dVerse, poetry, Politics

Instruction Booklet for the Machine

The haibun is the combination of two poems: a prose poem and haiku. The form was popularized by the 17th century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. Both the prose poem and haiku typically communicate with each other, though poets employ different strategies for this communication—some doing so subtly, while others are more direct.

Cracking America! They Try!
The machine will try, try again!
Let’s see how far hmmm, a virus=control!
“Peaceful protests” with stand-down orders.
Censorship, free speech is out!
The election begins; it’s Trump vs. the Machine.
Tra-la ♫… make it obvious, the cheating.
Importantly don’t hide the fraud; just deny it!
Drag the counting on and on, oh! the suspense,
Yes, yes, the anxiety too! Our perfect candidate,
He has no clue. One more ingredient, VISIBILITY!
Let them see our occult, overt activity.
Announce a winner! For a short time!
Little by little, remove this Victory!
It’s happening as the machine has planned.
Citizens, our plan, their anger, they reach for weapons.
The war begins, the machine celebrates!
A Civil War, the Crack! They THINK!

The Haiku

Hate crimes never win
Spoke too soon; now a surprise
Truth always rises


opinion, Politics

Poor Joe Biden, yet he smiles!

TRIUMPH or ABUSE or is it Manipulation?


How to crack America, then break America! NEVER!
First, see how far we can control them, the virus.
2nd encourage “peaceful protests” with Stand Down orders.
3rd fake news, censorship forbid free speech.
Arouse tension as we count down to Nov. third.
Now it begins an election between Trump vs. the machine.
Essential OBVIOUS to all, cheating/fraud does exist.
Don’t hide it, deny it!
Invent suspense/anxiety, counting votes.
Visibly allow occult/hidden overt activity.
Announce triumph for the machine. (Poor Biden as the machine continues to abuse)
Feed the anger while dropping hope on the Trump train.
Timing is notable little by little to remove the victory.
Exchange triumph for anger!
The recount begins as the machine watches.
Citizens reach for their weapons; America breaks. NEVER!


Mindlovesmisery's, poetry, Politics, Word Prompts

Poem Mix with Politics

Over on my sidebar there is a quote that inspired me today. Together with a prompt word SWITCH not to mention Mindlovemiserysmenagerie below.

“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”

Saint Augustine

First time for me with the explanation below through the inspiration of Mindlovemiserysmenagerie Poetry known as Vers Beacoup.

The Vers Beaucoup, a poem created by Curt Mongold, is French for “many rhymes.” Each stanza consists of four lines with a rhyming word scheme of:

My creative verse below rhyming scheme as above with three stanza of three groups

If you get the ITCH to SWITCH, that’s RICH
Don’t DITCH! WOW, do it NOW by golly
Take that VOW! Plan AHEAD, use your HEAD
Before your DEAD! WRITE what’s RIGHT!

Don’t FRIGHT; we UNITE for the FIGHT
Be a KNIGHT! READ now let’s LEAD —
WEED out evil! Pull the PLUG rid that THUG
So very SMUG! GAIN hope to DRAIN!

It’s DEEP don’t fall ASLEEP, WEEP for
The SHEEP! An ARRAY of truth we PRAY
TODAY. To set us FREE we can all AGREE
With GLEE! Soon to sing the LATE Deep STATE!

Just Because, One Liner anytime, Politics

Need more time to find the CRIME!

Dems had changed the definition of impeachment to mean impeachment just because he won the election when it was fixed for Hillary to win. Not fair!
Dems new slogan and it rhymes: “Need more time to find the crime.”


Interesting Banned Video

