
So APROPOS and dVerse

I posted this some time ago on an OPEN LINK but it is so apropos even more so today, I dare post it again! If you think you saw it previously in the past, you did!

The time is now; that Grand Plan
Prep, don’t forget stock a drink
Juice, maybe freshly squeezed, — please!
Make sure your plan is at hand.

A rainstorm of fire will form
Wishing life — under the sea.
The dead, we will all envy.
God deliver us, our plea!

Attach to God or detached?
Winds roll us as tumbleweeds.
Where O’where rosary beads?
Never late, long as we breathe.

Tongue-tied fear viewing sunsets!
Green flashes for all to see.
When it’s over, sun to rise.
A world becomes very wise.

Now to know the Master’s sign.
Every knee bends at His name.
The world; a canvas so blank
We have God’s mercy to thank.

This is the link to the last time I posted it for dVerse as an Open Link

Today’s Open Link can be found here Click here

Mad World

The Chastisement of the world — Catholic prophecy

Fandango asks on

What worries you the most about the future? Why is that your biggest concern? Or are you not that concerned about the future?

This post might not make sense unless raised as Traditional Catholic.
I hesitate to post it, but as you see, I did! Post it!

What concerns me is the world is ripe for the chastisement of the world!

Christians who are honest will have to admit that when Jesus said, “Upon this rock, I will build My Church.” Words that resulted at the beginning of the Catholic Faith, a Faith misunderstood for centuries. It is foretold that this Faith will adapt to the world ( 2nd Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians; ) and become small. “My Kingdom is not of this world.” His Kingdom is His Divine Supernatural Faith. (Luke 18;8. )

Catholic prophecy warns us before His Second Coming; God will allow a chastisement because today, what looks like His Faith BUT IS NOT; had adapted to the world!

Therefore, my only concern is for those who do not believe. My concern the Catholic prophecy! IS Coming Soon, I fear!

Read all about it by clicking here!