Share your World

For What its Worth; a Share your World post!

The questions from Melania @ Share your world — write to share!

What are you most proud of in the last year?
My six adult children are as different as snowflakes, although they all have the same mother and father.  Yet, I/they are all conservative and feel the same way about the vaccination; waiting for FDA approval!  Not yet approved. It is approved only for experimental use.  I am proud/happy we are all of the same mindset.  I must have done something right!

If you see a puddle on the ground, do you walk around it or give in to the child within and splash about?
I don't particularly appreciate getting my feet wet, so I probably would avoid it.

Do you feel free? Why or why not?
Yes, I feel free only because so far, I have been fortunate in that I have not allowed "them" to take away my freedom.  Confidence in my daily prayers benefits me.

What life skills are rarely taught but are extremely useful?
It seems the cashiers in the stores can not figure out your change unless the register tells them what it is.

I am very grateful always, but recently our area needed rain, and we received it yesterday; more is on the way.  Thank you, God!

Ah! Another Challenge

The Provocative

A big thank you to Fandango for the provocative questions, I needed something to think about today!

Fandango questions for today are below along with my comeback!

Best sandwich?
Ham with lettuce, tomatoes and ranch dressing!

What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out?
My failed artwork!

What is the scariest animal?
Any animal bigger than I!

Apples or oranges?
Juicy oranges; although grapes are my favorite!

Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
Not that I remember, except in High School but I know not what happened to the autograph book.

What do you think happens when we die?
Hebrews 9:27: "It is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment."

Favorite action movie?
The Scarlet and the Black, you can watch it here a True Story.

Favorite smell?

Least favorite smell?
Spoiled meat
Exercise: worth it?
At my age soon 81, it is worth exercising my brain.

Flat or sparkling?
Whenever I paint walls I like semi-gloss, easier to wash or do you mean (wine?).

Most used app on your phone?
Email check, local news, weather app

You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it?
I never get tired of the Ave Marie.

What number am I thinking of?
My favorite number is 7 because there are 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 days in the week, 7 sacraments of the Church.

Describe the rest of your life in 5 words?
Watching, praying, waiting getting ready!

Share your World

Look what happened to SCROOGE!

SYW and the question are:

What’s your remedy for the Holiday blues?

Your favorite beverage (if it differs) during the holiday season?  If it doesn’t differ, just answer the ‘what’s your favorite beverage” part. 

This one has been asked before, but what’s your take on pumpkin spice?

Is there is a person or god connected with your holiday? 

  • Who are they and do you believe in them?
  • If you do not believe in these people or gods, does the celebration/honoring of that being, bother you in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)?

Holiday blues, what is that?

My favorite beverage is, if thirsty I like water if eating pasta I enjoy a glass of Arbor Mist, Zinfandel!

Pumpkin Spice, sure, why not?

God?  My take on that  –>  The past few evenings, I have been tuning in to a few classic Christmas movies; hymns and notice the joy just the word “Christmas” brings. The word means Christ’s Mass on Christmas Day. Such a compelling Holy/Holiday, the unbelievers will never get rid of the word Christmas. Not sure why “unbelievers” are called unbelievers since they, too, believe; they decorate, celebrate as we all do in their way. At least the ones I know, even the stores, streets, homes, everything.

Look what happened to SCROOGE!

Notice that there is currently a move to change the wording of the Christmas parade to Winder parade, it might work for a short time, but the Christmas parade will return just like when they tried to change Christmas trees to Holiday trees, most stores again refer to them as Christmas trees.  It is what it is, CHRISTMAS!

It doesn’t sound correct to even say, Merry Winter everyone!  ♫


Share your World

Sharing My World — SYW

SYW Share Your World and the questions are below; with my answers.  Nice to know that someone wants to know what I think.  I love it!

  1. Can we ever experience anything objectively? Why or why not? (Now for the people who may not understand that idea, this is what objective means (definition wise): Something that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions).

If no, there is no anything as Truth or Facts, just whatever pleases man, like we have today. 

  1. Do humans have a soul? Do animals have a soul?

Humans have an immortal soul that will live forever either in Heaven or Hell at the end of time; Animals have a mortal soul that dies when they die. However, I like to believe that nothing on earth is more significant than what is in Heaven, therefore perhaps animals are in Heaven, hopefully for those who make it to Heaven God will allow our pets to be there, wishful thinking on my part. 

  1. Why are people told to respect the dead? (example: “Don’t speak ill of the dead”)

Because God has already judged them.

  1. Without using the names of specific people, discuss “the ideal” President or other world leader.  Saying ‘anyone who is the exact opposite of a certain orange skinned creature’ is cheating. While (to me) that’s a true statement, there’s more depth to the question than to reduce it to one sentence.

An ideal leader, in my opinion, is anyone who keeps or at least TRIES to keep the ten Commandments, since if that should ever happen, we will be blessed by God and have peace throughout the entire world. Not just talk about it but encourage it. We don’t live in a perfect world, and my ideal is a dream, so I will continue to vote for the lesser of the two evils.  


Share your World

Sharing! and do we really care?

Share Your World wants to know!

The prompt from this blogger to Share Our World; the form of questions to answer which are: 

  1. What is the meaning of true love?
  2. Do acts of kindness have a motive? 
  3. If we live in a civilized world why do we see so many distinctions between rich and poor?
  4. Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world than in the real world?

 Number one: The meaning of True Love is to serve when we serve our love grows deeper. Serving each other in marriage will always be a success; this is why a mother loves her children, she serves them from the beginning of their life. 

Number two: If your acts of kindness are done only to boost your reputation (for example, the politician) WRONG! Acts of kindness should always be done for the sake of God, not to feed your ego. 

Number three: Because people have different opportunities, choices and we are not robots, the poor will always be with us, it is written.

Number four: The virtual world is to me what I am aiming for, my goal, the real world is what I am. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore we are called to love ourselves.  



Fandango’s Provocative Question, answered by me!

Each week Fandango will pose what he thinks is a provocative question for other bloggers consideration. His question is below, why not give us your input, just click here link:

“Do you believe in fate and predestination? If so, what or who is the source? If you do believe in predestination, is there anything anyone can do to change their predestined fate?”

I believe God has a purpose for every one of us in this life and on an appointed day, we will die. Prayer is most important in the discovery of this purpose without prayer we are left to our own discretion, and more often we are doomed to failure. God, however in my belief, also hears the prayers of others when they pray for us, especially our parents. He mainly listens to parents, when a parent curses their children, He hears that too!

We make our own choices, it’s called free will, to choose right from wrong that is what determines our peace of soul. God who knows everything knows our options before we make them He did not create us to be puppets. God wants us to depend on Him, which is why He showed us in the Bible the perfect prayer known as the Lord’s Prayer aka The Our Father, that prayer when you offer it has everything we need.

There is only One God not many gods as stated in the First of the Ten Commandments. The First three Commandments are how we are expected to treat God; the other Seven Commandments are how we are supposed to treat each other. It’s not that difficult. To pray is to be humble and God loves humility, to say no to prayer is Pride. As long as we have breath, it is never too late to start, but when we draw that last one, our will is fixed forever. Why? Because if we choose not to want God in our life, why would we want Him in the next?

Sorry Fandango, for the preaching, but you asked for it!