Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Pascal’s Wager “#Awakening”

Reading below might be an AWAKENING for some and not for others.
Awakening the prompt word for Ragtag Daily Prompt #RDP

Speaking of The Christian God… Question: “What is Pascal’s Wager?”

According to Pascal, the wise thing to do is live your life as if God exists because such a life has everything to gain and nothing to lose. If we live as though God exists, we have attained heaven. If He doesn’t exist, we have lost nothing. If, on the other hand, we live as though God does not exist and He does exist, we have gained hell and punishment and have lost heaven and bliss.

Pascal thinks it an intellectual blunder to wager on that there is no God. At least mankind should search for the truth. I know not whence I came or whither I go. I only know that on quitting this world, I shall fall forever either into nothingness or … “into the hands of an angry God.” Heb 10:31.

(A) There is a purpose in life (God made us for life with him), or (B) that there is not.

Under one guise or another, human selfishness always urges man to stake everything on the idea there isn’t God. Pascal tries to show that it is far more reasonable – even from the viewpoint of self-interest – to stake all on there is God. If you bet everything on B and A is the truth, you lose an eternal good. But if you stake all on A and B is the truth, you win.

Pascal’s Wager the ageless or immutable question




I always have noticed the power of God in that even the unbelievers celebrate Christmas!

Wherefore you shall also count this day among other festival days, and celebrate it with all joy, that it may be known also in times to come,” Esther 16:22

Daily Word Prompt

The Great Reset

Inspired to write on this subject from a recent sermon last Sunday.


Prompted to Show or tell of that darkness and that light, and how one outweighs the other, with that I begin.

Allow me to explain the dark side of a new proposal; a high-profiled group calls for “The Great Reset.” They say all countries must participate in this reset of capitalism.
Readers here surely must have heard this term spoken of more recently since the Covid-19 crisis.
There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, thinking they can improve the world’s state.
We need a RESET for the entire world, but NOT as complicated and dark
as explained by the high-profiled elite.

Now the bright side of the word RESET!
A reset simply put, we need God in our life. God in our schools, the government in the world. That is the brightness of the Great Reset.
The light within the word RESET!

A note to the atheist reading here, this Brightside of the word RESET, does not take away your freedom; you will always have your Godgiven FREEWILL. At the same time, those who believe will have our RIGHT to pray—the best of two worlds. Speaking of the world, I am reminded of a little story told to me as a child.

Imagine this mother trying to find something for her little son to occupy himself while she needed some time alone. She found an image of the world in this magazine and tore it into tiny pieces, then told her son to think of it as a puzzle and put it in order. He did it in a few short seconds. Much to his mother’s astonishment, she said, “how did you do that so fast”?
The boy said, “Oh! on the other side of the picture was a man, and if you get him correct, the world is correct too.”

I Believe Because

I Believe Because

Thinking of my recent followers, now, for some time, I notice several are atheistic.
I feel compelled to explain why I believe in God since many of my followers are doubters.
Thinking along these lines journeyed deep into my nature as to why I believe in God. I have always accepted, but there was a time when I doubted. It was that time in my life I wanted my will to be done; therefore, I pushed God on the back burner. I notice something was amiss in my life; it was peace, so I began to pray again. With prayer anew, daily activities resulted at the end of unrest. This END forced me to the BEGINNING of peace.

Why do I believe in God? I will write about in subsequent writings beginning with a series of posts.

Today with this post I believe, because I pray!

  1.   “I Believe Because,” a series part one. 


Supernatural Reality, true story

Apostolic Blessing — True Story

Today, seven years ago, my husband passed away, November 13, 2012.

I miss him very much. We were married for over 50 years. He was an atheist when we married, but died a Catholic. I wonder even today, what he did so special that God smiled upon him with special graces. I believe it was his grandmother’s rosary she prayed daily.  

Hours before his death, he was barely conscience, slipped in and out. After receiving the Last Sacraments of the Church, he was gifted with the Apostolic Blessing. A blessing that includes a plenary indulgence. He was, as I said, partly rational and barely conscience but conscience enough to invoke the holy name of Jesus when the priest administrating the blessing asked him.

If interested you may find more about the Apostolic Blessing by reading here at https://tinyurl.com/tglu2um

Looking back on our life together;  what I enjoyed about our marriage, he allowed me to be myself.  Although for many years he had no faith in my religion, he always encouraged our children to follow me along that path.  One day after he converted years before he died, which is another story, I asked him why he defended the faith with such earnest; he said because it was so hard for him to acquire it.

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Hypocrisy the lIBERAL; a Limerick poem

My Limerick for today … Political, yes;  Comical yes;  Truthful, I think so!


Rules to remember besides being silly are, it’s five lines long
The first two lines rhyme with each other and with the fifth line
The third and fourth lines also rhyme
Limericks are also supposed to have a certain rhythm.


There once was a man who sought a position
He studied to do well at his audition
Do you believe in God? No, was his reply
You are just the type; helpful smart sort of guy
Thank God for that was his whispered petition

Supernatural Reality, Uncategorized, Word Prompts

Spiritual Battle — we are at WAR!

Are we nearing the END? How long will the END be? I wonder!

“For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.” [Apocalypse (Revelation) 16:14]

Looking at the condition of the world we live in; so-called Christians calling for abortion and now infanticide, both are evil. A person who should be our role models defending evil as Pelosi does when she objects, and to make it worse, in the name of God, to groups such as MS 13 being called for what they are “evil.” Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” [Isaias (Isaiah) 5:20]

Yes, we are at WAR, a Spiritual War, the battle for good or evil!  It is time for those whose consciences are speaking; stand up and fight for what you believe!

One factor for sure is, His Church, One, Holy, and Apostolic has adapted to the world. We were warned this would happen and it did with Vatican II. The infiltration of the Vatican that wrought the dumbing down of religion, the adaption to the world.

When God has had enough, I hope He finds you on the right side of this Spiritual War, the winning team. It is said, through His Saints prophesies that God will, for a while, let evil have its day. In the end, we know the end of the story. That will be a delicious time to be alive.

You don’t believe in God, you say! YOU WILL!

Daily Inkling, poetry, Word Prompts

Is Nothing, Something?


Best way to get attention, in my opinion, is to ask for advice or ask a question like the title of this post today!  Daily Inkling wants to know.


We find SOLITUDE when we dream, we write, compose and discover our sub-conscience.

Remembering, recollection, hindsight of a dream while traveling through
space and time. My trip began early one morning while still dark, dozed off on my coach and experienced a rare dream; rare because it was one that I remembered every detail upon returning.

While in my fantasy state, trying to explain how God always was and how did He become God anyway; boggled with that thought. I began to imagine if there never was a God there would be NOTHING! That was when the question entered, begging for an answer, only an atheist can answer. Is nothing, something?

Fantasy and back
Question without an answer
Only through our dreams

Supernatural Reality

Why does the unbeliever even care …



Recently a discussion developed with my last post which is the inspiration of this post below:

“Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
God’s realm is His Kingdom where His will is done; it is I believe, eternity, a supernatural dimension absent of time and always present without ever beginning.

As long as we are living here on earth, we have time; we can make decisions and choose our next move. We reason with our God-given conscience convincing us to make the correct choice. When we make the wrong choice innocence suffers from the guilty and negativity comes into the world.
Think about your own life and see your loved ones who have suffered because of your choice, it happens to all of us; we make mistakes in judgment. Back in the day, there was a song that went like this; “We always hurt the ones we love, the ones we shouldn’t hurt at all.” Certainly food for thought!
When our time is up, and we breathe our last breath, our will is fixed forever; we can not change if after that fact. If we pass away into eternity, not wanting God, He gives us our desire.

The atheist like to say, your God is terrible, He sends negativity into the world, they fail to see because of Pride, that when one wakes up and finds they are blind, it is because they plucked out their eyes of their own will.

It is God’s will that we here on earth; as in heaven, His will be done! While on earth He offers us time to reason what His will is. To pray, the power of prayer is genuine power, ask, and you shall receive. If you don’t ask, you will not receive. Pride is the downfall of many in this regard.

It is His will that all are saved, but as the Bible states; “How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!” Matthew 7; 14.

Just Because, Supernatural Reality

Who Created God?

He always was, is the answer.

That boggles my mind, however when we consider that God has not ever existed in what we know as “Time,” because in fact, God caused “Time.” He brought it into existence before doing so, “Time” did not exist.
Time is described by words such as movement, change, motion.
Outside of “Time” is deathlessness, infiniteness, perpetuity.

Since we living humans have only experienced living in “Time,” it is difficult or impossible for most of us even to imagine living without “Time” when considering that God always was it seems like a fairy tale. When He created “Time” that was THE BEGINNING! God had to exist to cause this rhythm a cycle of rotation (movement). He existed before that period outside of “Time.” He existed in timelessness, infiniteness where there was NO BEGINNING; therefore HE ALWAYS WAS!
I am not a scientist just an everyday person of faith who was inspired to write this post after reading what an atheist had to say about God, who always was. On thinking through the eyes of an atheist, it takes more faith on their part to deny God than to believe in God when one considers the wonders of the world.

Of course, now that God has created “Time” the Catholic way is to believe not only does He live in eternity, but He dwells with us in Time and Eternity.
I end with this Tanka Poem that I wrote dwelling yesterday on this very subject.

Without devotion
a season beyond passion,
do not destroy God.
To deny Him we destroy
us — eternity without!