Ah! Another Challenge

These Dark Days

No Mercy?

God’s Mercy is infinite as our Mercy for our enemies should be, but are they? That is the question!

Showing Mercy to those who injured us is the greatest revenge; I do not know who said it, but it is true. Also, we have this —> “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” ~Jesus Christ

Yet we want to forget there IS, like it or not, Divine Justice from God.

Beyond our last breath, we are taken to His Seat of Justice!

Yet, today we might face His Divine Justice here on earth, a chastisement foretold during the Great Apostasy from His Church. 2Thessalonians 2-3; One such commentary explained in the Haydock Bible as meaning; “According to a third and common exposition, by this revolt or apostasy, others understand a great falling off of great numbers from the Catholic Church and faith, in those nations where it was professed before; not but that, as St. Augustine expressly takes notice, the Church will remain always visible, and Catholic in its belief, till the end of the world. Could it be that Vatican 11 beyond 1960, when the Catholic Church adapted to the world, was this event? Visible, yes, but smaller as it began at its founding by Christ. 

This is when everything started to change, (1960’s) the world, little by little lost all sense of sin; continues today with what was white is now black and what was BLACK IS NOW WHITE.

May God have Mercy on us during these very dark days.