dVerse, poetry

Alouette Form Titled Our Time

dVerse is calling out its OLN day!  

Here is a poem I posted last October about the theme “Time.”

We all have it; what are we doing with it? The question.

I tried the Alouette form of Poetry.

Before I copy and paste my poem from a past post; I want to share something a wiser person mentioned to me just the other day. I never thought of this; perhaps you have. He said, God, Jesus, had to become a man like us, a man to suffer and die like us, in order to JUDGE our actions justly. I thought that was interesting, just wanted to share.

We live, yet we die
A gift of will; why?
The gift from whom? God our voice
He came — gave us time
Life — our turn to shine
Death He gives again our choice!
Helps us on our way
Expects us to pray
Asking for — claiming Wisdom
Angels there to guide
Always on our side
Calling all to His Kingdom


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Themed Poetry Prompt or is it an ILLUSION?

Tanka Tuesday Today Oct.27.2020

Colleen has asked her experts to put a poetry writing spell on poets! This is the 200th Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge! Happy Poetry Writing!

Clear illusion; Pride!
We fall, we rise, we restart!
Lack of prayer — LOST!
Humility a gift — FOUND!
Our journey our time; our goal!