
Too, too Tired! A Haibun with Haiku

Just to create conditions that something did happen a long time ago. A memory to awaken according to dVerse at … click here for more information, CLICK!

Going back in time is something expected as one age. This memory always comes to mind when I do this exercise, and I have often recalled it.
I could barely walk; therefore, I must have been about 24 months.
Knowing I couldn’t have been more than three. I remember walking outside with my mother and her lady-friend. I remember sitting down on the sidewalk and sitting there, sitting there.
My mother refused to pick me up; she kept coaching me to get up. After a few moments went by, but it seemed to me at that time a very long time. She started to walk ahead with her lady friend, leaving me to sit there.
Now that I am grown, I imagine she said something like this, “okay, just sit there, but I am going home.” The picture in my memory is; it seems as if she is far, far away; I am frightened — she left me!
I would not get up to run to her since she seemed an eternity away.
I can still see how tiny both she and her lady-friend were because they were so far away in my mind’s eyes.
In reality, they were only about 50 feet from me, and I know this because my mother would have never left me!

Stubborn baby girl
Take my hand — up little one
Too tired, mama dear!