
So APROPOS and dVerse

I posted this some time ago on an OPEN LINK but it is so apropos even more so today, I dare post it again! If you think you saw it previously in the past, you did!

The time is now; that Grand Plan
Prep, don’t forget stock a drink
Juice, maybe freshly squeezed, — please!
Make sure your plan is at hand.

A rainstorm of fire will form
Wishing life — under the sea.
The dead, we will all envy.
God deliver us, our plea!

Attach to God or detached?
Winds roll us as tumbleweeds.
Where O’where rosary beads?
Never late, long as we breathe.

Tongue-tied fear viewing sunsets!
Green flashes for all to see.
When it’s over, sun to rise.
A world becomes very wise.

Now to know the Master’s sign.
Every knee bends at His name.
The world; a canvas so blank
We have God’s mercy to thank.

This is the link to the last time I posted it for dVerse as an Open Link

Today’s Open Link can be found here Click here

dVerse, poetry

My Parade of Poems — Vintage Baltimore Catechism

My parade of poems is based and inspired by The Baltimore Catechism. Catholics born before the Modern changes in the Vatican (approx. 1960) will remember learning their catechism from these text books.

One day not very long ago, (last week) I was thinking of the Haiku, a form of poetry that is popular here on WordPress and fun to write. Thinking of a theme, why not The Baltimore Catechism!

I thank dVerse along with other experts as Tanks Tuesday with Colleen for introducing several forms of poetry to me, now; in my advanced senior years. Not sure if she will approve an entire parade of Haiku’s or are they Senryu forms? Whatever! But as I said, inspired by the Baltimore Catechism … here is my parade.

Ta Da ♫
Haiku number 1
Created by God
Purpose to Know, Love, and Serve
Eternity Waits

Haiku number 2
Trinity One God
Creation — Angels their fall
Sin entered the world

Haiku number 3 
Forbidden by God
Willfully crime against Him
Beg daily prayer 

Number 4  
Help!  Saviour needed
Jesus born — dies to save us
Grace a gift from God

Number 5  
Faith, Hope, Charity
Virtues Gifts ours to receive
Third Person awaits

Number 6
Peace of soul to win
Treasures realized are yours
Mission accomplished

Number 7
Be smart do your part
All you have to do is ask
Think Pascal's wager

dVerse, poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Written for Tanka Tuesday, on Wednesday

Added this to dVerse Open Link April 15 + Hope you like it!

THE challenge is to use synonyms only for the words


I tried two forms with the same theme;  first, the butterfly cinquain
a nine-line syllabic form with the pattern two, four, six, eight, two, eight, six, four, two.
The second form is a traditional Haiku with the 
syllabic structure of 5-7-5

Seek find
In God we trust
It all depends on you
A vast world today is absent
look around beyond the hidden
See the invisible
Explore you must
Seek find

Beyond the hidden
Explore the invisible
A world of absence

Inspired by