
Fandango’s Provocative Question, answered by me!

Each week Fandango will pose what he thinks is a provocative question for other bloggers consideration. His question is below, why not give us your input, just click here link:

“Do you believe in fate and predestination? If so, what or who is the source? If you do believe in predestination, is there anything anyone can do to change their predestined fate?”

I believe God has a purpose for every one of us in this life and on an appointed day, we will die. Prayer is most important in the discovery of this purpose without prayer we are left to our own discretion, and more often we are doomed to failure. God, however in my belief, also hears the prayers of others when they pray for us, especially our parents. He mainly listens to parents, when a parent curses their children, He hears that too!

We make our own choices, it’s called free will, to choose right from wrong that is what determines our peace of soul. God who knows everything knows our options before we make them He did not create us to be puppets. God wants us to depend on Him, which is why He showed us in the Bible the perfect prayer known as the Lord’s Prayer aka The Our Father, that prayer when you offer it has everything we need.

There is only One God not many gods as stated in the First of the Ten Commandments. The First three Commandments are how we are expected to treat God; the other Seven Commandments are how we are supposed to treat each other. It’s not that difficult. To pray is to be humble and God loves humility, to say no to prayer is Pride. As long as we have breath, it is never too late to start, but when we draw that last one, our will is fixed forever. Why? Because if we choose not to want God in our life, why would we want Him in the next?

Sorry Fandango, for the preaching, but you asked for it!