Reena’s Xploration

As We near Graduation — a Conversation we may hear!

Reena’a Xploration Challenge, my story about the image below.

Let’s Shake on that!
"Hey buddy, can you believe it's about that time we will graduate from this place, and have you given it any thought about what comes next?"

"I have many questions but no real answers; what about you?"
"I have a myriad of ideas but just can't quite make up my mind about any of them"!
"I say, ideas are like opinions; everyone has one, but an original scheme and how to execute it might be successful.  
"You're right;  perhaps there are no more new ideas, so we need to find a better way to accomplish them!" 
"It is said that two heads are better than one, right!  Why not sit down, and maybe we can together come up with a brilliant opportunity."
"What the world needs is action, not another idea."
"Today,  all we see are either bad ideas or no ideas, in government, the people we are supposed to look up to."
"See, that might be a good idea; we seem to fit; we either have too many or no ideas."
"Let's shake on that theory; that's where all the money is!"

"Hey Brandon, let's go!

Another #FSS don’t miss it!

I realized

Yes, I realized life, at least for me was not to be alone! Only this time I will be more careful, I will bring my friends home to meet my owners first, making sure they are not only after me for my Meow Mix!

Fandango says:

“If you care to write and post a story built from this teaser, be sure to link back to this post and to tag your post with #FSS. I would also encourage you to read and enjoy what your fellow bloggers do with their stories.”

Carrot Ranch, Politics

If your easily Offended don’t read this!

If you love carrots don’t miss this challenge at the CARROT RANCH! Ninety-nine words  – 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the word meltdown. The rules are use it to describe an event or emotional reaction. You can create a new meaning or explore the word origin. You can Go where the prompt leads! Respond by July 20, 2021. That is what I did, (create a new meaning) Why not – those in power are doing it, creating new meanings.

Carrot Ranch is located here, click!


Below please find a few words to add to the new glossary; words to conform with the New Order of things. The New World Order, they call it.

“Misinformation” today means anything Democrats don’t like.
“Racist” means today anything said, the Democrats disagree.
“He or she” is illegal pronouns today because the liberals say so!
“Censorship” is anything that infringes on their rights.
“Offended” means hurry unfriend them sooner than later.
There are also a few new words not in the dictionary, such as
“Antifa” – “vax”!
“Meltdown”; oops, I’m at my 99 words; see picture below for definition.

Just Because, opinion, Politics

EVERYONE JOIN THE CONTEST Entries must be submitted by October 25, 2020

John Falter cover

Poets here on WordPress who will be the winner? Don’t forget it has to be funny!

Thought I would practice writing a Limerick so here below is my take on a practice Limerick; Practice makes perfect. Your turn!


Every hour this male thrived on power
Although he lacked the brainpower
Some called him sleepy
That seemed quite creepy
Believed he wore a mask taking a shower

Just Because, opinion

What If !!!

The word today from the famous Fandango is PERFUNCTORY!

Fight with delight, fight the fight, these statues the “peaceful” unthinking, perfunctory protestors are tearing down, have had enough.  BEWARE!

You will have to agree, I feel, these images below are certainly perfunctory, glib, or at least artful, depending on how you look at things.












dVerse, poetry

How to Get Rich Fast

dVerse wants something SILLY, just turn on the DAILY NEWS!

It seems the whole world is SILLY!
A Plandemic, oops I mean Pandemic?
New dances like — Social Distancing, ♫♪
Sheltering in Place ♪ Quarantining the Healthy ♫
Don’t miss this tip
For what its worth,
Buy stock in toilet paper.
Get rich fast!

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Hypocrisy the lIBERAL; a Limerick poem

My Limerick for today … Political, yes;  Comical yes;  Truthful, I think so!


Rules to remember besides being silly are, it’s five lines long
The first two lines rhyme with each other and with the fifth line
The third and fourth lines also rhyme
Limericks are also supposed to have a certain rhythm.


There once was a man who sought a position
He studied to do well at his audition
Do you believe in God? No, was his reply
You are just the type; helpful smart sort of guy
Thank God for that was his whispered petition

#1linerWeds, Politics

Is 80 too old? — Ask Pelosi!


Okay! Haven’t posted on 1liner for a few, but today I feel silly. Nothing new about that! Last month I celebrated my 79th; therefore, I HESITATE TO SAY, I am almost 80 years old. (Same age as Pelosi)   —  When your nearly 80 you have the right to be silly.

I keep thinking of this dumb phrase I heard on an old black and white movie, sorry I can’t remember the Title of the film, the One Liner is:

“I am so happy my Birthday falls on the Day I was born.”




Word Prompts

Thanks, Twitter for this laugh!

Even Fandango, will laugh.

What an anomaly!  I was going to skip this prompt but then I discovered this anomaly and had to share it.

Please, you just have to see this little girl on twitter.

also just for being a sport here is another anomaly, at least I think so!


Photo For the Week

I’m a copy cat… see or should I say Cee

Pick Me Up – March 15, 2019

I Love this idea of Pick Me Up!
Most artwork and photos on my blog are my own, feel free if you want to use them, I don’t copyright my work, wanting to share has always been my goal.
dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

My Quadrille for dVerse

dVerse Quadrille with the prompt word EARTH!

Friends/foe don’t agree
especially with me.
Some even say earth is flat
something like a placemat.
Some insist the earth is round
with speech that is profound.
When I get to heaven
I’ll let you know as sure as 1 + 6 are seven!


Join the fun!

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Poetry with Wings




My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “sad and Write” my choice of synonyms will be underlined. — This writing; is called SHAPE POETRY, a Butterfly Cinquain.

To join the fun click HERE.


Craving to pen
scribble or compose, yet
troubled, melancholy am I
but why?
Sun steep in the sky — rays falling
God high up — grace dipping;
there I did it!
The end.