Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

My WORD OF THE DAY — A True Story

Today I write a little about myself, something UNUSUAL since I tend to keep my life to myself.  I have been selfish since I have some things to say!

God has been good to me because I have always loved His teachings.  Although I must confess, I left Him for a time.  There was in my past when I was deceived.  (Another story for a BETTER time)


I am about to type this little story: True, short, and sweet.  It happened to me about 25 years ago!  To set the scene, know that I talked to God directly, but He never answered me at this point in my life.  However, one fine morning, after telling Him how thankful I was for bringing me again to the beginning of a beautiful day. 
 I finally asked Him, "Dear Jesus, why is it I never hear your voice?"  I said a few times in earnest.  "Why God, why?"  I continued ...  "If only I could hear just one word, really hear it, what would it be, just one word."  
I paused and HEARD, the word, just this one word I heard quite audible was ... "COME!"


I linked this post with two prompt words challenges from

#ragtagcommunity and #wordofthedaychallenge

Word of the Day Challenge

Poem — The Wind does blow

First, lock us up with a new plague!
The price of gas is what?  They say!
Grounded again!
Close the churches; they just might pray
The world looks suddenly so vague!
Started with forbidding to pray.
Almighty Powerful God; out!
Ground them who refuse to obey
Everything must now be our way.
These radicals all-day long tout
Our way or no way we convey!
Yet, the wind does blow today.
Remember the end, the story.
Forget not our flag, Old Glory.
God brings His enemies to naught.
His perfect timing, we are taught.


#YDWord, Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

BEWARE of the unforgivable!

Make sure your Faith is not considered KAPUT for lack of a better word, the word prompt for today! Kaput

Mark 3:28-29, ….” But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” 

We can’t live a life of sin while hoping that we still will make it to heaven one day.


Of Christians who believe ONLY in words, “believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.” Redeemed, yes, but to be saved, they must act. But they continue their lives of living in sin, believing that they will be held unaccounted for — without a change — since Jesus died for our sins. They forget that He redeemed them, but they must amend their lives, not presume they are saved without giving up their sins.  

PRESUMPTION is one of several sins against the Holy Ghost.

It is not ME, warning, it is the WRITTEN WORD & I QUOTE. Here we can read not only FAITH; we must amend our life.

James 2:22-24

“Seest thou, that faith did co-operate with his works; and by works faith was made perfect? … Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?”

Or if you prefer the Protestant version see below

King James Version (KJV 1900)22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? verse 22 – You see, his faith and his actions worked together.  His actions made his faith complete.  The actions are works, not just words. Beware of presumption, meaning to only presume you are saved and continue a life of living in sin. 

Forgive me if I sound like I am pointing at you or judging, I am NOT! I feel inspired to write this because it happened to me, the evil one deceived me into actually believing that God was pleased with my life, although I knew in my heart, I was living in sin. Deception is a true chimera delusion.

Word of the Day Challenge

He is Our Way!


If you believe in coincidences believe this one! Recently the other day I was trying to explain to another person that Catholics DO NOT worship Mary, here is proof right in the Bible. Even the Protestants have it written there.

Luke 1; 46 Mary speaks, “And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.”

In other words the more you honor her, she magnifes your love for her Son. Your love for her increases love for her Son.

Impossible to love Mary more than her Son, because as the Bible states she always increases your love for her Son, always. As you love her, your love for Jesus grows, which is why Catholics love to meditate on the suffering of Jesus, He redeemed us and He is OUR WAY!

It all started with a Hail Mary!
#WQWWC, Word of the Day Challenge

A Time to REFLECT is now!

Great Minds think alike — Click here and here to see the greats today!


Not sure who’s challenge this belongs to; BOTH; the word “reflection” seems to be quite popular today, perhaps because we are at the end of the year, and it seems natural to reflect. The unfinished picture, our life! “I am walking in a path by which I shall not return.” Job 16;23
We can not retrace not one step; whatever we have done (exactly) today is done. Never to have that little or hour back, which hopefully it was not wasted time. I may have other opportunities to please God, but the past is the past. Reflect on that for the New Year!

FSS, Politics, Word of the Day Challenge

Global Research has no clue

Fantango FSS short story sentence is: He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly…

My short story, when I read my email today, this suggested line from Fantango seemed to fit right into my personal feelings, I too wonder WHY?

Story begins on just another day in the world we live in today! To set the frame of mind I wonder why is it of all people, the liberals were always the ones who seemed self-willed, Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”) (no one was going to tell them what to do, nor does anyone have the right to tell others how to live.)

This particular freethinker one afternoon while reading his favorites source of research, He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly… continued to read the fearful headlines, “The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why”. For the first time in his life, he began to pray! He began to feel better after her prayed, surely God will show mercy on his loved ones, of which he was mostly concerned with.

He was correct with his thinking, God will hear and answer his prayers. Perhaps this research is merely a coincidence, he hoped as he put the Global Research aside. It was just his Kakorrhaphiophobia getting the best of him, he thought!

documentation here —> https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-mainstream-media-outlet-admits-vaccinated-getting-sick-high-rates-scientists-clueless-why/5753770

Word of the Day Challenge

Lollipop Heaven

I hope this amusing post meets with Fandango’s idea about words;
also, the challenging word “obscure,” inspired by The Word of the Day

A creative parent trying to explain death to a youngster, in my opinion, might consider using words that would be obscure in the sense of realizing the mind of the innocent, their ability to perceive what we adults can not fully understand. This short story might explain my meaning.

Titled: “Lollipop Heaven”
Within the world of whimsical a short time ago, it was very sad for a lonesome little child. Someone, she loved recently died; as she sat quietly thinking, looking up to her mother, she asked.
“What is Heaven?”
Her mother’s eyes widened as she spoke softly. “Heaven is a place where we all want to see because the colors there are very vivid and true to their names.” Oranges and yellows are brighter than the sun, blues and greens are deeper than the oceans. All the clouds floating above are cotton candy, mountains covered with whipped cream, and the flowers there never wilt; in fact, are lollipops to pick.”
“Wow!” The child bellowed! “Grandma is so lucky; no wonder she won’t come back.”

Word of the Day Challenge

A New Year brings the act of RENEWAL

The word of the day is RENEWAL and why not? Happy New Year to all!

Bloggers everywhere are posting the good, bad, and ugly of the want to be forgotten 2020 year of Our Lord.

It was okay for me — I don’t go out much anymore anyway, to church, grocery store, and a doctor trip; plus, where I live, they are all open.

Most of the time, since I go out very seldom, the worst that happens to me is I forget to take my mask until I drive up to my destination.

I didn’t get sick, not even a little sniffle, although the dreaded virus was all around me, some family members, friends, and the funniest part was they all had to be tested to make sure they were sick.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe the virus is serious; my prayers are for it to be over ASAP. Who knows, maybe I will get it in 2021, yet I can’t worry about that either, knowing I will not live forever anyway.

At this point in my life, right now! No! I will not be vaccinated. For those that want to be, that is your choice, remember “My Body My Choice.” As the liberals like to chant.

In the meantime, I will try to keep my New Year resolution, giving up my favorite treat, candy! Saying extra prayers for everyone, even all of you and everybody in the world, since God is not limited, why not pray for the world as a whole!

It certainly is a time for balance and getting on with our life; LIFE a gift from God. Remember always to please God not man, that goes for the government too! Put God first and I guarantee you will have a great New Year!

Word of the Day Challenge



The opposite of Hope is Despair! Today so many of us live on fear, which is one of the ploys of communism. What do we have today, FEAR! DESPAIR, no HOPE for the future. We tend to believe what we hear and what we hear is what the New World Order wants YOU to hear, which is why you already see so much censorship. Another tactic of communism.
Beginning with … “that’s not a ‘politically correct’ jingle.” Surrender of Freedom of speech!
That’s what comes with the New World Order. We live in a time where those who hate conservativeness; those who live with this hate. Hate another point of view, hate God, desire only a world without God.

Perhaps we are getting very close to sliding down that slippery slope but into what? The world, the Church both seem to be sliding together into the mud. Yes, we have God’s promise He will always be with us. However, He never intended for us to seek a modern religion that suits our lifestyle.
If you research while going back in time, those who seek God should know that when Jesus was on earth, He said when He returns would He find FAITH upon the earth. Speaking of the Church, He founded. “But yet the Son of man, when He cometh, (Second Coming) shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” Luke 18:8
Today, the Roman Catholic Church is in apostasy (Look at what the so-called pope is saying these days.) There is still a remnant, pockets of Traditional Catholics all over the world. Click to search

Ignore the communist tricks to imprison you; fear them NOT. Vote your conscience and, above all, PRAY for Godly ORDER!

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge, Word of the Day Challenge

Obey your Conscience not your Friends

Today’s prompt: Write a piece of prose or poetry that ends with in the end, we were just a moment.

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another interesting prompt with the introduction of a new word, at least in My vocabulary of words is: Honeyfuggle

At first, back in the day, living in Chicago, where everyone was a Democrat, and I thought it was good. It was right back in the 40s-50s and earlier still before my time. As time went on, I witnessed a departure from everything sacred to me. Yet, they still were able to honeyfuggle me! With the fake media, the people of lies. Today, my prayer is not that you who are still deceived will find the Truth, but that the Truth will find you. Now looking back to my life in Chicago, I realize! In the end, we were just a moment!

Word of the Day Challenge


All about GRACE!



Did you know that “grace,” “gracias,” and “Grazie” all descend from the same Latin word, “grātia”?!
Grace is the Prompt word today via “Word of the Day Challenge.”
In my world, a word I use regularly. This post will reflect on what sense of the word I mean since the definition varies.

Grace is a gift from God! Pure and simple.

Ave Maria, gratia plena meaning Hail Mary FULL OF GRACE.

#1linerWeds, Politics, Word of the Day Challenge

The Games They Play

The word of the day, today, according to Wright
is blatherskite. Jabberwocky, gibberish, or windbag, it’s all the same to me, meaning politics. A game they play as in Winnie-the-Pooh “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day”.

One-Liner Wednesday


Ah! Another Challenge, Word of the Day Challenge

A Jibberjabber post about doubt


I doubt that I could fly, although in my dreams I can.
I doubt I will live to be 100 — at least I hope I don’t!
I doubt I will ever win a poetry contest, but I love writing them!

Thinking about what I know for sure, hmmm!
Time continues to march on with or without me,
and the sun will rise each day … or will it?scratch

Supernatural Reality, true story, Word of the Day Challenge

The Mystery, the Star of Bethlehem

The word suggested today is TINSEL.

Tinsel in the sense of resplendence, during this Holy Season of Christmas, we aught decorate our soul. Put a little tinsel on your soul as you adorn your home. Take an hour of your very busy days, sit down for an hour and watch this profound video. 


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

Words that FIT!

G.K. Chesterton Quote fits perfectly with the word of the day which is … ta-da … YESTERDAY!

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” 

Today is purely INSANITY! Fight for Truth and Morals as was YESTERDAY!