
Thought for the Day – 22 July – Nature and Grace

……………For those who have a soul to save, follow this blog.


Thought for the Day – 22 July – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Nature and Grace

“Two extremes must be avoided in the relationship between nature and grace.
The first is that of the regorists, who see, in human nature, nothing but confusion and the propensity towards evil and, therefore, advocate an iron domination completely lacking in any understanding of human frailty.
They believe that perfection must be achieved swiftly, by means of the most ferocious privations and penance.
This excessively severe approach to the spiritual life, can lead to discouragement and eventual collapse.

The way of perfection is an ascending ladder, which must be climbed, step-by-step.
Falls must be expected but it is necessary to rise again at once, with renewed courage, knowing that when we reach the top, we shall find rest and peace.

The other extreme is an attitude of superficial ease.
There is no emphasis…

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What the World Needs Now

Can’t say it enough!

I Believe, BECAUSE -

dVerse a poem

The Rosary

Beads to hold between fingers.
Living, breathing, life’s weapon!
We pray first through the short links—
Represent — our life, short! Next
The endless circle — Eternity!
Suggesting infinity! Never-ending beads
Slip along the ring around a blessed
String. Perfumed as the scent of a rose
Rising to heaven! She offers us her
Baby Son! It all began with the angel’s
Words, “Hail Mary full of grace.”
God’s creation perfectly as His Mother
Must be! She gave us the rosary!

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A Wish to come true! #WDYS

Solid and sturdy steps lead up/down through giant pillars gracefully holding up the golden arches year after year. If they could speak but one word, it would be “everlasting.”
Imagine the stories these columns would tell! Day after day, people pass under the grand vaults, some happy and free, others not so much!
I wonder if I will ever walk into the picture and pass under the golden arches; if so, I will make a wish. Until that time, I will consider what that wish might be.

Image credit; Vrolans

Huge Lawsuit! Hawaii Attorney Says Covid Vaccines Killed Nearly 45,000

Pray for the world!

Nwo Report

Over 1,000 first responders sue state of Hawaii over mandatory vaccines

Source:Kelen McBreen

A group of attorneys filed a lawsuit against the state of Hawaii on behalf of 1,200 first responders who are protesting the state’s vaccine mandate for government workers.

One of the lawyers representing the emergency responders recently listed data backing their decision to forego taking the experimental Covid jabs.

“The tests we’ve seen around the country from doctors are showing that almost 45,000 people that got these vaccinations were dead in 72 hours,” attorney Michael Green said at a Thursday press conference.Hawaii Attorney Michael Green Files Class Action Lawsuit Says Vaccine Has Killed 45,000 People

During the press conference, Honolulu Fire Captain Kaimi Pelekai also spoke in an emotional testimony describing the pressure of having to choose between the shot and losing his job.

“I have to choose between that career that I’m committed to…

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Braveheart Actor Michael Mitchell Dies Six Days After Getting Third Pfizer “Booster” Shot for Covid


Nwo Report

Source:Ethan Huff

Former “Mr. Universe” andBraveheartactor Michael Mitchell wasreported deadafter taking his third recommended “booster” injection of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” from Pfizer.

According to reports, Mitchell took his first two doses of the Sinovac shot back in late February. Sinovac is available in nearly every other country except the United States, Russia, and much of Western Europe. It is the same vaccine thatkilled Chinese Virus researcher Novilia Sjafri Bachtiarback in July.

After getting his first two jabs of Sinovac, Mitchell was apparently frightened about possibly testing “positive” for the new “delta variant,” so he rushed out to take a third injection from Pfizer, which killed him almost instantly.

Mitchell, by the way, was bragging all over social media about how the first two injections of Sinovac, which was made in China, did not produce any negative side effects. Mitchell was also…

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The Pious St. Nilus his prophecy for today!

+++++++++++++++++ Worth Repeating

I Believe, BECAUSE -

#Traditional Catholic @MSMParish

Having been born in the year 1940 yet I remember prior to the Internet, in school; a copy of a prophecy of the Pious St. Nilus. Recently having found it on the Internet, today it makes more sense then it did in 1955. Read it below:

The Prophecy of St. Nilus

After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people’s minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable.

People’s appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no…

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My REBLOG of the week — THOUSANDS of Anti-Lockdown Protesters Rise up Against New World Order in London – Media Blackout

++++++++++++ About Time!

Nwo Report

Source:Niamh Harris

Thousands of protestors flooded the streets of London on Saturday to protest the elite’s ongoing attempts to restrict the freedom of millions of citizens.

Holding signs reading “Freedom is non-negotiable” and “No health passports,” the protestors flooded the nations capital on Saturday.

Billed by its organizers as the“biggest street party London has ever seen,”the rally drew thousands of participants from all walks of life unhappy with the draconian restrictions on gatherings and movement, and opposed to the government’s plans to introduce un-British‘vaccine passports’.

Rt.com reports: Actor and mayoral candidate Laurence Fox, who has promised to do away with Covid-19 restrictions entirely if elected, was an enthusiastic participant. Posting videos of hordes of people marching through the streets, he decried the “total corruptstream media blackout” of the protest.

Learn More

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My REBLOG OF THE WEEK —The 45 Goals of Communism (Achieved)

+++++++++++++++++TRUTH OR FICTION?

The Heretic

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: Its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”– Joseph Stalin

Sixty-two years ago, W. Cleon Skousen published his book, “The Naked Communist.
At the time, few people probably thought that the goals of communism that shaped the Communist Party, the Soviet Union, and her satellite countries around the world would become the blueprint of Western society in 2021.

In a mere 62 years the left have achieved and implemented by various means 44 of the 45 goals of communism Skousen wrote about. The odd one (#1), being no longer relevant.

Keep in mind that these goals were written in the late 1950’s, when the main body of communism was the Soviet Union, whereas today it’s China. Nothing else has changed. It never does…

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His Will or my will?

Fandango’s Provocative Question Is there really such a thing as a necessary evil, or is it just a way for us to rationalize or justify doing something bad?

My answer:

As defined by the Church, evil is an absence of God.
The absence of God is a result of our free will. In this life, most of us try, fall, get up again, try again, fall, get up! That is life. Some give up totally; despair. Evil is not necessary just a result of expressing our own will above God’s Will. We are all sinners, and yes, we try to make excuses to justify our wrong choices.


Meet The Friends Of The “Pandemic”

I found this to be an interesting read, perhaps you will too!

Mundabor's Blog

There is no denying that, however you put it, the Chinese Virus “emergency” is coming to an end.

I cannot avoid thinking that a segment of the population will feel really uncomfortable with this.

There will be those who, accustomed, for a year now, to have their thumb, or their pacifier, firmly stuck in their mouth, will feel more or less traumatised at having to come to grips with the notion that yes, they are adults and they are supposed to take care of themselves.

There will be the many who, having been born a Nanny (if female) or a Corporal (if man), and having greatly enjoyed their ability to go around scolding people for not wearing a mask, or not wearing it in the right place, will now suffer their loss of authority over other people.

There will be the lazy ones, like an awful lot of teachers. They…

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The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past


Nwo Report

The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past ...

Source: Selwyn Duke

“People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s nature, engage in projection. They thus assume that others are as reasonable as they are.

It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.

When presenting logical arguments to advance a position, which is what I as…

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I am reblogging this from my post a while ago because it is my way of
participating in a challenge of today called Truthful Tues at https://pcguyiv.wordpress.com/2020/12/08/truthful-tuesday-december-8th-2020 about GIFT GIVING. Most reading here won’t appreciate my reblog but some might, but here goes anyway!

I Believe, BECAUSE -

All I want for Christmas is …
We hear a lot of that about this time of the year, “What are you hoping to get from Santa? What do you want? I hope I get this or maybe that!”
Instead of thinking about what we want, let’s consider what we need. “Want” as defined as a desire for something; “Need” as defined as requirement, essential, necessity. There is a difference in the meaning. The things we want today, are usually tossed in the corner tomorrow, but the things we need will be appreciated sooner or later.
One valuable Christmas suggestion would be GOLD!
I remember learning in school that a Mass offered for your loved one after death is like giving them SILVER, but a Mass provided while they are living is like giving them GOLD. It is worth so much more than just gold if we only knew.

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Halloween or Hallo-erred

Don’t be scared get prepared.

I Believe, BECAUSE -

Scary stuff now the day for scary!
Scared paralyzed, momentarily.
Suspended is dangling, not moving.
The Ghost Word could it be removing!
Scribble the dribble — rewrite the right!
Politics, lunatic are today—
Many wishing it was yesterday!
Remember, don’t be scared get prepared.
The ghost word today is Hallo-erred!

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ETERNITY … a dominant reality!

The condition of the world today needs some reflection on what’s to come for all of us.

I Believe, BECAUSE -

Eternity should be the only DOMINANT REALITY of our life because it is forever. It is whatever exists outside of time.
It is easy to shake your head and say nothing exists but what if you are wrong?


The consequences of being wrong on this account would mean you can’t change your mind once found in eternity. The time given you now is your opportunity to think about eternity.
Just to give you an idea of how long eternity is, let me share this little analogy from my childhood memory.

Imagine a tiny bird that dwells up high in the heavens above; it flies down to earth every 100 years just to take one sip of the waters contained on earth. Consider all the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams throughout. The bird only takes one little sip and flies back to its place in the celestial abode to await the…

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BEWARE of the Globalist in poetry

Will add this poem to dVerse OPEN LINK. Very fitting for today although written almost 2 years ago.

I Believe, BECAUSE -

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Cold and Safe” look for the synonym underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

An Etheree Poem, my first composed.

Waiting to see who wins, the LEFT or the RIGHT.

Are there
What we call
The Globalist?
Distant without sound
Logic — Frozen freedom
Where there was the trustworthy
Now a future lukewarm to truth
Producing emotionless robots
Dead to all contemplative ideals!

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Gadfly Bari Weiss Quits New York Times, Savages Them: If You ‘Speak Your Mind … You’ll Be Hung Out To Dry’

Do you belong to a THINK GROUP, where you MUST use the same words, including adjectives et al? Or Else!

Nwo Report

Copies of the New York Times sit for sale in a rack July 23, 2008 in New York City.

Source:  Hank Berrien

Bari Weiss, the New York Times writer and editor whose independent views in the Opinion section made her a thorn in the side of the New York Times leftist editorial staff, is leaving the paper.

Weiss issued an open letter that was addressed to New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger in which she notes that after the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the paper hired her as part of an effort to understand the perspective of American citizens who didn’t share the paper’s views.

Weiss cites the numerous voices she had brought to the Times over the last four years, among whom were many people who have spoken out against brutal, tyrannical regimes.

But then she continues with these blistering paragraphs:

But the lessons that ought to have followed the election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality…

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