
My words of Today — “MY BAD”

Just saying “My Bad” is not good enough.
The battle is between good and evil, and the prize is your soul.
Know this; you can not win this struggle on your genius alone no matter how skillful you are. When we stand before God, saying “Oooops” will not be good enough.

This morning while praying my prayers I realized something, now you can dismiss it, after all, who am I to advise anyone; and you are right to think that, I am no one in particular. For those who are curious and want to read my adventure, however for what it is worth, it is simply this:
“Ask, and you shall receive” means we must ask God to win this battle for us, ask Him to be at our side and FIGHT this war for us. He gave us a guardian angel, believe it or not, thank Him for that, but mainly we must merely ask Him to battle for us.

If you say, I don’t believe in God; do it anyway, “Ask, and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7;7)
Try this daily, a comfortable little prayer in poetry.

The battle begins
One True God stands at my side
because I ask Him

Have confidence, and I will meet you on the other side someday.