dVerse, Eugi's Weekly

As Night meets Day, the Battle!

At midnight, we begin a new day, although dark as night always is.
Time continues to tick-tock, minutes pass, we sleep. Tossing and turning, we await Twilight— the battle approaches, Twilight —  the time that gets in the way of darkness. At last! Sunrise to announce the winner, Dawn!
All this unknown — we sleep! We dream while angels watch!

Peep, peep, sing, sing a little bird, have woken our sleepy eyes, and night has met a new day. Our sleepytime over when it is over said and done it was a time, and there was never enough of it. A new day what will it bring? I wonder!

Happiness is that first cup of coffee!

Inspired by Eugi’s WeeklyPrompt
Supernatural Reality, Uncategorized, Word Prompts

Spiritual Battle — we are at WAR!

Are we nearing the END? How long will the END be? I wonder!

“For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.” [Apocalypse (Revelation) 16:14]

Looking at the condition of the world we live in; so-called Christians calling for abortion and now infanticide, both are evil. A person who should be our role models defending evil as Pelosi does when she objects, and to make it worse, in the name of God, to groups such as MS 13 being called for what they are “evil.” Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” [Isaias (Isaiah) 5:20]

Yes, we are at WAR, a Spiritual War, the battle for good or evil!  It is time for those whose consciences are speaking; stand up and fight for what you believe!

One factor for sure is, His Church, One, Holy, and Apostolic has adapted to the world. We were warned this would happen and it did with Vatican II. The infiltration of the Vatican that wrought the dumbing down of religion, the adaption to the world.

When God has had enough, I hope He finds you on the right side of this Spiritual War, the winning team. It is said, through His Saints prophesies that God will, for a while, let evil have its day. In the end, we know the end of the story. That will be a delicious time to be alive.

You don’t believe in God, you say! YOU WILL!


My words of Today — “MY BAD”

Just saying “My Bad” is not good enough.
The battle is between good and evil, and the prize is your soul.
Know this; you can not win this struggle on your genius alone no matter how skillful you are. When we stand before God, saying “Oooops” will not be good enough.

This morning while praying my prayers I realized something, now you can dismiss it, after all, who am I to advise anyone; and you are right to think that, I am no one in particular. For those who are curious and want to read my adventure, however for what it is worth, it is simply this:
“Ask, and you shall receive” means we must ask God to win this battle for us, ask Him to be at our side and FIGHT this war for us. He gave us a guardian angel, believe it or not, thank Him for that, but mainly we must merely ask Him to battle for us.

If you say, I don’t believe in God; do it anyway, “Ask, and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7;7)
Try this daily, a comfortable little prayer in poetry.

The battle begins
One True God stands at my side
because I ask Him

Have confidence, and I will meet you on the other side someday.

Word Prompts

My Wrinkle for what its worth

My personal WRINKLE for today!

No, I have no direct connection to God, His angels nor His Saints, but today while thinking about the condition of the world and feeling down about it. I kept asking myself, how did this happen? Why would God allow these evils to continue day after day?
I was alone and whispering to God about these things, and a thought came into my mind, “It happens because the older generation has stopped praying for, the younger generation.” That was the short and deep of my insight this morning.

The Bible speaks of a great battle, so my question is:

“For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.”
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 16:14]


“And when the thousand years shall be finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go forth, and seduce the nations, which are over the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, and shall gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.”
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 20:7]

My WordPress was next on my agenda; I started to read my reader, my followings, and something caught my eye … here.


via Daily Prompt: Wrinkle