Reena’s Xploration, Xploration

The Ecstatic of Tours

Looking for an interesting place to tour, consider this site rich with miracles, legends, and pagan history.  

 This strange prophecy below is associated with St. Odile, who is revered as the patron saint of Alsace and this historic site.   History of Alsace

The prophecy stated below sounds like today’s newscast.  

There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun

“Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is ensured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time the Church will be without a Pope.”

That last line — “For some time the Church will be without a Pope.” It would be more obvious if it said, Catholic Pope, in my humble opinion.    

Link to the tour:

Reena Xploration

Only 6Sentence

Very Short six sentence story

The prompt word is “SHELTER”

Just a simple story, I notice lately I enjoy writing poems, short stories, and photo prompts here is one short story for Girlie on the edge.

Waking and thinking about my day off, what should I do today? First, I need that cup of coffee! As she walked around the room, getting her thoughts together, waiting for that cup of coffee, she wondered if the world was still out there, turning on the news to a strange noise; din din din din din din … & words flashing across the screen. 

B R E A K I N G N E W S….  A Voice … Everyone Shelter in Place.  

What Now, she screamed as details from the news rung out, “a new variant just discovered.”  

She went back to bed!


Fantango’s Story Starter — I wish it was fiction!


Cold and wet, tired and exhausted, she tearfully watched her comfortable home slowly swallowed by the hungry hot lava.
Her thoughts are wondering why it is that man with all their Pride! Humanity how they fly to the moon and back, yet they can DO NOTHING except watch the flow of lava destroy the land as it slips slowly into the ocean. The result, while waiting, might be the formation of poisonous gas, the fear! Yet they have little or no fear of Him; we sit and watch The power of God, His justice is Divine, but why! Do we dare to ask? When deep inside, we know the answer. Are we next?

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More Breaking News Just In

3 Alaskan volcanoes on Orange Alert after elevated seismic activity and small explosions recorded

A reblog

Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden Aides Test Positive for COVID After Meeting with Infected Texas Dems

++++++ WHAT! This can’t be true!

Nwo Report

Biden spokesperson ludicrously claims the breakthrough cases prove vaccines work.

Source: Nworeport

An aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and a Biden staffer have both reportedly tested positive for Covid-19 after meeting with Texas Democrats, despite all parties being vaccinated.

On Tuesday, Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill related the development to Fox News, with saying, “Yesterday, a fully vaccinated senior spokesperson in the speaker’s press office tested positive for COVID after contact with members of the Texas state legislature last week.”

Hammill noted the Speaker did not come in contact with the infected individuals.

“This individual has had no contact with the speaker since exposure. The entire press office is working remotely today with the exception of individuals who have had no exposure to the individual or have had a recent negative test. Our office will continue to follow the guidance of the Office of Attending Physician closely.”


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Just Because, One Liner anytime, Uncategorized

Is Anti-Christ HERE?

Everyone who reads my blog should know by now that, although I am a Catholic, I am traditional, meaning I don’t believe the new teachings of Vatican II.

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.

Catholic, Protestant or Atheist this should concern YOU!

Word Prompts

Define RACIST … or QUIT!


The prompt word today is “forlorn”… in a short wink, the only point of the word might be when I consider the media these forlorn days of reading, hearing their delivery of commentary on what in the past described as”NEWS,” today it is more like FORLORN rumors.

Let us begin by thinking!

Those to the left and right, what is wrong with Making America Great?
Make America Great Again, BY demanding TRUTH from the media.

And MEDIA MAKERS EVERYWHERE the next time you refer to a conservative as a racist… PLEASE define the word RACIST in your narrative, to avoid any misconception.


Journalists are THE FIRST to bring us the TRUTH, remember what Albert Einstein said:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

BURBLE— Interesting word, especially today!

The best definition of the word “BURBLE.”
Would be this ongoing debate on the
Kavanaugh nomination, on and on, BURBLE!
Beware what goes around comes around!
Carry on, the only thing left is the Vote!

BURBLE, burble, B U R B L E … sick of it, change the channel!

Thank God we Can, STILL change the channel.