Share your World

Questions with Answers when Sharing Your World

When you were a kid, did you eat the crusts on your sandwich or not?

I still do not eat the crust of my sandwich. Instead, I cut it into small pieces and feed the wild birds outside.

Are you a fan of musicals—why or why not?

I enjoy classical musicals because they make me happy!

Is it difficult to do what you do? (for a living, hobby etc.). If you’re retired, what you ‘did’ previously for a job can be substituted.

Yes, I am retired. Before that, I was a realtor, and it was very easy and, for the most part, a challenge! I always got along with all types of personalities and had a knack for figuring out what they needed mainly; the women always bought on emotion the man was thinking “investment.”

What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? (Doesn’t have to be a rock concert either).

I enjoyed all concerts I attended since I didn’t waste time on things I didn’t want to be entertained by; concerts, movies, plays, or whatever. No surprises, since one usually knows ahead of time or should know something about them.     


I have always been grateful for where God has placed me in the world; I regret ever having offended Him and never pray again to offend Him.  


Share your World

Share answers to Stimulating questions

Just in case you are unsure of today’s date it is March 28 time to Share your World!

Presenting question number one here below:

Number 1. What fictional family would you like to be part of? (think TV shows, cartoon or books or some fictional family that you admire)

I loved the family that God placed me into, so this question is difficult to answer since I never thought about it. Let’s see! Thinking … thinking, hmmm! Perhaps and I quote “The Addams Family” had more of an edge, and its humor was a bit darker. They were fashionably weird but devoted to having a safe and happy home. The show also gave us some of TV’s most odd but memorable characters in Lurch, Cousin Itt and Uncle Fester.

I wonder what my name would have been? Thanks for giving me something different to think about.

Which band or artist would you like to play at your funeral or memorial service? (the artist can have passed on too)

If we don’t all get blown up with a nuclear bomb and I am lucky enough to have a funeral, it will hopefully be a Traditional Catholic one, with sacred music.  

Preference. Popcorn, M&Ms or other. Choose something you love snacking on.

 At this moment in time, I am on a kick for chocolate-covered raisins; who knows what it will be tomorrow. 

If you could be any supernatural (fantasy) character, what would you be? (Think Elves, fairies, dragons or whatever)  

Perhaps I would say:  Flutterina who is a member of the Great Rebellion and is aided by powerful butterfly wings.

Good advice with this quote: “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” -St Augustine.

Share your World

It’s My Life

Sharing my World, why not that’s what blogging is all about. The questions with my honest answers are below for interested readers.



What is one topic you love to talk about?

If you know me, its my Faith! Why because nothing else matters except the salvation of my soul.

I love to talk about my Faith because it is the only aspect or view perfectly logical. It is not complicated; Jesus proved He is God by rising from the dead, and even the Jewish people never denied that! He was foretold in the Old Testament, which happened as He said it would.
He founded ONE religion and foretold near the end of the world, it would adapt to the world, and so it has. The so-called Catholic religion the Vatican (since 60’s the Vatican) today breaks Divine Law. Adapting to the world although sounds like “brotherly love,” yet in the eyes of God, “I AM THE LORD, no others gods before me.”Divine Law,” by saying all religions are good. The Bible refers to it as the harlot, you know what that is… …casual encounters.


Ask the wonder question . ‘But so, suppose there was a magical wizard standing right in front of you and you could turn your life into anything you wanted, what would you do? ‘  For example: What, who, where, why? ‘  (Short explanation:  Suspend disbelief and suppose for a moment that you COULD turn your life into anything you wanted it to be.  Answer any or all of those “W” codicils as you wish)

The wonder answer is as follows:

I had my time in my life in which I was searching, being led into the modernism of the Church, I found myself doubting, does God really exist.
At that time, I was fearful for my immortal soul and started to pray to know the truth. Finding the Traditional Faith is another miraculous story of its own for me. Therefore the answer to the WONDER QUESTION is, “been there, done that.” Searching, no thanks, I found it, and I understand it, plus I now live with peace of soul. “Seek and You shall find, Ask and it will be given to you.”


(This one has been asked before in various ways)
Could you adjust to life without any internet?
This means the net has theoretically failed and there’s no cyber connection any longer.  Things have gone back to the old ways of land-line telephones (because cells don’t work without the ‘Net) and hand written letters.  Paper newspapers and magazines.  Hard bound books.  Having to actually do finances with ledgers, paper and pen or pencil.  There are a myriad of things the internet brings with it that I think we’ve all gotten so used to that we now take them for granted.   The Millennials and generations after them don’t know the ‘old ways’ at all really in my opinion.

I don’t think it would be difficult if everyone, the entire world was without the internet, because then we would not be missing anything. If I was the only person without the internet, yes I would wonder daily what I was missing!


What do you think is unique about the human ‘animal’ (homo sapien)?

As far as homo sapien, that species, the Church follows the Bible; we all came from Adam and Eve, the first human’s God created with an immortal soul. Created creatures who roamed the earth before Adam and Eve did not possess an immortal soul; their soul died with them.
It is not complicated as science wants to believe, pray to know, and love the truth; there is only ONE truth founded by God.

Share your World



Who do you think is an example of a successful person?

Someone who believes in God and, more importantly, obeys Him. 
One particular saint often said "There is only one tragedy in life, and that is to lose your soul."

Why are you doing what you're currently doing?  (take this in any context you like, either as a "what you're doing RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND" or "what you're doing in your life at this point" or any other way that occurs to you.  The question is a bit ambiguous..)

I am trying to wake up!  First, I made a cup of coffee, sat down, and sip, the coffee while talking to God about my day.  After my coffee, I pray my rosary, shower take care of my personal needs.  Sometimes I eat, sometimes I don't.  Check my email and ask Blessed Mother to inspire me to write well what she wants me to tell.  Sometimes she answers me with inspiration, sometimes she is silent.  Next I get on with my day, i.e. housework, rest, errands, rest, prepare meals, rest again, no I am not lazy just old.  We elders need to rest in-between activities.  I like to blog beause it exercises my brain then I rest while I read other blogs.     

What is your personal theme song?
Waking up is hard to do ♫   See below or listen below!

What do you think about tofu?
I hate anything artificial, including imitation sugar!
Share your World

A New Year, what’s next?

One good reason to participate in this challenge known as Share-your-world is to allow you to examine your conscience, a big something for me!

See the questions by clicking above to share your world. We want to know!

For New Year’s Eve, I will be sleeping at my age but will awake slightly when I hear the much younger generation celebrating with what they call making as much noise as possible. Jan 1, 2022, I will attend Holy Mass, a Holy Day described on the Traditional Catholic calendar. 

Next year, let us all pray God will give us all the following year. His patience is incredible; perhaps He will only purify the world as He did in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The greatest lesson I learned is that I don’t need to wear that mask everywhere as in 2020. Grateful too, that most people if not all in my area also figured that out!  

Share your World

Sure I’ll Share my Views

You may not like them, but my conscience is a peace. What are your views shared here!

What is your opinion of the state of health care in your country? Adequate or inadequate? What could be done to improve it

My opinion is it is going into a slippery downhill; today, more than ever we have to take matters into our own hands by learning how to stay healthy. 

To improve it, the people must vote for honest politicians, people who care about their own families, which will result in caring for others.

What are two words that describe you best?

 Love of my Faith without compromise, and I am a creative person.

Do you have a morning routine? If so, what it’s like?

Talking to God, praying my rosary, planning what duties I have to do this day, and doing them. I enjoy picking out a challenge or two, but no more than that, I have a busy life beyond my BLOG. 

What’s something that really makes your blood race? 

Sexual abuse of children and mothers who DEFEND To kill their own, (abortion).  

However, I do believe there is no sin greater than the mercy of God (WHEN SORRY.)

Do you enjoy singing festive songs during *insert festive celebration that you observe to replace “Christmas” if it’s not relevant to you * Christmas carols or songs?

I love Christmas and wonder at the power of God; only He can bless all! AS He inspires even atheists, or those of other faiths, as we celebrate the Birth of Christ by our decorations, songs, spreading Christmas joy and cheer.

No matter what they call it, it is Christmas!

Share your World

Sharing my World — you might think is boring

Melanie asks over at SYW

but I am happy, and at peace, HOWEVER, I MADE MY MISTAKES like everyone else.

Yes, I would enjoy to share my world with the entire world OR AT LEAST THE READERS God placed here on Word Press.

Questions with my answers below:

In your opinion, what should be humanity’s goal?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if humanity would make the Ten Commandments of God the goal of life? OR AT LEAST TRY!

Are you hesitant to speak your opinions?

My opinion is usually not as complicated as most I read here on these blogs. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and another good one I learned in school is. Good is right even if no one is doing it and wrong; bad choices are still evil even if the WHOLE WORLD IS DOING IT.  

In what ways has society changed during your lifetime? What do you think caused these changes?

I love to watch old movies, the ones they call vintage classic these days; watching a few, you will see for yourself how society has changed, and it’s all there on record. No doubt about it, the people in those days knew they were either men or women.   

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend?

I have the very best friend that speaks to me, corrects me, and causes me a lack of sleep at times. It is my conscience. THIS Gratitude section allows opportunity when thinking of my friends that speak to me in the same way; I speak because I am so grateful to God for finding me an organization of like-minded friends who help each other in every way possible.  

Fantango’s Image makes me feel I am being asked to SHARE MY WORLD
Share your World

For What its Worth; a Share your World post!

The questions from Melania @ Share your world — write to share!

What are you most proud of in the last year?
My six adult children are as different as snowflakes, although they all have the same mother and father.  Yet, I/they are all conservative and feel the same way about the vaccination; waiting for FDA approval!  Not yet approved. It is approved only for experimental use.  I am proud/happy we are all of the same mindset.  I must have done something right!

If you see a puddle on the ground, do you walk around it or give in to the child within and splash about?
I don't particularly appreciate getting my feet wet, so I probably would avoid it.

Do you feel free? Why or why not?
Yes, I feel free only because so far, I have been fortunate in that I have not allowed "them" to take away my freedom.  Confidence in my daily prayers benefits me.

What life skills are rarely taught but are extremely useful?
It seems the cashiers in the stores can not figure out your change unless the register tells them what it is.

I am very grateful always, but recently our area needed rain, and we received it yesterday; more is on the way.  Thank you, God!

Share your World

Dinner Time Everyone!

OKAY, It’s time to SHARE MY WORLD including the easiest delicious recipe to try yourself.

Questions to answer below in my world!  SYW

question this


Where Do You Not Mind Waiting?

What Is In Your Fridge Right Now? (you’re not required to give a comprehensive list)

If You Could Only Speak One Word Today, What Would It Be?

Would You Rather Be Trapped In An Elevator Full Of Men With BO Or Three Soaked Dogs? (this is with the addendum that C-19 doesn’t exist)


I don’t mind waiting anywhere where I am allowed to sit down; at my 80 years of life, painful standing too long. An exception to that would be a restaurant sitting (too long) waiting for them to take my order when I am “starving.” Also, I might add:  Waiting anywhere you don’t have to waste time; one can quietly talk to God, asking Him to end this dreaded virus or other needs for the people around you while waiting.

Next interesting question IS ♫♪

The most exciting item in my refrigerator is some leftover chicken from last night. Just for reading my post, I will share with you what I will do with this chicken. DELICIOUS!

Ingredients:  COOKED chicken, how much depends on your family size.  One time I sliced a rotisserie chicken from Cosco.  Very good!

Next items: Can of condensed cream of chicken soup

cup or more of sour cream

I package of your favorite frozen vegetables

1 or 2 depending on how large your casserole will be; packages of Stove Top or other similar brands of Stuffing Mix for chicken.

First, prepare the stuffing mix according to directions.

Mix all the other ingredients, place them into your casserole dish size according to the amount. TOP WITH THE PREPARED STUFFING MIX.

Oven approx. 375 bake 30 minutes. DELICIOUS!!!  Be careful not to burn the topping of stuffing.

******If I could only speak one word, it would be … PRAY!

******If trapped in an elevator, let it be the men, hopefully, one of them will have the stinky brains to rescue us.


Share your World

Look what happened to SCROOGE!

SYW and the question are:

What’s your remedy for the Holiday blues?

Your favorite beverage (if it differs) during the holiday season?  If it doesn’t differ, just answer the ‘what’s your favorite beverage” part. 

This one has been asked before, but what’s your take on pumpkin spice?

Is there is a person or god connected with your holiday? 

  • Who are they and do you believe in them?
  • If you do not believe in these people or gods, does the celebration/honoring of that being, bother you in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)?

Holiday blues, what is that?

My favorite beverage is, if thirsty I like water if eating pasta I enjoy a glass of Arbor Mist, Zinfandel!

Pumpkin Spice, sure, why not?

God?  My take on that  –>  The past few evenings, I have been tuning in to a few classic Christmas movies; hymns and notice the joy just the word “Christmas” brings. The word means Christ’s Mass on Christmas Day. Such a compelling Holy/Holiday, the unbelievers will never get rid of the word Christmas. Not sure why “unbelievers” are called unbelievers since they, too, believe; they decorate, celebrate as we all do in their way. At least the ones I know, even the stores, streets, homes, everything.

Look what happened to SCROOGE!

Notice that there is currently a move to change the wording of the Christmas parade to Winder parade, it might work for a short time, but the Christmas parade will return just like when they tried to change Christmas trees to Holiday trees, most stores again refer to them as Christmas trees.  It is what it is, CHRISTMAS!

It doesn’t sound correct to even say, Merry Winter everyone!  ♫


Share your World

Sharing My World — SYW

SYW Share Your World and the questions are below; with my answers.  Nice to know that someone wants to know what I think.  I love it!

  1. Can we ever experience anything objectively? Why or why not? (Now for the people who may not understand that idea, this is what objective means (definition wise): Something that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions).

If no, there is no anything as Truth or Facts, just whatever pleases man, like we have today. 

  1. Do humans have a soul? Do animals have a soul?

Humans have an immortal soul that will live forever either in Heaven or Hell at the end of time; Animals have a mortal soul that dies when they die. However, I like to believe that nothing on earth is more significant than what is in Heaven, therefore perhaps animals are in Heaven, hopefully for those who make it to Heaven God will allow our pets to be there, wishful thinking on my part. 

  1. Why are people told to respect the dead? (example: “Don’t speak ill of the dead”)

Because God has already judged them.

  1. Without using the names of specific people, discuss “the ideal” President or other world leader.  Saying ‘anyone who is the exact opposite of a certain orange skinned creature’ is cheating. While (to me) that’s a true statement, there’s more depth to the question than to reduce it to one sentence.

An ideal leader, in my opinion, is anyone who keeps or at least TRIES to keep the ten Commandments, since if that should ever happen, we will be blessed by God and have peace throughout the entire world. Not just talk about it but encourage it. We don’t live in a perfect world, and my ideal is a dream, so I will continue to vote for the lesser of the two evils.  


Share your World

Sharing! and do we really care?

Share Your World wants to know!

The prompt from this blogger to Share Our World; the form of questions to answer which are: 

  1. What is the meaning of true love?
  2. Do acts of kindness have a motive? 
  3. If we live in a civilized world why do we see so many distinctions between rich and poor?
  4. Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world than in the real world?

 Number one: The meaning of True Love is to serve when we serve our love grows deeper. Serving each other in marriage will always be a success; this is why a mother loves her children, she serves them from the beginning of their life. 

Number two: If your acts of kindness are done only to boost your reputation (for example, the politician) WRONG! Acts of kindness should always be done for the sake of God, not to feed your ego. 

Number three: Because people have different opportunities, choices and we are not robots, the poor will always be with us, it is written.

Number four: The virtual world is to me what I am aiming for, my goal, the real world is what I am. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore we are called to love ourselves.  


Ah! Another Challenge, Share your World

Questions with Answers … thoughts

My SYW POST for Share Your World
The questions with answers

Why do we seem to respect the dead more than the living?
I believe it is because after a person has died, we see all that was good in them, whatever deeds in life negative, forgotten.
The goal for all; to save our immortal souls, there is a life beyond this life! We respect the dead because we have hope that they died in God’s grace and have achieved their goal.

Why is beauty associated with morality? Or not?
Having physical beauty is a grave temptation, and especially today, many are weak and fall for the superficial comments they hear from others. A beautiful woman attracts attention, and often it is attention from the wrong person. Mothers train your daughters to be humble, modest, and ladylike.

Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?
I think the emotions wrought from gadgets are different; they are there but not as genuine as natural emotions.

Is there a perfect life? What’s your version of an ideal experience if you care to share? A perfect life is doing the Will of God for that is the only possibility that will bring you happiness and peace of mind. Many will say; what is the Will of God? Begin with knowing the Ten Commandments and pray daily for the grace of discernment. “Ask, and you shall receive.” Most importantly, when we experience the failures, disappointments we should unite them with the life of Christ, that always helps.
The perfect life is if we save our soul, there is only one tragedy in life, that is when we lose our soul. If you put popularity ahead of God’s Will you are heading in the wrong direction, most of the time the majority is on the wrong side. Human respect is an evil.

“Human respect is excessive regard for the opinions or esteem of other men. … Concern for the opinion of others may lead one to act against moral principles and thus to do evil in order to gain the esteem of others.”

I am grateful always when I look back at my life, (now aged 79) my digresses straying away from God, offending Him, my mortal sins, still He kept me from dying in my sins. I was led out of my Faith, into a conciliar form of religion. Ecumenical in nature, forgetting the First Commandment, everything I learned was put on the back burner.
I am grateful I finally found my home again, the Traditional Faith.

Thank you SYW for the opportunity to share!

Share your World

My Truth and One Meatball song


    Thanks to Melanie B Cee for the inspiration, questions/prompt

She asks

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? If you don’t think Heaven nor God exists, you might want to answer by saying something outrageous, just for fun!
Anyone reading my posts here knows that I believe that God exists along with Heaven, Hell, Limbo, and Purgatory.   After “time” is no longer, I think that there will only be Heaven and Hell. If I should be so graced, I imagine St. Peter might say; “you had us worried a few times, but you made it.’

The lowest depth of misery would be if I don’t make it; spending eternity among others surrounded by hate, since there is no love in Hell, whatsoever.

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
Arriving at my destination without causing an accident, and that’s the truth.

How would you rate your memory?
For my age, I think my memory is about average, except when I can’t find where I put my keys. It always happens when I am in a hurry.

What’s one song that always cheers you up, no matter how blue you’re feeling? 

I have two of them guaranteed to make you smile.  Hope you will give a listen, your kids if you have any at home will also LOL!


Ah! Another Challenge, Share your World

Who, Me!

Share your World wants to know; and who doesn’t like to write about oneself every once in a while.

Five questions you can read here:

My answers below:

Didn’t have to think too long on this first question. Honestly can’t remember when I might have been offended personally. I say personally directed at me, myself and I. Having said that I do get annoyed when someone disparages what I believe to be sacred and holy unless they are asking an honest question, all coming down to their motive and comebacks.

It is often said that the morals of society will shape the government. Therefore I mean, the morals must be VERY IMPORTANT! Currently, our culture and its morals are headed for a nosedive. Taking the government with it no matter who the President is. I suppose God, as He always has in the past,  will take us back to the essential Ten Commandments; back to basics sooner or later.

My epitaph might be something like this: Wife, Mother, Grandmother who made her share of mistakes in life; in the end, finally understood why it took a lifetime to figure out her purpose in life.

French toast, pancakes or waffles? All sounds good to me, but am leaning toward the pancakes, Swedish pancakes, thin and sweet are my favorite.

Each day when I awake, I am always grateful for my faith in God, my family that keeps growing and growing each year with grandchildren and now great-grandchildren connecting to the chain.

Grateful too, I haven’t had to use the new editor here on WordPress YET, I hate figuring out all over again new Internet “stuff.”