To Be or NOT … Stream of Consciousness

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with cal.” Use a word starting with the letters “cal” as THE prompt word. SoCS

Call me crazy because while thinking of my ancestors as I sometimes do. If so and so didn’t marry and begot so and so, or what if they choose someone different, would my parents be my parents, and would I be at all? Who would I be, I wonder!
Perhaps I would be but would it be me?


A Little Bit of Flash Fiction

#JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness made me do it!

Click here To join in!

A Story to tell from beginning to end

The end of a good mystery movie always circles back to the beginning of the story. Notice in these old movies they start with a whopper of a storm, dramatic lightning, thunder, the wind howling, blowing windows while curtains dance all around, lights suddenly disappear.
Have you noticed that the mystery story always begins in an old creeky house, with one or several guests who can’t leave because of the storm?
Next: Everyone gets sleepy!
Now that I have set the stage, the mystery unfolds! The guest ushered to their room, waiting for the stormy night to pass. And so it does!
Peaceful morning, the smell of fresh coffee and sweet cakes rouse all occupants.
“Where is our guest?”
Nowhere to be found his shoes perfectly placed under the unslept bed.
Pooof gone! Like that!
Years later, the youngest occupant, still a child, returns from school and notices all the dust cluttered under the ominous bed.
“Hey mom, today the teacher told us about our body how it begins and ends as dust to dust.”
“Someone under this bed is either going or just beginning.”


My Behavior LATELY

 Stream Of Consciousnesses Saturday IS TODAY!

My very mini post today is my strange behavior lately!

Like all of you I like to make my bed sooner than later when I awake however; lately my cat thinks she is the queen; jumps on my bed thereby taking her long morning nap.

My strange behavior is, I can’t make my bed until she awakes.

Strange Behavior is it the cat or me!

Politics, SoCS

Controversial Stream of Consciousness

Contentious and or Controversial

First off, if your guilty, see a traditional Catholic priest. There is no sin greater than the mercy of God. 

Watching a video on Youtube about what happened after Jesus was born; the Gospel of Matthew explains Herod becomes angry after the Magi did not return to him, and tell Herod what he wanted to know about the birth of the New King.

Thus saith the Lord: A voice was heard on high of lamentation, of mourning, and weeping, of Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not.”

After researching the word “Rachel” (above quote) “Thus saith the Lord: A voice was heard on high of lamentation, of mourning, and weeping, of Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not.”


The video was vivid showing the murder of all these innocent little ones brought tears, and sorrow reminds me of today, the reprehensible sin of abortion.

I understood Rachel represented the women/mothers women in those parts mourning for their slaughtered infants.
How sad, know this, fellow Christians, God will never bless our nation while this heinous sin is legal.
Vote to defund abortion if you consider yourself a Christian, God, in the end, will give us all that we desire. His Will or ours. Your CHOICE!



Bumper Stickers

Feeling a little cheeky today because while shopping earlier a well-kept car parked next to mine, with a bumper sticker that read: “I Love Democrats.” It occurred to me a major difference between the Dems and Repubs my sticker would have read “I Love Republicans” after returning to my car chances are my tires would have been slashed.




SoCS, true story

Pondering Padre Pio, his story

Haven’t posted now for a few days, just been busy pondering instead. Here on WordPress, some interesting people come up with prompts to encourage us to write. Today I accept the challenge of one such prompt, “Movie Titles”;SoCS is asking to use the last title of the movie we watched. 

Last night I watched a Youtube movie titled “Padre Pio” for those who do not know this person all you need do is search the internet, he is one worth remembering. 

The link to the very long and moving movie is …

The film and my pondering have haunted me with this thought: 

The Church teaches us that Jesus Christ suffered and died for ALL, but not all people care about it! In the Garden just before He was taken to begin His Passion of death, He saw our faces. Each and every one of us He saw. He knew who would appreciate His reason for coming into the world; His goal was not to live but to die for us. He began to sweat His Blood when He saw the faces of those who would not care. 

Thinking again, how there is no such thing as “Time” when it refers to God the thought of Him suffering just for me that day, centuries before I was born, overwhelms my mind today!  



SoCS & JusJoJan and recipe to try!

Are you fasting or just hungry?  “This bowl is too hot, this one is too cold but this one is just right!”

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “ow.” 

If you find your tummy growling think about a nice bowl of vegetable egg flour soup for one.
Heat one cup of vegetable broth with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and a little soy together. Bring to a boil; while waiting to boil; mix one teaspoon of corn starch into a little cold water and stir. Add a pinch of salt and white pepper to suit your taste. Now beat one egg, and when the broth is raging mad and bubbly, slowly trickle in the beaten egg and corn starch, mixing everything together for that delicious BOWL of soup, on a SNOWY day or anytime. Use Chicken broth if you prefer. Make it your own by adding green onions, carrots, or …?…..

SoCS, Word Prompts

Remember this!

Astronomical or Celestial this poem is beyond the universe inspired by SoCS.  

Waiting for a reason, not that I needed one, to post this beautiful poem by Mary Dixon Thayer.  Readers here you may remember it from happier times within the Church.



Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-   
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
Tell me what to say!

Did you lift Him up, sometimes,
Gently on your knee?
Did you sing to Him the way
Mother does to me?

Did you hold His hand at night?
Did you ever try
Telling stories of the world?
O! And did He cry?

Do you really think He cares
If I tell Him things ——-
Little things that happen? And
Do the Angels’ wings

Make a noise? And can He hear
Me if I speak low?
Does He understand me now?
Tell me ——-for you know.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
And you know the way.

Politics, SoCS, Word of the Day Challenge

The Meaning of the word + Christians Beware!

It bothers me when Traditional Catholics claim to be the “Traditional Catholic Movement.” Since the word “movement” means change; Traditional Catholics did not change, the New Order, a phrase coined by the New Vatican known as the Novus Ordo, are the ones that changed.

Novus Ordo is The Modern Movement, not within the Catholic church although they today occupy the buildings, much like the Anglican Church of England; they also held the same buildings when the broke with the Holy See around 1860 or so.

We live in strange times; it seems the entire FOUR corners of the world are upside down from religion to secular politics. On another post here, I commented; only to repeat my comment here to make a point. The point is how things change, how the Democratic party has moved to the Left, so far to the Left.  Are they really wanting to change; FOR the Socialist Party of America, a Socialist movement?

It bothers me also to see people who claim the Christian Faith of various denominations, all claiming to follow Christ yet they think nothing of voting FOR those people who think it is healthy or a right to kill an innocent baby. Speaking again to readers who claim to believe in God; when you stand before God in judgment, you will see the aborted as they will see you.


Don’t Take it that Serious —

Linking to SoCS and  FOWC two challenges from popular bloggers here on WordPress.

The theme of today is “Critic”! My written commentary begins with a few quotes I am reminded of;  reminded because these two quotes are a few rules of my life. Number one:

“He has a right to criticize who has the heart to help.” ~Abraham Lincoln

Also this quote

“When criticized, consider the source.”

People, in general, criticized along the lines of their mindset! Which changes from time to time, depending on who their hero for the day is or if they have a properly formed conscience.
Whenever you read a critic or criticism, consider the source and begin thinking for yourself, obey your conscience, your creed and most likely whatever you hear is another theory not based on facts, but according to the narrative of the critic. Above all trust in God!  Your health will improve you might even add years to your life.

Just Because, SoCS

Earthquakes news and forecasts

Regularly I tune into the live earthquake website and Dutchsinse on Youtube. Lately, there is a severe showing of activity near the crater known as the Pisgah Crater Volcano. For those yet to be introduced to Dutchsinse and his predictions and No he is not a prophet, just a young regular guy who discovered a unique scientific way of forecasting earthquakes. A little about Dutch; his fundamental discovery based on science which is why the “experts” hate him.

Getting back to my interest in this Pisgah Crater Volcano is because it seems it might be an awakening of a small volcano there in Ludlow Calif.

Not sure if the readers have been following since the mainstream news spends most of their time spinning the earthquakes that are ongoing in the world of politics. Brainwashing those who can’t think, but only obey those who preach bunkum.

Getting back to: Have you realized today about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, which reminds me of this verse: “And there shall be great earthquakes in divers places, and pestilences, and famines, and terrors from heaven; and there shall be great signs.”[Luke 21:11]

Living today, in my opinion, is undoubtedly lively!



Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, since the birth of Jesus Christ so says the thesaurus, and who can argue with the thesaurus or

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ad/add/AD (Anno Domini).”

Nonbelievers to Christians and everyone in between adds to their instruments of necessary paperwork the date based upon the birth of Jesus Christ. God is clever that way! In a way, it is His AD of advertising that He and He alone is King.



poetry, SoCS, Word Prompts

Bells, bells and more bells

#SoCS Dec. 8/18 … anything musical.

I must confess I just can’t keep rule number 1 which states (Your post must be a stream of consciousness writing, meaning no editing, and minimal planning on what you’re going to write.)  Especially this one below:  Editing and planning was a must! I am still a beginner at poetry, but I love it and love the challenges to create.



Some jingle
Others tinkle
School bells calling our youth
Winter sleigh bells mirror joy
Sorrow someone is going home
The most loved Church bell ringing —listen
Watch it brings out the twinkle of God’s Eyes!

SoCS, true story

A “How to” story—Cement to Marble “magic”

My inspiration is having the means to accomplish this idea from Youtube and writing about it for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “mean(s), prompt, to join click here for rules.


Why haven’t I written this week on my blog? Because too busy; my energy was to design my cement in the basement. Yes, you read correctly; CEMENT! Create an area where the pellet stove is sitting on cement. Thinking I would go to Youtube for help on how to paint my cement to look like faux marble.
So many techniques are making me dizzy; I must have watched them all. Do this and then do that, but one thing they all said was to start with an immaculately clean floor.
Therefore; I vacuumed around the pellet stove, washed the floor, taped along the stove with painter tape, vacuumed again, rewashed the floor and started to follow some instructions. As this procedure began, I began to develop my technique taking an idea from one video or another as I went along. Tempted to record my own thoughts of “How to paint a cement floor in your basement looking like faux marble” but didn’t want to take the time to figure out how to upload a video, I just took a picture of my finished product.
Oh, one more point; when finished it was so slippery, like walking on ice with that last coat of sealer, so I had to put a second coat on with this stuff, called Anti-Skid Floor Texture Additive. It worked perfectly when applying you have to keep stirring this additive because it sinks down into the sealer, so stir, stir to keep it well distributed.
Most importantly, before I started I prayed and asked the Holy Ghost to guide my every move, and He did! I am happy with the results below.



Why Blog why the Voice?


Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt for this week is the word “ORGAN.”

I had no idea that the word “organ” meant other than an instrument or a biological term. Not, until I check the thesaurus and found an entire catalog of understandings, such as the word “mouthpiece, or voice or channel.” Looking at these words, perhaps we could add the word “blogger” to it.

Speaking of blogging these definitions remind me of why I started a few months ago, last November.

My story began while caring for my dying husband after 50 years of marriage and my very elderly mother who passed away one year later after he did. It wasn’t till then that I found value in everything they wrote and left behind for me to pick up such as a list for the grocery store in my husband’s case; or my mom’s lifestyle she would write down random words, over and over, that she would not forget them. I discovered then when I picked up those pieces of paper with their words and saw the value in them. A little treasure, part of them, their thoughts!

Blogging, the reason why I write now, my loved ones hopefully will someday see what I yearn to say to them, but lack time to hear my words.
The second chance will ultimately prove words will evolve into that treasure. A treasure we all seek to find and hope never to lose.

Consider too, that you also are an organ, a mouthpiece, a voice to your readers and your loved ones. Offer them valuable advice, make them proud of your thoughts about life and how you coped with the experiences both high and low.

Comment below what brought you to this wonderful activity of blogging, knowing is always fun and gives you something to think about besides your next blog post.