
The Power of the Volcano but Power of Prayer is greater

FOWC = Fandango

The prompt today is “POWER” and what a word!  An energy that makes me wonder why all these volcanic eruptions are occurring.  Below is today’s report; concerning to me especially since those Russians Scientists are calling for an earthquake in the U.S.A. not just an ordinary earthquake but a great one!  I mentioned it in on my blog of a few days ago dated March 13 here.

Yet! I wonder some are saying that Russia has weapons that could cause such an event.  Anyway, we won’t have to wait too long, to see!

The POWER OF PRAYER is greater than any other force, use that power it’s free to all!


video about the volcanic starts at about 14.30

dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

My Quadrille for dVerse

dVerse Quadrille with the prompt word EARTH!

Friends/foe don’t agree
especially with me.
Some even say earth is flat
something like a placemat.
Some insist the earth is round
with speech that is profound.
When I get to heaven
I’ll let you know as sure as 1 + 6 are seven!


Join the fun!