Ah! Another Challenge, Whatsoever IS

Prompt for the Letter “B”

Try this prompt, its fun click here to participate HERE


Years ago I did a series of drawings/paintings of bees, which I put into a story for my grandchildren; which was inspired by these bumblebees living in my garden at that time.

Today the prompt is for the LETTER ‘B’. Please be kind to my creation I humbly show off along with the suggested rules from the prompt; Place, Emotion, Adjective, Verb, and animal/insect as seen below the above image.

Backyard beauties birds 
 and Bees buzzing cheerfully
All brave and busy
All-day long
 doing what they are 
Created to do
Praising God and mankind too!

What can be more lovely than a bumblebee, I submit my image for WhatSoEver is Lovely

Whatsoever IS

Bleeding Heart — Sunset — Landscape who said there is no God!

Inspiration from XingfuMama for the challenge to find in your life Whatsoever is Lovely!


Looking through the archives FOR SOMETHING SO LOVELY of my collection of images, I manipulated via my photo editor. They were in a forgotten file but found again! Thinking they were pretty lovely; I hope you like them too!

Whatsoever IS

Happy Saint Valentin’s Day Whatsoever is Lovelier than Love of God.

The text below is taken from another blogger who is on challenge number 6 of Whatsoever is Lovely, a new prompt each week, today my Lovely is a Valentine.

“This challenge is simple: step back for a few minutes each week to find a lovely thing, a precious moment, anything you find lovely. Then post about it. You can just post a picture or you can go into detail and tell it as a reflection, story or poem.”

True Story:

Saint Valentine, officially known as Saint Valentine of Rome, is a third-century Roman saint widely celebrated on February 14; he was martyred and then buried on the Via Flaminia to the north of Rome.

Valentine did really exist, because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to St. Valentine. In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom.

Whatsoever IS

Lovely is as Lovely does

Whatsoever is Lovely

This is my third time participating in this fairly new challenge known as:

“Whatsoever is Lovely”


This week I found two Lovelies from my pictures stored in my computer, one is a tree that reminds me of a dancer so I incorporated one into the image. The other is SNOW, that white fluffy stuff hanging onto my bird feeder waiting for Spring.

Cee's challenge, Whatsoever IS

Whatsoever is Lovely

This is my second time participating in this fairly new challenge known as:

Whatsoever is Lovely”

What Might be Lovelier than this!

Okay, I admit I am biased, this lovely is one of my many Grandchildren!

There have been many lovelies in my life this week. I bet you too have at least one or two to share with the world. This is the place to do just that. Click the link above, near the top of this post.

Also linking up to Flower of the Day for Cee

Whatsoever IS

Whatsoever is Lovely

I love to see new bloggers coming out with their idea of a new challenge; who doesn’t love a challenge. This one and who could resist with a name like
“Whatsoever is Lovely!”

The world might be falling apart but for me, (Living) I must be crazy because everything is always lovely! Although it is cold outside and quite icy on my street, I remember walking through the grounds of my Church property known as Mount St. Michael in Spokane Wa. where we celebrate only the Traditional Catholic Church before — the dreaded epoch of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 occurred. “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there comes a revolt first,” (Vatican II).

These are some of the pictures you would see walking there on the park-like grounds on a beautiful Spring day.

Whatsoever is lovely!♫

Looking forward to doing this walk again, if God allows me to live to see another Spring Day; next time I will post some images of our rosary walkway that overlooks the city of Spokane.