
dVerse Poetics — One True Sentence

Here at dVerse, Hemingway’s idea sparked the idea for today’s challenge.
While considering if I should or skip this challenge, the decision came quickly while watching a UTube video about a teaching from a particular Orthodox elder. Although I follow the Traditional Catholic teaching before Vatican II, I find the Orthodox elders often are very wise with their words.
Writing the poem quickly after being inspired by the Orthodox elder, choosing the True Sentence from Hemingway came second as per dVerse suggested quotes.

It is very hard to write this way
Beginning things backward...

Where is my time?
I need more time
It can't be over!

I see something ahead
The next world is before me
Everything is behind me.

I am leaving taking  only
Conscience and my will.
That is all I take!

My freewill I leave behind,
It is fixed; fixed forever with 
That last breath. 

Beginning of eternity! 

Repetition in Poetry — dVerse

Tell the story about the Village of Grace Land
Tell of a lady so graceful and lovely!

Okay, I will!

Do I tell, before taking her meals, she prayed grace.
I will tell you now how she walked with style and grace.
And did I tell you we started calling her Grace.
I should tell if anything she lacked — it wasn't grace.
I am telling you now even her tears fell with grace.
This beautiful girl we remember as Grace.

I don’t think I got this right; the use of repetition in poetry! Instructions were well over my skill grade. Yet, this morning I prayed for humility; with that said I think my prayer was answered. BIG TIME!

For complete directions, click here; I know you can do it!

Inspired by dVerse


This Being Human — Poetry inspired by dVerse

The challenge is to write a metaphor poem that starts with the words ‘This being human “ dVerse

This being human is to me.
Many are, all called few chosen.
With God’s saving grace, dream to find.

Be not presumptuous but hope.
That city with many mansions
Will there be, I hope, one for me?

This being human, yes, a chance.
That city above reaches high.
Brimming with love for you and I.

The only way, one way, He said!
Being human means lasting joy
He paid the price, and now it’s free.


Too, too Tired! A Haibun with Haiku

Just to create conditions that something did happen a long time ago. A memory to awaken according to dVerse at … click here for more information, CLICK!

Going back in time is something expected as one age. This memory always comes to mind when I do this exercise, and I have often recalled it.
I could barely walk; therefore, I must have been about 24 months.
Knowing I couldn’t have been more than three. I remember walking outside with my mother and her lady-friend. I remember sitting down on the sidewalk and sitting there, sitting there.
My mother refused to pick me up; she kept coaching me to get up. After a few moments went by, but it seemed to me at that time a very long time. She started to walk ahead with her lady friend, leaving me to sit there.
Now that I am grown, I imagine she said something like this, “okay, just sit there, but I am going home.” The picture in my memory is; it seems as if she is far, far away; I am frightened — she left me!
I would not get up to run to her since she seemed an eternity away.
I can still see how tiny both she and her lady-friend were because they were so far away in my mind’s eyes.
In reality, they were only about 50 feet from me, and I know this because my mother would have never left me!

Stubborn baby girl
Take my hand — up little one
Too tired, mama dear!

dVerse, poetry

America the Eagle


“And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” (Apocalypse 12:14) This prophecy fits the Church, which brings forth Christ into the world. The age we are living in today is again as predicted in — II Thessalonians 2:3 as the great falling away. Since the mid 60’s the Catholic Church has been dumbed down. The Vatican at present has an Anti-Christ . Yet, the Church is flourishing in small pockets worldwide, but especially here in America, the Eagle!
America like Christ appears dead, will rise again!
To continue to nourish the Church while waiting His Second Coming.

After many years of seeking, praying and searching I finally found my way home in the Traditional Catholic Church, the difference is night and day.

U.S. the Eagle
Eagles strongest birds of prey
America tough


The Beginning of an End

Beginnings and endings, a prompt, and today during my quiet time, early in the morning, an inspiration. I came to realize all mysteries have a common denominator. I am speaking of praying the rosary. But first, my first attempt at a Golden Shovel form combined with Tanka form.

The poem selected author and title: The Rosary.

by Robert Cameron Rogers  —>  https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=mcafee&type=E211US1079G91398&p=Robert+Cameron+Rogers  also, you can read his poem by scrolling down to the bottom of this post.

My Golden Shovel poem is composed also in Tanka form; the bolded words are from my selected poem (seen at bottom of this post) My Poem Titled “Beginning to End”

Bless this sacred string

Holy rosary of pearls

Held by links to count

The pictures of memories

Is but a prayer to learn

An exciting point of inspiration; while meditating on each group of mysteries, a common theme is hidden. Take the example of our prompt at dVerse is of beginnings and endings.  

Ponder the last five decades of fifteen Mysteries of the original rosary blessed Mother gave St Dominic. There we see the number three along with endings and beginnings

The Finding of the Child Jesus being lost three days also representing the ending of His childhood: beginning His adult life and purpose, “And He said to them: How is it that you sought me? did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Luke 2:49

The Crucifixion of Jesus, His words, “It is finished” an ending!  It was the beginning of opening the gates of Heaven. On the third day, He will rise again.

Next, we meditate on The Coronation of Mary. Her entrance into Heaven ended her earthly life but began her reign as the Holy Trinity crowns her Queen.  Three, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 

“And there are three who give testimony in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.” 1 John 5:7

“And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.” 1 John 5:8

The Rosary — by Robert Cameron Rogers — published   https://tinyurl.com/ycplsl2b

The hours I spent with thee, dear heart,

Are as a string of pearls to me;

I count them over, every one apart,

My rosary

Each hour a pearl, each pearl a prayer

To still a heart in absence wrung;

I tell each bead unto the end — and there

A cross is hung.

Oh, memories that bless — and burn!

Oh, barren gain — and bitter loss!

I kiss each bead, and strive at last to learn

To kiss the cross,


To kiss the cross.

dVerse, poetry

And It’s FREE — try this challenge

dVerse has a challenge to write a Prosery. FIRST The rules: PROSERY IS a piece of short prose that includes a line from a poem. dVerse gives the line, and then we incorporate it into our prose piece. Prose can be either flash fiction, nonfiction, or creative nonfiction. YOU CAN NOT WRITE A POEM for this prompt. AND, your prose should be no longer than 144 words, sans title. The line to incorporate into the prosery is “Reading what I have just written, I now believe”  

My Creative Writing and Advice to all; it works for me.


One day upon waking one beautiful morning with coffee in hand, I began to talk to God; sitting down to start my day, I imagined He was there too, enjoying His coffee.

I began asking Him to look at all the desires within my heart; whatever He sees there that displeases Him to “yank” it out and toss it far away.

I even imagined Him doing just that! 

I continued with a plea to Him; please replace it with a beautiful flower, a flower of grace that would grow larger and larger each day. Reading what I have just written, I now believe!  Since that day, I have made it a daily habit.

Why not when I believe it. While enjoying a helping hand in managing the garden deep within my soul with flowers, He planted there. Better than seeing a therapist, and it’s free!  


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Living Witness to Christ’s Death!

My Tanka poem has a religious echo about A Tree!

The Yew Tree seem to live “forever” as Christ resurrected from the dead. Reported in The Times that a yew tree in the churchyard at Coldwaltham, West Sussex, had been confirmed as one of the oldest trees in England planted around 1,000 BC. NOTE: Image below is not necessarily the same tree as what The Times wrote about.

A Yew Tree

Always forever
A Witness to Christ, His death
Lasting undying!
God chose a tree, a Yew Tree.
Living growing in Churchyards!


dVerse, poetry

Moonshine … anyone?

dVerse says …

Let’s get a little luny

Mother Nature about to deliver — TODAY!
Labor pangs travail wind howling in pain!
Mother Earth speaks through the long nights.
Bringing forth recovered life, never aborted.
Life continues to shift, and leaves fall, rain dances.
Cold disturbs the heat, but look at the moon!
The moon so polished, large, and gleaming, we wonder!
From here to eternity, it shimmers, from my house to yours.

One more gift from God
That glow; it never burns out
Vigilant night eye!

Inspired by

Frank J. Tassone


The Art of Eavesdropping

Quadrille #111 – What’s That Rustling in the Eaves? The word today from dVerse is EAVESDROPPING a post in only 44 words

Confess, or else!
Okay, hear this.
One day a forever ago
while straining my ears
trying ever so hard to
listen to my granddaughter’s
very dull conversation.
“Don’t you have anything
better to do?” I asked myself.
Not to mention I felt guilty too!

dVerse, Word Prompts

A Stream, a Birthday, A Forever

Read a challenge today; although I feel “despondent” the prompt word, my first notion was to pass. Feeling sort of blue, because it is someone’s birthday, Aug.13th!  A few hours later I read on dVerse a challenge and thought hmmm!  I closed my eyes, with my fingers as my voice I spoke hidden words.

August 13th  


Today, so long ago my husband was born, eighty-one years!
I didn’t know him at that time, I wasn’t even here, there or anywhere.
His life came and went, gone now, but lives somewhere else I know.
Someday I will follow him, as I did when he came to be. I followed him then, and I will follow him again in eternity.


dVerse, poetry

dVerse Haiku Sequence a Poem!

dVerse inspired

Is That You, Lord!

Passing by the Church
Come! a voice seemed to whisper
Me myself with God!

Tiptoeing alone
Pausing at giant statues                                    Image1
Walking to and fro.

Faces fixed in place
I can almost hear them speak
staring long enough.

Candles flickering
Shadows dancing; is that You?
Marbled eyes peering!

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Is therapy the answer, I think NOT

I wrote this poem over a year ago, and as I am inspired by dVerse to write about “LOVE” while admitting;  I love my Country U.S.A. and when I see the news today this poem is how I feel!

I begin today
Should I climb on top a hill
Or just kneel to pray
Will He answer presently

Or should I choose therapy


dVerse on LOVE

dVerse, poetry

How to Get Rich Fast

dVerse wants something SILLY, just turn on the DAILY NEWS!

It seems the whole world is SILLY!
A Plandemic, oops I mean Pandemic?
New dances like — Social Distancing, ♫♪
Sheltering in Place ♪ Quarantining the Healthy ♫
Don’t miss this tip
For what its worth,
Buy stock in toilet paper.
Get rich fast!

dVerse, poetry, Politics

The year Twenty Twenty remember well

The year Twenty Twenty remember well
Many believed we were living in hell!

We stayed apart secluded day and night
Others seemed happy and began to write.

Some started composing little poems
Enjoying spending so much time at home.

Decisions were made — let us kneel and pray
While others continued longing to play!

Something new to a spoiled generation
Is this only now our planned vacation?

Sadly the parents soon became teachers
What will we do with these tiny creatures?

Politicians fret about this and that
Clung to agendas while ignoring facts.

When the danger decides to stop and quit
Will the world seek — find another conflict?

Thereby God will again say — “You’re Grounded!”



dVerse, poetry, Politics

TRUTH the Newest Hate Crime

I thought I would try and put my creative juices to work with the help of dVerse.  The theme there today is “Impermanence.”


I heard a sermon the other day
Nothing forever — everything fads away
Uncertainty, hate, they feed today!
The media wittingly know of hatred’s prey
Uncertainty is certainly within our life
Therefore better to avoid any strife
I heard a sermon the other day

dVerse, Word Prompts

Fill your Pie Pan with a Quadrille

dVerse inspired

Make a yummy Tamale Pie with a filling of leftovers, filled with cheese and enchilada sauce, don’t forget the olives. Make your delicious masa with corn four, dab, spread over your filling. Bake about 30 minutes till golden. Next, fill your loved one’s tummies!


dVerse, poetry

Or IS IT? Predetermined!

A little bit of poetry inspired by dVerse 

Each day upon awaking, a mystery
Surprised to see the world survive?
We sit and sip our coffee or tea
Wondering what the day will decide

Our journey begins, our gift of time
Seal that plan; the day still young
Will it end happily and benign
Or just another night unstrung?

We are taught the choice is ours
Or is it?