Weekly Prompt

A Nostalgic Time in my life

The value of a moment years past, thinking it was only grief at that time, but knowing today the moment was valuable.

How can grief be nostalgia become of value, it can!

Grief to most of us always means sorrow, a loss, tears, a broken heart.
As time passes, acceptance of the crisis is different for each of us. Speaking for myself, my worse experience was watching my daughter — her husband both suffering over the death of their three-year-old son; while dealing with my own grief. I remember that first Christmas after the fact, walking through the store, looking at the variety of toys for my grandchildren, and bursting into tears at the thought of him who was no longer with us.

Now twenty-two or so years have passed, I finally see God’s hand, His will. He has truly blessed us all; we still have him; he is our sinless little saint in heaven! We know this because we ask him to talk to God for us when we need a favor, and it is done. The child was adopted; he was the answer to many prayers at that time, now he helps us when we pray.

God gave him to us for a little while; he was indeed God’s chosen one.
I wrote the story on my blog in detail about this child; if you would like to read it, you might better understand why we are so blessed. You can find it here –> below.


Politics, Reblog

VAERS Report Indicates 9,000+ Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths, a 2,000 Increase in One Week

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Nwo Report


The most wicked medical experiment in human history has hit a horrific threshold.

In the past week, the latest VAERS Report indicates over 9,000 deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

That’s more vaccine-related deaths than all other vaccines combined.

Yet, the government and Big Pharma continue to insist the experimental jabs are safe and effective.

Trending: Newest Trump Dancing Video Is Out and I’m Dying!

With over 9,000 vaccine-related deaths, in what reality is this “safe and effective?”

Past vaccinations were pulled with dozens of deaths.

But the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are pushing 10,000.

And VAERS is notorious for underreporting cases.

That means we likely already passed 10,000 experimental COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

Here’s the latest:

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Children’s Health Defense reported:

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of438,441 total adverse…

View original post 375 more words


dVerse Poetics — One True Sentence

Here at dVerse, Hemingway’s idea sparked the idea for today’s challenge.
While considering if I should or skip this challenge, the decision came quickly while watching a UTube video about a teaching from a particular Orthodox elder. Although I follow the Traditional Catholic teaching before Vatican II, I find the Orthodox elders often are very wise with their words.
Writing the poem quickly after being inspired by the Orthodox elder, choosing the True Sentence from Hemingway came second as per dVerse suggested quotes.

It is very hard to write this way
Beginning things backward...

Where is my time?
I need more time
It can't be over!

I see something ahead
The next world is before me
Everything is behind me.

I am leaving taking  only
Conscience and my will.
That is all I take!

My freewill I leave behind,
It is fixed; fixed forever with 
That last breath. 

Beginning of eternity! 
Word of the Day Challenge

Lollipop Heaven

I hope this amusing post meets with Fandango’s idea about words;
also, the challenging word “obscure,” inspired by The Word of the Day

A creative parent trying to explain death to a youngster, in my opinion, might consider using words that would be obscure in the sense of realizing the mind of the innocent, their ability to perceive what we adults can not fully understand. This short story might explain my meaning.

Titled: “Lollipop Heaven”
Within the world of whimsical a short time ago, it was very sad for a lonesome little child. Someone, she loved recently died; as she sat quietly thinking, looking up to her mother, she asked.
“What is Heaven?”
Her mother’s eyes widened as she spoke softly. “Heaven is a place where we all want to see because the colors there are very vivid and true to their names.” Oranges and yellows are brighter than the sun, blues and greens are deeper than the oceans. All the clouds floating above are cotton candy, mountains covered with whipped cream, and the flowers there never wilt; in fact, are lollipops to pick.”
“Wow!” The child bellowed! “Grandma is so lucky; no wonder she won’t come back.”


I Felt like a WORDLE today! Enjoy!


The Sunday Whirl

Have you ever had a near-death experience? I haven’t! Sigh!
Those that have described it as not knowing they were dead. Some hear a voice while still others travel through a tunnel. The atheist would deny this unless it happened to them. Others can’t wait to tell their story and never skip a part of it. Upon their return, they signal relief, having not yet heard their final sentence from the Judge. Like as the good book says “the wailing and gnashing.” It makes me wonder whats in the bag for me. Sometimes I wish I can throw away my past.


Supernatural Reality, true story

Apostolic Blessing — True Story

Today, seven years ago, my husband passed away, November 13, 2012.

I miss him very much. We were married for over 50 years. He was an atheist when we married, but died a Catholic. I wonder even today, what he did so special that God smiled upon him with special graces. I believe it was his grandmother’s rosary she prayed daily.  

Hours before his death, he was barely conscience, slipped in and out. After receiving the Last Sacraments of the Church, he was gifted with the Apostolic Blessing. A blessing that includes a plenary indulgence. He was, as I said, partly rational and barely conscience but conscience enough to invoke the holy name of Jesus when the priest administrating the blessing asked him.

If interested you may find more about the Apostolic Blessing by reading here at https://tinyurl.com/tglu2um

Looking back on our life together;  what I enjoyed about our marriage, he allowed me to be myself.  Although for many years he had no faith in my religion, he always encouraged our children to follow me along that path.  One day after he converted years before he died, which is another story, I asked him why he defended the faith with such earnest; he said because it was so hard for him to acquire it.

dVerse, poetry, Politics

The Never-ending

Do you hear it?
That thunder a roar-like shout.
It is everywhere AS God IS!

Progressives claim it doesn’t stand, yet;
Their language shaky, uncertain —
Dash hopes as dying, dying, dead!

Living still, that thunder, roar-like cheer.
Alive and well, demanding to be heard —
Never-ending, endless TRUTH!



Fandango’s Provocative Question, answered by me!

Each week Fandango will pose what he thinks is a provocative question for other bloggers consideration. His question is below, why not give us your input, just click here link:

“Do you believe in fate and predestination? If so, what or who is the source? If you do believe in predestination, is there anything anyone can do to change their predestined fate?”

I believe God has a purpose for every one of us in this life and on an appointed day, we will die. Prayer is most important in the discovery of this purpose without prayer we are left to our own discretion, and more often we are doomed to failure. God, however in my belief, also hears the prayers of others when they pray for us, especially our parents. He mainly listens to parents, when a parent curses their children, He hears that too!

We make our own choices, it’s called free will, to choose right from wrong that is what determines our peace of soul. God who knows everything knows our options before we make them He did not create us to be puppets. God wants us to depend on Him, which is why He showed us in the Bible the perfect prayer known as the Lord’s Prayer aka The Our Father, that prayer when you offer it has everything we need.

There is only One God not many gods as stated in the First of the Ten Commandments. The First three Commandments are how we are expected to treat God; the other Seven Commandments are how we are supposed to treat each other. It’s not that difficult. To pray is to be humble and God loves humility, to say no to prayer is Pride. As long as we have breath, it is never too late to start, but when we draw that last one, our will is fixed forever. Why? Because if we choose not to want God in our life, why would we want Him in the next?

Sorry Fandango, for the preaching, but you asked for it!

Photo Challenge, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Uncategorized

Pick me Up @


Cee and Chris an invitation to share your views in images of which I added to their prompt.  

Also, I linked this to a prompt “Euphonious” Pleasing to your eyes, reflections to ponder or food for thought.  Suggested at RDP click here to join.


Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

WONDERING a short story

Opening my eyes while thinking, how bright it was outside my window, oh it snowed again; reaching for the covers while pulling them up over my shoulders; why is it so cold I wondered.

Feeling for the alarm, wondering about the joy I felt; I had another hour to sleep, turning over. I’ll just quickly hop out of bed, turn up the heat to warm the house and get back under the cozy, fuzzy blankets for another hour.

Not so fast! What’s this strange dizziness, I wondered, falling back into my pillows and safe zone, confused and anxious, I tried again to get up. To no avail! Quickly fell back sinking into the softness of my bed. I wondered what in the world is going on!

I realized all that brightness I thought was snow outside my window was in actuality the bedroom lights had been turned on.
Gulp! Who are all these people in my room I wondered! No one is looking familiar, and why are they just ignoring me! “Hey!” I screamed.

“No use,” a voice said, “they can’t hear you because you’re dead!”

“Like a candle, your flame burnt out and now you are all mine!”

“Yours,” I screamed, “who are you?”

“Don’t you know, I am the one you have been serving for the past several decades.”

Supernatural Reality

Physician-assisted Suicide? Right or Wrong

The Challenge or suggestion today is in the form of a question, today the question is physician-assisted suicide, yes or no!

I love questions that cause me to think. I also realize that my way of thinking is not according to the direction of the world is moving today.
It is as though we are being pulled like a magnet to believe that this life is all we have therefore we should live it according to our convenience.

God really and truly speaks to all of us, and especially to us when we are near to our end. Suicide is evil because it removes our soul from the last chance we will have to hear His voice embedded within. If you don’t believe me, ask any physician or Hospice caretakers to tell you the stories they have witnessed sitting at the bedside of the dying.

Time to eternity is our journey like being born; leaving the womb of your mother entering this life. Now coming into our eternity, a new life of our choosing, a life of happiness or a life of absence of joy depending on how we ended.

Suicide is cheating yourself of that final vital conscious or coma state moment while still in the state of TIME. The time to review; the most critical moment allowed us.

The dying persons hearing the voice of God while pondering any regrets, feelings for contrition/repentance, and most importantly forgiveness from He who has created you.


dVerse, poetry

We Met on Christmas Day—1957

My Christmas Gift from God!

Married … 1961

Now he is gone, his name was Dennis!

A MEMORY afraid to forget

Some die soft and others die-hard.
You left me with a heart scarred.
His Will was to call you home
His Will left me all alone.
Your words to me were bravely spoken
Today I understand the words foretoken.
“It’s Gods Will,” you said over and over.
“Please lend me a prayer,” and moreover;
“What did our priest just say to me?”
Words I just couldn’t foresee.
“Our children will now care for you,”
He knew they would follow through.
Now that it’s been six long years
What I do best are shedding tears.


dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

dVerse desires CHANGE today!

Learning someone in your circle has that dreaded “C” word, it seems like an eternity until you know all the details; fear and waiting patiently. The day has come when we realize what love is. Our special person and life isn’t a life without them. A change is about to take place surreal as in numbing. We begin to bargain with God; if I change dear God, will you then answer my plea? Whatever can I do, oh God, to change your mind?
This can’t be happening, not now, not today; not ever!

We all know the day
might come — letting go— endure
resign to His Will





Today I feel more conversant with the memory of my husbands last days than usual, so I wrote a poem. Although I may not be considered a poet, I still feel conversant with his memory.

A MEMORY afraid to forget

Some die soft and others die-hard.
You left me with a heart scarred.
His Will was to call you home
His Will left me all alone.
Your words to me were bravely spoken
Today I understand the words foretoken.
“It’s Gods Will,” you said over and over.
“Please lend me a prayer,” and moreover;
“What did our priest just say to me?”
Words I just couldn’t foresee.
“Our children will now care for you,”
He knew they would follow through.
Now that it’s been five long years
What I do best are shedding tears.



via Daily Prompt: Conversant