Just Because

My REPOST of the week on Targeted Traffic HOW TO

Found this in my email today, just passing it along to interested readers here.

“Get more targeted traffic from social media?

A deep dive to find all the patterns in social media influencers.

One thing that stuck out was they were all using a smart bio link.

You see most social media platforms limit you to only one link in your profile.

With a smarter bio link page, you can send traffic to multiple pages”

Click here to see how to!

Ah! Another Challenge

Fandango’s Challenge

Fandango did it again!

What a great idea for a challenge; looking back, I posted this below on January 9, 2019.
I couldn’t pass the opportunity to publish, since it explains why I woke up this morning so happy! (My post for another time)
Happy New Year to all! Here is my flashback inspired by the famous Fandango!

My FLASHBACK FROM January 9, 2019 TWO years ago, from TODAY!

Ah! Another Challenge

What is the FUTURE of my BLOG?

History of my Blog

https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2021/01/04/blogging-insights-my-blog-in-2021/TODAY’S QUESTIONS 
How do you see your blog in 2021? What are your hopes and aspirations for your blog this year?

Why has my blog evolved into what it is today? The essence or heart of my blog, when I posted my first time has slightly changed.
I intended to post things like this one published here, one of several first things I published. Click here to read.

AS a beginner blogger and to my surprise, I started to see comments and likes; as I began to read other bloggers, I discovered “prompts & challenges.”

I love a challenge! PLUS Along with the prompts and challenges!

My amateur/newbie poetry was born; Along with my stern opinions on politics; “forget-me-not” my attempt at humor, I tried to interject here and there.

My followers, when they slowly came, was to me a surprise!
Some are atheists but, for the most part, very polite to me; others are therapists of a sort. Few are religious, or I haven’t noticed yet!
Like myself, we are all seeking, “Seek and you shall find.”

Thinking now for 2021 I will carry on, adding once in awhile a story about a Saint I admire. My hope to be helpful to others as so many people here have inspired me of how to blog, write poetry seek out “Found Poetry.” And to just SEEK while learning new things.

Eugi's Weekly, Weekend Writing Prompt


Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Transition” August 24, 2020


Pondering on a phrase I heard in an old black and white movie I watched on Youtube recently. “The end only means a new beginning.” TRANSITION for lack of a better word.

At birth, the beginning of life created body and soul. Even when the body dies, it is the beginning of new life for our soul. Believe it or not! Time will tell! Eternity?  HandOfGod

As we mature, each birthday ends a year but begins a new year.
We as children graduate from school ending, but beginning an adult life.
Let’s look at the little things we do. Our workday ends, relaxation begins.
We fall asleep only to awake to the beginning of a new day.

There is an end to the “temporal” of this world. A movie; ends! Read a book until the end! Music ends! Our pets, plants their life ends! Why?
Because these things only pertain to the present life of this world. They are temporary, not eternal. Their souls are mortal, not immortal, as endless.

Ah! Another Challenge, Politics, Word Prompts

Do Beeee of Good CHARACTER

The prompt today is the word “Character.”  I love prompts because they always make me dust off my brain.  I only wish I had the time to participate in them all, but I do have a life outside this “box” of electronics.  Today I plan to clean out my shed, I better put on my mask to protect me from the dust.  LOL!

Here is my take today on the subject of Character click if you want to join.

Today the world is living with so many different characters and trying to get along is a challenge itself. — A confusion wrought by change, black is now white, right is now wrong, but what was wrong is now the new normal.

There is a conspiracy to rid the world of God. Anyone who denies this is either part of it or one with their head in the sand. How do I know this, LOOK AROUND?

In my 80 years of life, I have met many characters most with integrity, others eccentric, or cranks. Lucky me, I get along with all of them, some better than others. They all have something to give.

The world is so filled today with chaos; who are we, or mainly who am I to say who is correct or mistaken to believe in a conspiracy. I have reached to point in my life, to pray for truth, let the world go by, and hope that when it stops for me to get off, I will be ready to face God when He asks me like He will ask all of us. HOW DID YOU KEEP THE FAITH?


Ah! Another Challenge, Word of the Day Challenge

A Jibberjabber post about doubt


I doubt that I could fly, although in my dreams I can.
I doubt I will live to be 100 — at least I hope I don’t!
I doubt I will ever win a poetry contest, but I love writing them!

Thinking about what I know for sure, hmmm!
Time continues to march on with or without me,
and the sun will rise each day … or will it?scratch


Try It … Take a Break … Relax!

Try It!  It’s your turn to do creative writing using these paint chip words below.

Find the prompt click here


Before God created — only obsidian
Although God needed nothing and so nothing was
The Three perfectly happy; their alpine, their all.
Rich soil, snow angels totally they created!
All-knowing, God, absolutely spoke: “I predict!”
A jaded panther appears, red flag certainly!
Before God created — only obsidian



Be Careful — Don’t Fall


The squeaky wheel gets the oil; oh, I get it! The ones who make the most noise get their way! Don’t forget the grease or oil is slippery! Those who come in contact with it may fall. Reminds me of this proverb:
“A deceitful tongue loveth not truth: and a slippery mouth worketh ruin.”
Proverbs 26:28

Daily Inkling, true story, Word Prompts

Daily Inkling — My True Story!

Usually, I don’t post within my blogs anything personal; because my life is not that interesting and who cares that I burned the dinner last night anyway.

Today however the “Daily Inkling” stimulated an emotion, upon reading the prompt, inviting all to write about anything we might have with a signature and what that means to us.

My story starts here: While caring for my mother, who passed away six years ago at the early age of 98 — remembering her pleasant smile always, a gift to me, a memory and rare for someone unable to get out of bed; someone who spent her last ten months looking at the ceiling. My husband knew I had this responsibility of caring for her, all his plans of traveling here and there with me now on hold. The irony: He passed away exactly one year before her, November 2012 and she departed November 2013, just one day shy.
After they were gone; while going through their things, sorting, sifting, and separating whenever I found even just a tiny piece of their writings whether, on a note or scrap of paper, I stopped and stared at it in wonder. It was as if I saw for the first time their mindset or spirit. I thought, why did she scribble all those random words, what did they mean to her at that time? Thinking again, why did he draw that diagram, was it for me to understand something?
I kept those tiny pieces of treasures, little bits of their life that now became a precious gift, if only to myself.

Why do I blog? I imagine my loved ones TODAY perceive my blog here, they smile as they read my writings, composing of poems are a passing activity to keep my mind sharp, a hobby; while I whittle the time away!

Little do they know!

My desire for them to awaken, through the same discovering experience I received, they too will realize my written thoughts will become more than a passing activity. My family will read them in a new light. My vision for them to see ME again, to recognize and treasure any truths I learned during my journey we call life.


Just In Case…you never know!

#FOWC the word of the day is simply “CASE.”

Just in case I’m gone tomorrow
Blogging here will be no longer
Words to be evermore swirling
Fixed speech going it seems nowhere!
Lastly, words searched do rekindle
Falling on eyes alive to see!
One person’s morality as
Who was; yet never more TO BE!




Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

WONDERING a short story

Opening my eyes while thinking, how bright it was outside my window, oh it snowed again; reaching for the covers while pulling them up over my shoulders; why is it so cold I wondered.

Feeling for the alarm, wondering about the joy I felt; I had another hour to sleep, turning over. I’ll just quickly hop out of bed, turn up the heat to warm the house and get back under the cozy, fuzzy blankets for another hour.

Not so fast! What’s this strange dizziness, I wondered, falling back into my pillows and safe zone, confused and anxious, I tried again to get up. To no avail! Quickly fell back sinking into the softness of my bed. I wondered what in the world is going on!

I realized all that brightness I thought was snow outside my window was in actuality the bedroom lights had been turned on.
Gulp! Who are all these people in my room I wondered! No one is looking familiar, and why are they just ignoring me! “Hey!” I screamed.

“No use,” a voice said, “they can’t hear you because you’re dead!”

“Like a candle, your flame burnt out and now you are all mine!”

“Yours,” I screamed, “who are you?”

“Don’t you know, I am the one you have been serving for the past several decades.”

dVerse, Supernatural Reality

Found Poetry of why Catholics Honor Mary

Learning something as I go along — i.e. what is “found poetry?”

Plus an added bonus in that dVerse wants poetry regarding Privileges.

Reading here on WordPress from other knowledgeable bloggers aroused my interest.  I did what any other person does these days, search google.

Wanting to try it, I decided to go for the Bible and see what poetry I could find.  After researching “found poetry” and the rules, there were none — changing, switching words, cutting, pasting adding or subtracting anything is permitted as part of the creativeness.


I was at a disadvantage searching the Bible because, well you know the Bible is the Word of God; therefore having to be careful not to change the context was a must.


Taken from the Book of Luke; Chapter 1

Title of my “found” poem


(verse 26)    Angel Gabriel
(29)               His word
(30)               Hast found grace
(35)               Power of the Most High
(38)               The angel departed
(42)               Blessed art thou among women
(46)               Mary said
(48)               All generations shall call me BLESSED 



With the exception of seeking into the Bible for God’s Words. 

Otherwise the art of FOUND POETRY, in my opinion, the art is in the montaging of words.

  Click here to see what I mean:

Just Because, SoCS

Earthquakes news and forecasts

Regularly I tune into the live earthquake website and Dutchsinse on Youtube. Lately, there is a severe showing of activity near the crater known as the Pisgah Crater Volcano. For those yet to be introduced to Dutchsinse and his predictions and No he is not a prophet, just a young regular guy who discovered a unique scientific way of forecasting earthquakes. A little about Dutch; his fundamental discovery based on science which is why the “experts” hate him.

Getting back to my interest in this Pisgah Crater Volcano is because it seems it might be an awakening of a small volcano there in Ludlow Calif.

Not sure if the readers have been following since the mainstream news spends most of their time spinning the earthquakes that are ongoing in the world of politics. Brainwashing those who can’t think, but only obey those who preach bunkum.

Getting back to: Have you realized today about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, which reminds me of this verse: “And there shall be great earthquakes in divers places, and pestilences, and famines, and terrors from heaven; and there shall be great signs.”[Luke 21:11]

Living today, in my opinion, is undoubtedly lively!


How to sit back and enjoy the FAKE NEWS

Question by FPQ: “How do you feel about people who always seem to exaggerate when relating a story? Do you equate embellishment with lying? As a blogger, when, if ever, is stretching the truth, other than when writing fiction, permissible?”

Also, the word of the day from FOWC is “NEWS.”


Think about how dull the news stories would be without the adjectives used by the writers. Depending on the reader and their wants and needs one would grade the news as being exaggerated or “right on,” lying or just creative writing. The reader who loves the truth will read as they say, “between the lines.” In other words, what is meant by something that is not written! The creative genius of the writer by their embellishment can very easily falsify or misrepresent the truth, by their use of semantics of words.

Semantics is one weapon engineers of the New World Order have put into use, changing definitions of words and symbolism. The person looking for the truth should always ask when in a debate, especially debating with someone from the left, what definition they are using.

Consider also the omittance of “news” such as lately questions about the whereabouts of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Globalists certainly have to worry about their One World Order agenda set-back when it comes to the real story concerning her ability to serve.

My advice when it comes to hearing the news of today is to “pray and not worry.” Trust God instead of fear the fake news of the Globalists. Not only will that advice be good for your health, but will offer you peace of soul and happiness.

Word Prompts

Define RACIST … or QUIT!


The prompt word today is “forlorn”… in a short wink, the only point of the word might be when I consider the media these forlorn days of reading, hearing their delivery of commentary on what in the past described as”NEWS,” today it is more like FORLORN rumors.

Let us begin by thinking!

Those to the left and right, what is wrong with Making America Great?
Make America Great Again, BY demanding TRUTH from the media.

And MEDIA MAKERS EVERYWHERE the next time you refer to a conservative as a racist… PLEASE define the word RACIST in your narrative, to avoid any misconception.


Journalists are THE FIRST to bring us the TRUTH, remember what Albert Einstein said:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”