Weekend Writing Prompt

Junk or Treasure, depends on you!

This weekend challenge inspired the memory of looking back through the adventures of my life. The past seems to surface as we age!
Yes, and all that junk that slipped through my life, both in my mind and hands. Thinking now of all the yard sales, with all that junk scattered, yet, not all was junk to me, perhaps to the seller, yes; buyer a treasure waiting for discovery.
My best experience was finding this work of art, two statues of the Holy Family, about 12″ tall, one of Blessed Mother, the other Saint Joseph holding Baby Jesus, dressed with several paint chips proudly vintage.
As I purchased, the seller remarked, “I knew someone would come along and appreciate these.” He did not know how actual his words were.
Not the best picture below, but to give you a glimpse of my prize.

Catholic accused of worship of statues how ridiculous and they who accuse know it!

Most of us/all of us have treasures that reminds of this or that! We feel bad if it gets lost, stolen, or broke. Admit it!

Religious pictures, statues are meant only to be an inspiration to a Catholic. Amen!

In the meantime, I enjoyed repairing the few nicks and chips on these statues, knowing they are only made with ceramics of sort.

true story, Word Prompts

A Short True Story

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “MIGHTY”, The word click here




“Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His name.” Luke 1;49

Impossible to love her more than her Son, she will always lead you to her Son.

One day while I was explaining to my friend why we honor Mary, she listened and heard. Her young daughter was in the hospital, she was on her way to visit, stopping at the long red light, her eyes looking this way and that way, she saw a Church down the street with a giant statue there of Jesus.

Her daughter was very seriously ill, and she, my friend, decided it was time to pray for her, she continued driving but made a turn around to the Church building to pray at the Church. When she pulled up to the building, getting out of her car, it was not Jesus, but Mary’s figure beckoned her to come into the Church.

Later she mentioned to me her experience and said, “Mary led me to Jesus.” My friend was soon after Baptised as well as her daughter.



Calling all Catholics PRAY A NOVENA OF ROSARIES. Halt this Communistic Hostage.


President Trump on Monday laced into Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) for failing to break up a group of protesters who have occupied a portion of the city, though he declined to offer specifics on when or how he might intervene.

Trump has fixated over the past week on demonstrators living in what has been dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in downtown Seattle, ridiculing the movement as a group of radical anarchists. He has focused his ire on Inslee, a former Democratic candidate for the White House who has previously tussled with Trump, and Durkan, accusing the two leaders of being weak.

“You have a governor who doesn’t do a damn thing about it, and you have a mayor that doesn’t know she’s alive,” Trump said Monday.

“If they don’t do the job, I’ll do the job,” Trump added.



Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

WORD OF THE DAY – Pontificate


One of those words not everyone agrees with because of what it symbolizes. Catholics know it means the earthly head of His Church, while Jesus is the absolute head. Especially in the present era, we question; how can the pontificate contradict from one successor to another and still be consider being under the guidance of the Sanctifier, the Holy Ghost, Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity? Truth is the pontificate can’t! The doctrines of the Church were true when Christ founded His Church as they are true today.
It is evident that today, since Vatican Council II, addressed relations between the Catholic Church and the modern world early in the 60s it was decided by those who finally gained control of the hierarchy to adapt to the world. Freemasons! http://www.angelfire.com/oh/jude3and4homepage/alpikecritique.html

Is it any wonder why Jesus in the Bible warns us of the great apostasy from the Pontificate;

“I say to you, that He will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” [Luke 18:8]

dVerse, Supernatural Reality

Found Poetry of why Catholics Honor Mary

Learning something as I go along — i.e. what is “found poetry?”

Plus an added bonus in that dVerse wants poetry regarding Privileges.

Reading here on WordPress from other knowledgeable bloggers aroused my interest.  I did what any other person does these days, search google.

Wanting to try it, I decided to go for the Bible and see what poetry I could find.  After researching “found poetry” and the rules, there were none — changing, switching words, cutting, pasting adding or subtracting anything is permitted as part of the creativeness.


I was at a disadvantage searching the Bible because, well you know the Bible is the Word of God; therefore having to be careful not to change the context was a must.


Taken from the Book of Luke; Chapter 1

Title of my “found” poem


(verse 26)    Angel Gabriel
(29)               His word
(30)               Hast found grace
(35)               Power of the Most High
(38)               The angel departed
(42)               Blessed art thou among women
(46)               Mary said
(48)               All generations shall call me BLESSED 



With the exception of seeking into the Bible for God’s Words. 

Otherwise the art of FOUND POETRY, in my opinion, the art is in the montaging of words.

  Click here to see what I mean:



Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, since the birth of Jesus Christ so says the thesaurus, and who can argue with the thesaurus or dictionary.com.

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ad/add/AD (Anno Domini).”

Nonbelievers to Christians and everyone in between adds to their instruments of necessary paperwork the date based upon the birth of Jesus Christ. God is clever that way! In a way, it is His AD of advertising that He and He alone is King.




A Find! A Treasure

A find, a treasure found in a Thrift store. A treasure to me, but to another, it might have been tossed away, and forgotten. Think about the fact that for someone to have given it away just like that; furthermore by the grace of God this little treasure was found.
Found not be me, but a friend who gave it to me, knowing someday I would appreciate its contents.011
A diary of a sort, or notebook of thoughts, prayers, a part of her life. She was born in 1885, married in 1912 and wrote beautiful meditations of the Mass, Stations of the Cross, Mysteries of the rosary. One phrase, in particular, written therein I had to research it on the Internet for the true meaning and origin. She speaks of the “princes of Thy Kingdom with an increase of Felicity and Beatitude.” (Princes = plural for angels) This phrase is mentioned over and over throughout her writings.

My research via the Internet brought me to this text in the publication titled “Life of St. Gertrude.” The book reads:

“As the Feast of St. Michael approached, St. Gertrude prepared herself for Holy Communion by meditation on the care which the angels had of her, by the divine command, notwithstanding her unworthiness. And as she desires to render some return to them, she offered in their honor the life-giving Body and Blood of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament. Her words: “I offer You this most august Sacrament, O most loving Lord, for Your eternal glory, in honor of the princes of Your Kingdom and for the increase of their felicity and Beatitude.”
Then our Lord drew this oblation to Himself in an ineffable manner, thereby causing the greatest joy to these angel spirits, who appeared even as if they had never before experienced such blessedness and superabounded in delights. Then each of the choirs of angels, according to their rank, inclined respectfully before St. Gertrude, saying: “You have indeed honored us by this oblation, and we will, therefore, guard you with special care” ( Life of St. Gertrude, IV, ch. 54, p. 462).
Moreover, thereafter a representative from each of the first six choirs approached her to thank her and promised her special graces in gratitude: 1) the Angels promised special protection; 2) the Archangels, light into the divine mysteries; 3) the Virtues, assistance in her writings and meditations; 4) the Dominations, by their praise and intercession to make good any negligence on her part; 5) the Principalities, to adorn her and present her to God; 6) the Powers, to remove every impediment to her spiritual growth (ibid, pp. 463)

The more I study this little treasure, the more I feel as if I know this woman. Based on a few things she writes about herself, I know her name at birth was Iva Myrtle Fonts, she was born in 1885; if alive today she would be 133 years old this coming June. She married at age 27 becoming Myrtle Doyle (she addressed herself always as Myrtle Doyle) and widowed at the age of 51.
I am beginning to see a picture of the young Myrtle struggling with her path; choosing either a religious or married vocation. One of her entries she writes a personal note addressed to Mary, the mother of Jesus. “Please take me home Mary sweet mother, your wandering child who did not know her mother’s voice when she called her years ago. Mary, sweet mother, forgive me, please do and come with Jesus for me. The most unworthy one that God has made thirsty for flames of Divine Love to consume her … My God the life of my soul. Please consume me for I am no more but all Thine.”
There is also a tiny picture of a woman in nuns habit which she marked it Myrtle age 55.
Her meditations about the Latin Mass of All Times are quite inspirational; how she relates all to the sufferings of Jesus as an example when the priest enters the sanctuary he kisses the altar, she writes of how Jesus now betrayed with a kiss. The priest says Dominus Vobiscum, (The Lord be with you) Myrtle mentions of how when Jesus looked at Peter when Peter denied him, Peters conversion was elevated.
I can relate to this because it is my belief also that we convert in degrees according to grace, some are at a higher level as we progress closer to our goal. We continue to go forward as long as we are committed to God’s Will.
There are so many beautiful thoughts in this little booklet, the subject of this post and written in Myrtle’s hand. I hope that it is not only a treasure for Traditional Catholics who remember the Church before Vatican II adaptions to the world but to everyone reading this post.