The Perfect MOTHER — RDP

Today on RDP Saturday, we are prompted to create a post with prose, poetry, or image and share it with Ragtag Daily Prompt”, “RDP,” and “Silk” as tags.

Silk always reminds me of the Mother of God; when she lived on earth, she was very poor, and silk was not a part of her life. She was humble and the perfect mother; God knew, and He created her for a special role; although she had free will, as the Bible quotes, she was full of grace (Luke 1;28) and never sinned of her own free will.

However, when her life was over, she died as we all will; now lives in heaven forever, helping us who ask her. She is dressed in the finest SILK, as fit for the Queen, she is.

Some Christians, by their own admission, ignore her and they miss out so much for the Bible also informs us that all generations shall call her Blessed. Luke 1; 48 “all generations shall call me blessed.”



Sun and Moon; BOTH!

W3 is a weekly poem prompt the details 

found HERE!  Thank you SkepticsKaddish 

The Sun and Moon both created
Not without a thought; from whom?
As the believer sees;  One God high,
Yet, He shines throughout.

The Moon lurks in darkness; as does
The doubter.  The Moon glows beguiling
Inviting all.  While God waits? 
God marks time, our time!
Morning the Sun rises. 
The Moon sleeps!
Another day, God waits!
A ray; His ray to shine on us!