Carrot Ranch

As the River Flows

A prompt that creates tears to flow as a river is described here for the interested brought to my attention by reading Colleens site today! Thank you Colleen!

January 28, 2021, prompt: In 99 syllables/words (no more, no less), write a story about life as a river of consciousness. I tried a Double Ennead as Colleen’s Contribution. To participate, here’s the link:  CARROT RANCH I also wrote the same in the requested 99 word (no more, no less) prompt.

My Double Ennead

Child is born, parents with
high hopes, their baby
a sprinkle grows — a world pulls child into it.
growing while still flowing
began a small stream

Gravity pulls it down
moving toward an
ocean of eternity. Banking down — down!
the river’s future with
twists and turns, the bends

The land around is life!
with uphill climbs or
easy low valley flows —rolling from a height
with ups downs. Life, that gift
ends — Begins Again!

My 99 word story

A child is born, parents have high hopes, small as a sprinkle, and grows as the world pulls the child into it.
Growing and flowing began a small stream. Gravity pulls it down, moving toward an ocean of eternity. Banking, down to the river’s future. The twists and turns, the bends. The land around is life! Changing from an uphill climb to a comfortable flow in a low valley. Life as a river flowing from height, beginning down through the world. Ups, downs, twists, bends. Life, a gift — a river that someday will end. Ends — or begins again?

dVerse, poetry

Moonshine … anyone?

dVerse says …

Let’s get a little luny

Mother Nature about to deliver — TODAY!
Labor pangs travail wind howling in pain!
Mother Earth speaks through the long nights.
Bringing forth recovered life, never aborted.
Life continues to shift, and leaves fall, rain dances.
Cold disturbs the heat, but look at the moon!
The moon so polished, large, and gleaming, we wonder!
From here to eternity, it shimmers, from my house to yours.

One more gift from God
That glow; it never burns out
Vigilant night eye!

Inspired by

Frank J. Tassone

Ah! Another Challenge, Politics, Word Prompts

Do Beeee of Good CHARACTER

The prompt today is the word “Character.”  I love prompts because they always make me dust off my brain.  I only wish I had the time to participate in them all, but I do have a life outside this “box” of electronics.  Today I plan to clean out my shed, I better put on my mask to protect me from the dust.  LOL!

Here is my take today on the subject of Character click if you want to join.

Today the world is living with so many different characters and trying to get along is a challenge itself. — A confusion wrought by change, black is now white, right is now wrong, but what was wrong is now the new normal.

There is a conspiracy to rid the world of God. Anyone who denies this is either part of it or one with their head in the sand. How do I know this, LOOK AROUND?

In my 80 years of life, I have met many characters most with integrity, others eccentric, or cranks. Lucky me, I get along with all of them, some better than others. They all have something to give.

The world is so filled today with chaos; who are we, or mainly who am I to say who is correct or mistaken to believe in a conspiracy. I have reached to point in my life, to pray for truth, let the world go by, and hope that when it stops for me to get off, I will be ready to face God when He asks me like He will ask all of us. HOW DID YOU KEEP THE FAITH?


Word Prompts

Time Change, not Climate Change

Did I really lose one precious hour of my time, if not where is it?

Suddenly it occurs to me!
I woke up telling myself, and it’s 4:00 a.m.; my clock says 5:00 a.m. therefore; I am missing one hour.
That hour! What could I have done with it? Continued with my fleeting dream, forgotten with that cup of coffee or sooner. Or perhaps I might have awoken earlier hearing my cat scratching at whatever! Doing what I usually do, hopefully praying a prayer or two.
Time is like that… once gone… gone forever!
Don’t waste it on remaining in the state of languishing day after day, month after month, and year after year.

The prompt word if you haven’t guessed is “occur” here!

Supernatural Reality

Saturday Mix of the Natural/Supernatural

The shadow of the moon danced on the lake.

Morphing of the shadow as the light of the moon penetrated through branches; the reaching arms gracefully unveiling its ballet to a full moon.
A moon suspended high beyond its genius of design, a living greeting card.

The priest that morning at the sacrifice of the Mass, held the host high above his head, again a change; the bread of earth-penetrating God’s enlightenment is unveiling bread from heaven.

Natural meeting
Of the Supernatural
Morphing night and day



The Prompt
dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

dVerse desires CHANGE today!

Learning someone in your circle has that dreaded “C” word, it seems like an eternity until you know all the details; fear and waiting patiently. The day has come when we realize what love is. Our special person and life isn’t a life without them. A change is about to take place surreal as in numbing. We begin to bargain with God; if I change dear God, will you then answer my plea? Whatever can I do, oh God, to change your mind?
This can’t be happening, not now, not today; not ever!

We all know the day
might come — letting go— endure
resign to His Will



dVerse, Word Prompts

The mystery of a name

Choose wisely that name for your child to be
God sees it as unique, we want Him to agree.
The Bible explains at times He would arrange
taking Abram to Abraham; Saul to Paul He changed.
Simon to Peter; instructing Zechariah his son to
be called John. If we only knew His view.

After researching; finding my name to be of Irish origin
meaning “High-spirited.”
I certainly hope I can live up to my title according
to the Will of God; He knows I’m trying!

Written through the inspiration of dVerse

Daily Spur, Ronovan Writes, Word Prompts

Fulfillment of Political Correctness

Word Prompt from the Daily Spur today is FULFILLMENT, thus the title to this post.

This contest of stupidity that is choking society?
The idiotism of being stupid is here!

There aren’t words to describe the mania — changing
the ordinary language used by society; removing gender pronouns.

It is being said today it has begun; THE RIDICULOUS!
The publishing of the ludicrous!

Greetings cards for one example; no longer Happy Mothers Day
but Happy You Day!

Here you see the fulfillment of idiotism
of stupidity!

What Next?

Haiku for Ronovan

She will always be
a pretty female to me
— He manly what else?

