Carrot Ranch

Short Story to Rouse your Imagination

Across the Water

Arriving finally at the shore of a large lake, the children were excited. “We can see all the way across the water,” they said!
“Look, see that home. It looks so tall and scary.”

“There is a footpath, and we can walk all around the lake to the other side; what an adventure. We will pack a lunch and go tomorrow.”

They followed the path the next day; within a few hours, they were in front of that large home, now looking across the water to where they came.

“Look! Across the water, there is that scary house again!”

Mindlovesmisery's, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

First Line Friday — Destination Unknown

Post Short Fiction inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday!  


The station reminded her of some great creature, its constant machine whir breathing around her as she worked herself through the crowded people all around her. This was the first time she visited the train station. Where was everyone going, she wondered? So many people in one place were going this way and that way. The noise from the trains was indeed an enormous creature, its constant machine; the engine was huffing and puffing.  

This building is the local train station, and FINALLY I am one of those anxious people strolling around looking for my place to board one of those noisy, enormous machines trusting it to bring me to my destination.  


My adventure about to begin, I can only hope I will find the happiness and peace of soul when I reach the end of my journey.