
Free Will Choice we all have one

I Believe, BECAUSE -

Still time to enter your 99-word story at Carrot Ranch —

October 7, 2021, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes whispers. It can be beautiful or creepy and any genre. Where are the whispers, who are they from, and what do they say if they say anything at all. Go where the prompt leads!

Respond by October 12, 2021

Shhhh! Quiet, don’t say a word; listen now.
Be very still and with your mind; ask HIM!
Feel the calmness, the peace;
you can almost hear the whisper.
“Here I am.” It speaks. Give ear to the whisper.
The voice that says, “come!”
The battle begins, the distractions, our mind wanders, and we all know why; next, we hear that eerie, dark, sinister voice, shaky almost sing-song. We listen, we hear the call to our mind the word…M I N E!

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The Number 33? It’s Just a Coincidence

Jesus Christ was 33 when He died for us!

The Heretic

A 33rd degree Mason is someone who has earned the highest honors in Freemasonry.When someone joins the Masons, he is given the rank of Entered Apprentice, which is the first degree. Masons can advance to the 32nd degree through their contributions to the lodge. The 33rd degree is only given to Masons who have performed significant services for Freemasonry.

One of the most prominent, and yet deceptive, aspects of Masonic Lodge is its symbolism. This imagery, like the teaching and practices of the Masonic Lodge, was inherited directly from the occult and is universally recognised. Its true significance is disguised beneath a thick veil of secrecy, mystery and deception; nevertheless, as we analyse the mystical nature of the symbolism employed within the Masonic Lodge it is not difficult to recognise its occult origins.

The occult’s love of Symbology has them inserting it into everything, everywhere. It’s in music, movies, the…

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Politics, Reblog

The Good News—A COVID-19 Update


Nwo Report

Source: Thomas T. Siler, M.D.

Now that we have had 18 months to “slow the spread” it is time to take stock of the pandemic. We have learned many good things that the media and our pandemic managers rarely report. Most fundamentally, we do not need to be afraid of COVID-19 anymore. The media and some government health authorities are still pushing hysteria and fear, but that should not prevail. Let’s look at the good news that can calm our fears about COVID-19. There’ll be time at a later date to look at the bad and the ugly of the resolving pandemic.

1) Globally, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.8%. Under the age of 70, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.97%. This is on par with many influenza seasons. Americans younger than 70 do not have to fear COVID-19 any more than influenza and we know how to…

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Politics, Reblog

Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid after Taking Carnival Cruise to Belize – 27 People Total Tested Positive For Covid Aboard Ship – ALL VACCINATED


Nwo Report

Source:Cristina Laila

A beloved great grandmother tragically died of Covid after taking a Carnival cruise to Belize earlier this month.

77-year-old Marilyn Tackett, a retired Sunday school teacher from Oklahoma, boarded a Carnival cruise ship on July 31 out of Galveston, Texas.

On August 4th, Tackett, who was fully vaccinated for Covid, began to have breathing problems and decided to stay on the ship as her family disembarked and toured Belize.

The ship’s medical team tested Tackett for Covid and it came back positive.

The cruise’s medical doctor said Tackett needed to be put on a ventilator and had her transferred to a local hospital in Belize.

The family raised money through GoFundMe to pay for the $5,000 demanded by the hospital in Belize.

Tackett was ultimately flown to a hospital in Oklahoma where she passed away on August 14.

“We just wanted to get on here and Thank…

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Purpose of Life

+++++++++++++ I decided to reblog my own post because it goes along with this latest challenge; PLEASE click link to read.

I Believe, BECAUSE -

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen’s Challenge Tanka Poetry; her instruction is to use the synonyms for the words “Plan and Finish” the numerous synonyms are underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

My Haibun and Haiku or Senyru below:

Most Sashay through life without giving little thought to the end.
Time, also known as the world; more than breath, less than an illusion.
God’s design is all in all. We desire yet wonder what we yearn.

Purpose of life be
Happy in eternity
Know Love and Serve God


Ask, and it shall be given you:
seek, and you shall find:
knock, and it shall be opened to you.”

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Politics, Reblog

VAERS Report Indicates 9,000+ Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths, a 2,000 Increase in One Week

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Nwo Report


The most wicked medical experiment in human history has hit a horrific threshold.

In the past week, the latest VAERS Report indicates over 9,000 deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

That’s more vaccine-related deaths than all other vaccines combined.

Yet, the government and Big Pharma continue to insist the experimental jabs are safe and effective.

Trending: Newest Trump Dancing Video Is Out and I’m Dying!

With over 9,000 vaccine-related deaths, in what reality is this “safe and effective?”

Past vaccinations were pulled with dozens of deaths.

But the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are pushing 10,000.

And VAERS is notorious for underreporting cases.

That means we likely already passed 10,000 experimental COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

Here’s the latest:

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Children’s Health Defense reported:

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of438,441 total adverse…

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A reblog, Politics, Reblog

Department of Veterans Affairs to Pay for Sex Changes… While Over 35,000 Veterans Remain Homeless


Nwo Report

Source:Cassandra Fairbanks

The Department of Veterans Affairs is in the beginning stages of enacting a new policy that will pay for transgender veterans to get sex changes.

As of 2020, there were 37,252 homeless veterans in the United States.

On Saturday, VA Secretary Denis McDonough spoke at a Pride Month event in Florida and said that the agency was “taking the first necessary steps to expand VA’s care to include gender confirmation surgery.”

Paying for the expensive surgeries, McDonough said, will allow “transgender vets to go through the full gender confirmation process with VA at their side.”

“There are several steps to take, which will take time. But we are moving ahead, methodically, because we want this important change in policy to be implemented in a manner that has been thoroughly considered to ensure that the services made available to Veterans meet VA’s rigorous standards for quality health care,”…

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Reasons for all Seasons

Today I am at a loss for words to post, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so Reblog this from two years ago. I hope it makes you smile. I

I Believe, BECAUSE -

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Meaning & Passion” look for the synonym underlined.

How boring life would be without those famous candy hearts on
Valentine’s Day, thank you, Saint Valentine, for yourmessageof love.♥♥♥

Who doesn’t enjoy that green beer on St. Patricks Day,


♫ It’s not easy being green ♫ ♫ ♪; (tell that to AOC)

The warmth of Spring brings Easter, a new bonnet and basket full of colored eggs, bunnies; peeps too! The Lord has Risen proving He, Jesus Christ, IS God. Ah! Easter, God, is good.

Merry and joy, lights, decorations are here. Its Christmas, His Birthday and yet, we get all the presents. Just think if He never came to us, no reason as they say, for the season.

Any of the Seasons!

Powerful is…

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Politics, Reblog

Bikers for Trump Planning to “Retake” Seattle Autonomous Zone For America

It is about time someone who cares about America steps up! I will be praying for all who care about their Country. God Bless America!

Nwo Report

Source:  Richard Moorhead

A group of self-styled “Bikers for Trump” is pledging to retake Seattle’s Capital Hill Autonomous Zone for the United States, planning on dismantling the anarchist commune on the Fourth of July.

Seattle city authorities have steadfastly refused to enforce the territorial integrity of the United States and their city, instead opting to allow ANTIFA-linked militants to stake out a secessionist project openly advertising rebellion from the United States. The American motorcyclists intend to step in and fill the void left vacant by the city’s authorities, laying out their plans for the operation in aFacebook event.

On July 4th, Independence Day,a coalition of patriot groups and all who want to join are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America. antifa members are illegally occupying public property and terrorizing small businesses in the neighborhood. American patriots have agreed to come together again, remove…

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Seek Him

Excellent words, you are truly inspired when you wrote this, Jeff.

The other day Michelle and I caught ourselves having a heated discussion about a few Christian “hot topics”- some of which we agreed on wholeheartedly, and some that we didn’t necessarily see eye to eye on. And you may already know where I’m going with this because as Christians we believe the Bible to be the truth, a guide book of life given to God’s people. It’s an instruction manual, isn’t it? And when you’re looking at “the truth”, it’s very black and white, there’s no gray area, there’s no compromise. It’s God’s word and it is the truth.

Or is it?

How many of us are living in the gray area? How many of us say “I know the Bible says this, but it can’t really mean that.”, or “The Bible is an outdated book, things have changed a lot since then!”. How many of us are afraid to…

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