenge

ETERNAL AS IN A Prompt word, or try this one, how do you see yourself. Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Today we live in an age of offended, everyone seems to be. Well offended or not this is my belief and I’ll post what I believe not what others want me to say.

Eternal means no beginning, only God. The Trinity had no beginning but always was; All other false artificial gods had a start if only in the mind of a demon or human person,( one of God’s creatures.) God created us with an immortal soul and, therefore, WE are eternal in a sense; since we will have no end. We will live with God or without Him. Depending on our soul when we take our last breath, it is fixed at that time, no more free will after death. Yet, we live, but where?

A movie out these days warned against. Perhaps because today things are very twisted and eternal might mean demonic.

Now for how do I see myself. At my age these days, it is interesting, my life is behind me, where most reading here, your life is ahead of you and so it should be.

I don’t worry about how I see myself anymore since I am reasonably happy in my day, with little regrets. I advise, don’t take it with you! If you have regret, you should work on correcting it now!

Today at least, for myself, no regrets through lots of begging the man upstairs, tears of sorrow, and resignation to His will. It works; try it!

Right now, I am begging for humility since I know for a fact that He, hates pride.

Having a blog on WordPress can be at times humiliating. Especially when one sets their mind to post-truth instead of fiction. Post what you believe.