Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Just a simple poem!

What I love about WordPress is fun prompts for inspiration.

Loving Tradition as I do, I chose a Tanka  Haiku Senryu syllable count of 5-7-5; three lines.  The prompt word is MAP/MAPS, short and simple my creation below:  MAPS


GPS is in
Latitude and Longitude
Maps today are out


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Watch the Pendulum swing!


YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONES! The people of COURAGE!  The pendulum is about to swing, at least here in America.


It takes courage for the conservative these days to stand up for their beliefs, whether morals or politics which in many cases are the same things.

Some folks are staunch to the Left, many atheists or confused about a Supreme Being while others don’t care if there is or isn’t a God, as long as He doesn’t disturb their lifestyle.

Next, those who sit on the fence; are attracted to the conservative point of view; however, they notice the loudest voice comes from the Left which shouts negatively towards the Right Mindset.

Is it lack of courage or the desire for human respect that brings them to silence? Whatever, the devil smiles and rubs his hands. “Yes,” he thinks!

The conclusion is the times we live in TODAY are shaping the world to believe that anyone with morals is guilty of a hate crime. If anyone dare defends what they read and understand, they might be doxxed here on WordPress, so they remove their impulsive “like” and coward back to their corner. Lacking the courage to be firm in the things they have learned from the beginning.

The time is now for courage since the swinging pendulum that represents the passage of time is moving in the direction to the Right.

How do I know this? I hear the yawnings of people waking up, their moans and sighs. God always wins in the end, and He knows how to bring us to our knees. He has CHOSEN us, we, therefore, should choose Him.