Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Color in Poetry written in Free Verse

I took the challenge to write about color in poetry — a Free Verse Poem I read about here at LITERARY DEVICES. @ https://literarydevices.net/free-verse/

This challenge was inspired by Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry; click this for details.

Hoping this will live up to Colleen’s standards of Free Verse Poetry. It does have a syllable count of 9 per line.

This Big Round World; a coloring book
From the BLUE sky with hints of TURQUOISE,
Far-reaching down to secure BROWN earth!
Seasonal Summer with RED hot sun,
Fall with shades of ORANGE tinted leaves,
Winters are cold, and colored snow WHITE
At last, the time to welcome Spring GREEN!
When the long dark nights are BLACK; it seems
The sun sleeping in-between the GRAY
Soft silvery PINK and PURPLE clouds!
This Big Round World; a coloring book!

May the month of color see here for a fun prompt

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

What is an Alphabet Haiku?

Today my challenge was to try something DIFFERENT. Again thinking about the Tanka Tuesday Challenge, Colleen suggested we use a form from Poets Collective, the link can be found on Colleen invitation page to participate here —> TankaT uesday

There on Poets Collective I took this challenge of writing in the form of Alphabet Haiku a Modern haiku form created by Beatrice Evans, aka Ronnica at AllpoetryIt requires only strict 5 7 5 syllable construction with all words beginning with the same letter.

The words to use synonyms only are Sanctuary and Follow.

Sense security
Seek shelter start speedily
Select search — support

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Found Poetry, I found it!

This week because it’s the beginning of a new month!

Colleen Chesebro says, “This challenge is NOW a true poet’s choice! Use any poetry form that you’d like including free-style or prose poetry. If your form is something new, teach us how to write it. Have fun!

She suggested several forms, take a look here, CLICK!

I wanted to try as she suggested FOUND POETRY with there being several different methods, I choose the BLACK OUT! Using the Lord’s Prayer also know as The Our Father.

A blackout poem begins with an existing text, usually a newspaper. Using a heavy black marker, the writer blots out most of the page. The remaining words are not moved or rearranged. Fixed in place, they float in a sea of darkness. The contrast of black and white stirs thoughts of censorship and secrecy. What’s hiding behind the headlines of our daily paper? What does the highlighted text reveal about politics and world events?

The idea of redacting words to create a new work goes back centuries, but the process became trendy when writer and artist Austin Kleon posted newspaper blackout poems online and then published his book and companion blog, Newspaper Blackout.

Evocative and dramatic, blackout poems retain the original typography and word placement. Some artists add graphic designs, while others let the stark words stand on their own.


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Reaching for God

It’s the third week of the month! Time for an Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt

Click for details

First the Photo Prompt seen below:

I see a hand reach
Cut off, but living
Stretch out to cosmos
Dull, muddled in sin!

The hand enfolds with
Hope, a sign Divine
Where art thou One God?
Rainbow of promise!

Could this be our end?
Or the beginning
I see a hand grasp
Cut off, but reaching!

My post is a simple verse with the syllabic count of 5 per line, speak from my heart!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

My Life in EIGHT Syllables

A long time ago, in my youth
Never wanting to hear the truth
I might not have been so content
Birthdays came, and the birthdays went
Imagined days with pink champagne
Now a good day is without pain
The things I used to do with ease
Now I deal with that age disease
Funny, I don't really mind
Happy to be, and be resigned
Each day is now God's gift to me
Knowing soon He will set me free
He knows I made many mistakes
He taught — time to step on the brakes
Holy Faith, the greatest blessing
Helped to finish all that testing
A long time ago, in my youth
Never wanted to hear the truth

Inspired by Tanka Tuesday
Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Haibun of Perpetual Flowers with Haiku

A Halo!

A Favorite white rose, living now, a flower!
Combine that thought with mystery of today; hidden, a secret of the rosary!  The Coronation!
Imagine the Mother of God forever crowned as Queen; no! Not ...
 a crown made with yellow gold; we call precious metal.  Think —a sweet fragrance saturating the air with several white vivid roses all aglow and strung together in the form of a crown — a crown of perpetual flowers that will never die.  

Glory of a rose
Enduring everlasting
A Crown for our Queen
God’s Masterpiece

dVerse, poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Written for Tanka Tuesday, on Wednesday

Added this to dVerse Open Link April 15 + Hope you like it!

THE challenge is to use synonyms only for the words


I tried two forms with the same theme;  first, the butterfly cinquain
a nine-line syllabic form with the pattern two, four, six, eight, two, eight, six, four, two.
The second form is a traditional Haiku with the 
syllabic structure of 5-7-5

Seek find
In God we trust
It all depends on you
A vast world today is absent
look around beyond the hidden
See the invisible
Explore you must
Seek find

Beyond the hidden
Explore the invisible
A world of absence

Inspired by
Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Tick Tock Daylight Savings Time


Eager — Hope Synonyms used are INTERESTED FOR EAGER – DREAM FOR HOPE

Poetic form is described below according to Colleen’s Cheat Sheet.

ABHANGA: “The completion” is a stanzaic form commonly used for devotional poetic composition, although it has also been used for cynicism, satire and reflective moods. It was popular from the 13th thru 17th centuries Marathi Region of India and is described as complex and classic.
The elements of the Abhanga are:
stanzaic, written in any number of 4 line stanzas.
syllabic, 6-6-6-4 syllables each
rhymed L2 and L3 rhyme. 
Are you interested
When two is truly three
Sleeping I'd rather be
Losing means find

It happens while we dream
Swiftly early one day
Spirited far away
Time is kidnapped

You might not have noticed
That one hour lost; time shoved
Lost but saved because of
Daylight Savings
Alarm Clock Time GIF by Green Valley Community Church
Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Oh No! What have I gotten myself into!

Its all Colleens fault!

I wanted to try something different from me, not sure what I did here. Reading Colleen about her suggestion of either “found OR magnetic poetry” OR Golden Shovel but below is where I found the poems in a child’s poetry book. Also, a little about the authors and their works.
To get the syllables to work, I had to change the words here and there; anyway, thank you for your patience in reading this!

First line from poem by Jack Prelutsky
Every bee
ever was
was partly 
sting and partly ... buzz.
Second Line  poet Laura Richards
I dreamed I was a cave boy
And lived in a cave, 
A mammoth for my saddle horse,
A monkey for my slave.
And through the tree-fern forests.
A-riding I would go,
When I was once a cave boy, 
A million years ago. 
Third Line  poet Eugene Field
his poem The Sugar-Plum Tree
There are marshmallows, gumdrops, and peppermint canes, 
etc. etc In the garden of Shut-Eye Town.

Fifth Line —Someone came came knocking poet Walter DeLa Mare

poet Rebecca McCann
So out ran young Joe,
Acting foolish and wild,
And everyone watched him
But nobody smiled.  
Same unknown poet who composed poem titled
The Light-Hearted Fairy — Oh, who is so merry so merry, heigh ho!
As the light-hearted fairy? Heigh-ho, Heigh ho
He dances and sings 
to the sound of his wings
Poet William Allingham Poem titled the Fairies
Down along the rocky shore
Some make their home
they live on crispy pancakes 
My line was taken from Wynken, Blynken, and Nod by Eugene Field
Sailed off in a wooden shoe

and finally, that last line was taken from The Merry-Go-Round by poet Myra Cohn Livingston
The merry-go-round
whirls round and round
in a giant circle on the ground. 
And the horses run 
an exciting race
while the wind blows music in your face 
Then the whole world spins
to a colored tune
but the ride is over much too soon


Every bee that ever was
 Lived a million years ago
 In the Garden of Shut-Eye
 Someone did appear knocking
 But only nobody smiled
 To the sound of fuzzy wings
 They lived on crispy pancakes
 Sailed off in a wooden shoe
 The ride was over too soon
poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Think WIN, WIN!

The Alouette form of poetry … (Rhyming on my brain) consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines or more. Syllabic: 5/5/7/5/5/7 — Rhyme Scheme:  “aabccb

God’s gift of grace free
You won’t disagree!
His teachings Holy and Sound.
Angels there to guide
Always on our side
His Kingdom easily found!

Truth will set us free
Can one disagree?
Be not drunktipsy on sin
Nor a careless life
Choose peace avoid strife
In the end think win, win — win!

Why are some words above bolded? Those would be the synonyms for Loose & Tight as the prompt calls for this week. Click here to join

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Purpose of Life

Butterfly Cinquain

The Butterfly Cinquain is: ○ 9 line poem. ○ syllabic, 2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2 syllables per line. Using synonyms for the words PAST and PRESENT.

Fashioned for Word Craft Prose and Poetry.

Remembering ago
Days of happy memory
Here and now presently — knowing
Daybreak may never come.
Purpose in life
Fulfilled ¿

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Strange Coincidence calls for a Cinquain

“Holiday Traditions” Theme/Prompt

After Christmas, one traditional custom awaits the Feast of the Three Kings, always on Jan. 6. The Wise men who brought gifts for the Christ Child, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. This Feast Day is called The Epiphany.

This year, on Jan. 6 Congress counts the electoral votes Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes. As President of the Senate, the vice president presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. 

My Cinquain below represents this strange coincidence. 

Three Wise Men Tradition
election — selection — ruling


#WQWWC, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro


First the INSPIRATION by #WQWWC a quote challenge.

A quote to keep in mind from Aristotle

“Fear is pain arising from the
anticipation of evil.”

Added bonus a Bible quote for all to see below to pull my post together (ooops bad word these days) better to make my post flow with understanding.

“Fear Not for I am the First and the Last.”
Apocalypse Chapter One — Be steadfast!

Another bonus inspired by Tanka https://wordcraftpoetry.com/2020/12/08/tanka-tuesday-poetry-challenge-no-206-synonymsonly/ Tuesday! Tanka Poetry below!

Only Synonyms for MINGLE AND DRIFT

Don’t mix together
Today many live in fear.
Dance alone,” they say!
Be good presently; don’t fight!
Anticipate the New World.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Hidden from the Blind

Today on Tanka Tuesday, not limited to only Tanka Poetry, we are challenged to use the below haiku to inspire us. Let Sue Vincent be our theme; Sue is ONE OF OUR MANY FABULOUS BLOGGERS HERE.

clouds cover the moon,
beyond dawn's pale horizon
sun rises unseen

©2020 Sue Vincent

Thank you for reading my interpretation below:

Appears to be dark

Today — hidden from the blind

Contemplation, hope

A Haiku

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

An Appointment with God — Believe it or Not!

It’s the third week of the month! Time for an Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompthttps://wordcraftpoetry.com/2020/11/17/weekly-tanka-tuesday-poetry-challenge-no-203-ekphrastic-photoprompt/

This eerie image reminds me of an appointment we all have.

Judgement Day


Judgement Day, we dread
Clothed in nakedness, exposed
Reflection echoes
Deeds, words our entire life
All alone myself with God

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Themed Poetry Prompt or is it an ILLUSION?

Tanka Tuesday Today Oct.27.2020

Colleen has asked her experts to put a poetry writing spell on poets! This is the 200th Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge! Happy Poetry Writing!

Clear illusion; Pride!
We fall, we rise, we restart!
Lack of prayer — LOST!
Humility a gift — FOUND!
Our journey our time; our goal!

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Reflections to Enjoy

THE Photo Prompt

Tanka poetry inspired by a tranquil image of Trent P. McDonald as seen above.
Colleen suggests Synonyms for two words; move and make. I chose to use “create” for make and “drift” for move.

Magnetic water
Draws life from above —peaceful!
Create reflections
Holding captive souls as it
Obeys — drifting straits foretold.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Introducing the Alouette form of Poetry; Subject TIME

After studying Colleens recommended links and Syllable counter; it was decided to try the Alouette form of poetry. My first attempt at this form of poetry that consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines or more. Syllabic: 5/5/7/5/5/7 — Rhyme Scheme:  aabccb


Our Time

We live, yet we die
A gift of will; why?
The gift from whom? God our voice
He came — gave us time
Life — our turn to shine
Death He gives again our choice!

Helps us on our way
Expects us to pray
Asking for — claiming Wisdom
Angels there to guide
Always on our side
Calling all to His Kingdom