Christian Belief, true story

Today is NOT an ordinary day

For many people, it will be just another day, but it is NOT because …

Ascension Day is officially celebrated on a Thursday the 40th day of Easter. That is TODAY! Today is NOT your ordinary Thursday; it is an extraordinary Day with Traditional Catholics, as it has continuously since Easter been known as Ascension Thursday.

“Imagine yourself, my soul, present on this day on the Mount of Olives; imagine yourself standing amongst the disciples of our Lord, gazing at your Saviour while He takes leave of His followers, gives them His final blessing, and then slowly rises up into Heaven. When you have vividly realized this marvelous scene, proceed to meditate upon the following points:

1st. At the very same instant in which our Lord was lifted from the earth and began slowly to soar upwards to Heaven, the souls of the just men of earlier times who were in Limbo rose also, in order, together with their Redeemer, with their heavenly King, to make their triumphal entry into the Heaven. Their portals were opened to all believers. What joy, what rapture must have filled the hearts of that saintly band, the venerable patriarchs and holy prophets, the great men and pious women of the Old Dispensation, for whom, released at length from their tedious captivity of a thousand years, the time has now come to enter with delight into the heavenly Jerusalem! And as once before, when Jesus came down from Heaven to earth, the angels ascended and descended, so they doubtless did on this happy occasion when their Lord and King returned to the Heaven He had left. Fix your attention upon the glory, the jubilation, the triumph that attended our Lord’s Ascension, and when you have to some extent realized it you may consider next:

2d. How fully the prediction of the Royal Prophet which the Church takes upon her lips today was accomplished: “Thou hast ascended on high; Thou hast led captivity captive.” (Ps. Ixvii. 19.) Our Lord took with Him to Heaven captives of two kinds. These were the souls of the just, who had for so long a time waited in captivity in Limbo, and there were also His beloved Mother and the apostles, who, being still held in bondage in the prison of the body, could not follow Him actually, though they could follow Him spiritually, inasmuch as they were consumed with longing to ascend at once with Him into Heaven. From the time of His departure, despising all earthly things, they only aspired to heavenly things and yearned more and more after them, anticipating with holy impatience the day when they would see God and dwell with Him forever in Heaven. My soul, if you are conscious of yet clinging with your affections to the things of time and sense, pray God that on His Ascension this day into Heaven, He would take your heart captive and draw it thither after Him.

3d. Consider how a bright cloud received our Lord and gradually veiled Him from His disciple’s sight. There they remained standing, in hallowed silence, for the Scriptures do not mention a single word having been spoken by them; their souls too full for words, divided between the sorrow of parting, regretful desire, and eager aspiration. If you, my soul, experience similar emotions, if with Thomas à Kempis you are fain to say: “When, good Jesus, shall I contemplate the glory of Thy kingdom? When shall I be with Thee in Thy kingdom which Thou hast prepared for Thy beloved from all eternity? “then listen to the reply which our Lord gives you, speaking in the words of this admirable little book: “Wait a little while, and thou shalt see a speedy end of evils; meanwhile labor faithfully in My vineyard; I will be thy reward. Write, read, sing, sigh, keep silence, pray, bear thy crosses manfully; eternal life is worthy of all these and greater combats.” (Imit. iii. ch. 47.) Forget not this saying of our Lord: “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent bear it away.” (St. Matt, xi. 12.).”  

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