Weekend Writing Prompt

Learn a new word

The weekend only 81 words writing challenge here!

Words Matter: Think about it! When we speak or write, success is measured by our words and how we use them. This week I learned a few words such as Gully-Washer and today the world Pavonine a word that is not even in the online Thesaurus; Looking it up I found the origin is Mid 17th century from Latin Pavoninus, from pavo, pavon – ‘peacock.’  

Concerning color might be greening to blues—description for the color used for artists and crafty persons. 

Weekend Writing Prompt

Excuse me… Don’t get FAMILIAR!

Weekend Writing Prompt — FAMILIAR — In 79 words, oh so mundane!

Same old, same old, every day don’t you ever get tired of the same familiar faces, voices you hear when you listen to the daily news?
The solution is to change the channel.
Most of the time, it’s all fake news anyway; why bother to waste time hearing their twist on who did what, when, why, and where.
Even these so-called Christmas movies these days are so mundane, girl, meets boy and so on, and so on and on.

So on and so on, nothing new

Weekend Writing Prompt

Is There a Fork in Your Road?

Decisions, decisions if you truly can’t decide, why not stop and pray to the only One True God. Try it, you might be surprised.

Who is the One True God? Who showed us how to carry our cross, who lived a life of humility. Who but God could rise from the dead, and no one, not even the Jews in His day denied it. Humility; fighting for Truth.

Inspired by https://weeklyprompts.com/2021/11/27/weekly-prompts-weekend-challenge-fork-in-the-road/

RFK Jr. Sends Out Urgent Message on the New World Order: “This Is Armageddon. This Is the Final Battle. We Need To Win” (VIDEO)

Weekend Writing Prompt

Junk or Treasure, depends on you!

This weekend challenge inspired the memory of looking back through the adventures of my life. The past seems to surface as we age!
Yes, and all that junk that slipped through my life, both in my mind and hands. Thinking now of all the yard sales, with all that junk scattered, yet, not all was junk to me, perhaps to the seller, yes; buyer a treasure waiting for discovery.
My best experience was finding this work of art, two statues of the Holy Family, about 12″ tall, one of Blessed Mother, the other Saint Joseph holding Baby Jesus, dressed with several paint chips proudly vintage.
As I purchased, the seller remarked, “I knew someone would come along and appreciate these.” He did not know how actual his words were.
Not the best picture below, but to give you a glimpse of my prize.

Catholic accused of worship of statues how ridiculous and they who accuse know it!

Most of us/all of us have treasures that reminds of this or that! We feel bad if it gets lost, stolen, or broke. Admit it!

Religious pictures, statues are meant only to be an inspiration to a Catholic. Amen!

In the meantime, I enjoyed repairing the few nicks and chips on these statues, knowing they are only made with ceramics of sort.

Weekend Writing Prompt


Have you ever had an angel encounter; I have! But SURPRISE, that is not what this blog post is about.

It is about being HAPPY; I am a very happy old lady, going downhill and happy about that, thinking this may be my last Christmas. (or maybe not) lived a happy childhood, a happy marriage, and I know why I was born in the first place. Made a lot of mistakes, more than I can count — told God I was sorry. That was a peaceful, happy feeling!

The best part of this blog is below, please continue to read.

A few days ago, I found this video about an angel story, it’s not very long, under 10 minutes, but the really happy part is the story, yes—but reading the comments. Since watching this video, I have gone back just to finish reading the comments because they wrought so much happiness within my soul.
Not only will you feel beyond happy just knowing, but you will also thrive in hope too!

Eugi's Weekly, Weekend Writing Prompt


Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Transition” August 24, 2020


Pondering on a phrase I heard in an old black and white movie I watched on Youtube recently. “The end only means a new beginning.” TRANSITION for lack of a better word.

At birth, the beginning of life created body and soul. Even when the body dies, it is the beginning of new life for our soul. Believe it or not! Time will tell! Eternity?  HandOfGod

As we mature, each birthday ends a year but begins a new year.
We as children graduate from school ending, but beginning an adult life.
Let’s look at the little things we do. Our workday ends, relaxation begins.
We fall asleep only to awake to the beginning of a new day.

There is an end to the “temporal” of this world. A movie; ends! Read a book until the end! Music ends! Our pets, plants their life ends! Why?
Because these things only pertain to the present life of this world. They are temporary, not eternal. Their souls are mortal, not immortal, as endless.

Weekend Writing Prompt

Wake Up — Pray to LOVE TRUTH!

Wanting to write something about “Truth”, I BROWSED the internet looking for a quote.  I like this one —> “Facts are stubborn things” by Ronald Reagan

If you care you too can BROWSE the internet to find profound quotes about the subject of TRUTH.

Another Truth; is Trump and his administration perfect?    NO!

Weekend Writing Prompt

Unlikable Post…SILENCE!

Weekend Writing Prompt SILENCE in only 15 words.  Truly an inspiration this came to me immediately and when my sentence was finished it was indeed 15 words.

My Inspiration below:

The screams of SILENCE

will be heard forever to

the mother of an aborted baby.


Sammi Cox prompt






Weekend Writing Prompt

Your Bubble to Burst…POP!

Ta Da!♫     Words of today are Reckoning from FOWC and Devotion from Weekend Writing Prompts using only 25 words.


Time devoted to fleeting — is merely affection!
Devotion to the constant is what it’s all about!
Reckoning, but a shadow you can’t erase!


poetry, Weekend Writing Prompt, Word Prompts

A Poem composed — Only 74 words



Boats that seem to melt or sink
disappear beyond the vast
horizon. Onward they sail.
—Yonder to and fro they go!
To the eyes it ceases; Gone!
Yet, where? We must confess they
Are still there, somewhere we know!
Is truly Faith surpassing!

The eclipse —horizon as
hidden mysteriously!
Looking back through time we go!

Remember Dear Saint Paul was
Blinded by God in order
To see. Mystical is God
Indeed our Faith surpassing!

dVerse OpenLinkNight