Reena’s Xploration

Past, Present and Future

Reena’s Xploration Challenge #241

A single-line prompt for this week – The only ghost that scares is a past version of you. OR SHOULD I SAY Me!

Write whatever pops up in mind.

What pops into my mind is not you but me!

When I look into my magic mirror into the past, I see myself being deceived.
"Me!  Deceived?  me What PRIDE! 

The devel can certainly deceive, IT is clever that way.  But, I was so happy, carefree, young, and healthy that everything was going my way!  So I thought! 
No, I do not want to visit that ghost, myself!

My problem was allowing myself to put my will above the will of God.  AND It was all my fault;  (I knew better). 

Yet,  I blamed it on the changes within the Catholic Church, how it became more and more adapted to the world, and I went along with it.  It became and IS no more than a religion founded by man, not God.  The Faith that I learned no longer existed.  Same buildings but different theology after 1969.  

One day, however, while clearing unnecessary things out of the house, I came across a shoe box filled with trinkets and "stuff," there, I found my rosary and scapular all tangled up at the bottom of the box.  I still remember untangling them and thinking, I am supposed to be wearing my scapular and praying my rosary.   Suddenly things didn't look so "everything was going my way."  I knew that I was no longer living the will of God but my own choice.  I was on the path of perdition. 

Some Christians even today believe that they are automatically "saved."  The Waterdown new catholic church taught it, and I thought I was happy believing it!  No need anymore to be sorry or confess your sins to a priest; they are automatically forgiven.  So said the new religion, and so says the evil one, believe, and you are saved.   

This all happened to me as I held my scapular and rosary in my hand.

I began that day to pray!  After I began on the right path in time, my unbelieving husband found a Traditional Catholic church for me.  As God promised, even the Gates of Hell will never prevail against it, just smaller now.  

Oh, my husband after, many years later, he passed away, also became a Traditional Catholic;  a Traditional priest by his side, giving him the sacraments of the Church.  Who said God does not hear us or reward us! 

Visit that ghost, NEVER !

Reena’s Xploration, Xploration

The Ecstatic of Tours

Looking for an interesting place to tour, consider this site rich with miracles, legends, and pagan history.  

 This strange prophecy below is associated with St. Odile, who is revered as the patron saint of Alsace and this historic site.   History of Alsace

The prophecy stated below sounds like today’s newscast.  

There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun

“Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is ensured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time the Church will be without a Pope.”

That last line — “For some time the Church will be without a Pope.” It would be more obvious if it said, Catholic Pope, in my humble opinion.    

Link to the tour:

Reena Xploration

Reena’s Xploration

As We near Graduation — a Conversation we may hear!

Reena’a Xploration Challenge, my story about the image below.

Let’s Shake on that!
"Hey buddy, can you believe it's about that time we will graduate from this place, and have you given it any thought about what comes next?"

"I have many questions but no real answers; what about you?"
"I have a myriad of ideas but just can't quite make up my mind about any of them"!
"I say, ideas are like opinions; everyone has one, but an original scheme and how to execute it might be successful.  
"You're right;  perhaps there are no more new ideas, so we need to find a better way to accomplish them!" 
"It is said that two heads are better than one, right!  Why not sit down, and maybe we can together come up with a brilliant opportunity."
"What the world needs is action, not another idea."
"Today,  all we see are either bad ideas or no ideas, in government, the people we are supposed to look up to."
"See, that might be a good idea; we seem to fit; we either have too many or no ideas."
"Let's shake on that theory; that's where all the money is!"

"Hey Brandon, let's go!
Reena’s Xploration

Tell the Truth but do it tactfully

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do, and what is right to do. I have a right, to tell the truth, and to do it tactfully!

A couple of quotes, there are so many but I liked these two.

 “Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”- Spencer Johnson.

 “Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life.”- Albert Schweitzer. — Abortion comes to my mind!

Be happy, be ethical. 

Reena Saxena